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Table of Contents

Optical measurement

We use before-run4 optical measuremens from Chris K.:



History of DS1 quads alignment

  • 2011-10-18 CxiDs1.0:Cspad.0 cxi37411 alignment - copy of cxi35711, test runs 39, 80.
  • Deployed: /reg/d/psdm/CXI/cxi37411/calib/CsPad::CalibV1/CxiDs1.0:Cspad.0/
  • 2012-01-18 CSPad CxiDs1 alignment for cxi80410-r1150, cxi43312, cxi39912, etc.
    Local: ~dubrovin/LCLS/CSPadAlignment-v01/calib-cxi80410-r1150-Ds1/
    Deployed: /reg/d/psdm/CXI/cxi80410/calib/CsPad::CalibV1/CxiDs1.0:Cspad.0/ Files added as
  • 2012-02-17 CSPad CxiDs1 alignment for cxi39112-r0009, cxi39112
    Local: ~dubrovin/LCLS/CSPadAlignment-v01/calib-cxi39112-r0009-Ds1/
    Deployed: /reg/d/psdm/CXI/cxi39112/calib/CsPad::CalibV1/CxiDs1.0:Cspad.0/
  • 2012-03-08 CSPad CxiDs1 alignment for cxi49812-r0073 - copy of cxi37411, test runs 72(dark) 73(water ring) from 2011-12-03.
    Local: ~dubrovin/LCLS/CSPadAlignment-v01/calib-cxi49812-r0073-Ds1/
    Deployed: /reg/d/psdm/CXI/cxi49812/calib/CsPad::CalibV1/CxiDs1.0:Cspad.0/
  • 2012-03-14 CSPad CxiDs1 alignment for cxi49012-r0020
    Local: ~dubrovin/LCLS/CSPadAlignment-v01/calib-cxi49012-r0020-Ds1/*/
    Deployed: /reg/d/psdm/CXI/cxi49012/calib/CsPad::CalibV1/CxiDs1.0:Cspad.0/*/
  • 2013-01-31 CSPad CxiDs1 alignment
    Local: ~dubrovin/LCLS/CSPadAlignment-v01/calib-cxi64813-r0058-Ds1/*/
    Deployed: /reg/d/psdm/cxi/cxi64813/calib/CsPad::CalibV1/CxiDs1.0:Cspad.0/*/


2016-03-16 Geometry re-alignment

  • Chuck requested geometry file for old experiment cxi40112, run 23 - dark, run 32-35 - images.

Quality check

Raw metrology

Original metrology file has problems in 3 points.

CalibManager.GUIMetrology: Quality check in X-Y plane:

Code Block
segm:        S1      S2     dS1     dS2        L1      L2     dL1     dL2    angle(deg)   D1      D2      dD   d(dS)   d(dL)
Quad  2
segm: 6  -20901  -20905    -123    -127    -43278  -43388      54     -56   -0.16528   48166   48056     110       4     110
segm: 7  -20893  -20902      75      66    -43465  -44415     984      34    0.09193   48166   49146    -980       9     950

Quad  3
segm: 5   20768   20906     -68      70    -43404  -43542     166      28   -0.00132   48121   48295    -174    -138     138
  • Problematic measurements are
    • Quad 2, segm 6. Correction for point 32 Y=130->20
    • Quad 2, segm 7. Correction for point 26 Y=44485->43535
    • Quad 3, segm 5. Correction for point 23 X=90854->90716 and Y=90729->90867

Corrected metrology

2016-03-16 17:09:06 (info) CalibManager.GUIMetrology: Quality check in X-Y plane:
Code Block
segm:        S1      S2     dS1     dS2        L1      L2     dL1     dL2    angle(deg)   D1      D2      dD   d(dS)   d(dL)
Quad  0
segm: 0  -20911  -20907    -259    -255     43539   43543    -130    -126   -0.33818   48297   48306      -9      -4      -4
segm: 1  -20907  -20905       0       2     43535   43536      -4      -3    0.00132   48291   48298      -7      -2      -1
segm: 2  -20909  -20905     237     241    -43539  -43537    -114    -112    0.31452   48296   48299      -3      -4      -2
segm: 3  -20903  -20894     -31     -22    -43542  -43540       8      10   -0.03487   48300   48293       7      -9      -2
segm: 4   20908   20906    -111    -113    -43539  -43543     -51     -55    0.14738   48299   48301      -2       2       4
segm: 5   20911   20899     -54     -66    -43545  -43533     -35     -23    0.07896   48297   48297       0      12     -12
segm: 6  -20911  -20908    -167    -164    -43538  -43544      80      74   -0.21778   48303   48299       4      -3       6
segm: 7  -20897  -20905     -75     -83    -43539  -43541      40      38   -0.10396   48295   48297      -2       8       2
Quad  1
segm: 0  -20907  -20911    -205    -209     43544   43542    -100    -102   -0.27238   48302   48305      -3       4       2
segm: 1  -20904  -20892      -8       4     43544   43550       0       6   -0.00263   48305   48298       7     -12      -6
segm: 2  -21379  -21372      16      23    -43909  -43903      -7      -1    0.02545   48827   48837     -10      -7      -6
segm: 3  -21382  -21379      22      25    -43909  -43908     -12     -11    0.03066   48837   48837       0      -3      -1
segm: 4   20906   20915      23      32    -43535  -43543      15       7   -0.03619   48302   48298       4      -9       8
segm: 5   20911   20908     -17     -20    -43540  -43541     -11     -12    0.02434   48303   48298       5       3       1
segm: 6  -20900  -20904      63      59    -43540  -43538     -30     -28    0.08027   48296   48296       0       4      -2
segm: 7  -20900  -20901     115     114    -43537  -43543     -47     -53    0.15067   48292   48301      -9       1       6
Quad  2
segm: 0  -20910  -20905     -39     -34     43548   43540     -12     -20   -0.04803   48304   48301       3      -5       8
segm: 1  -20908  -20896      -9       3     43537   43539       0       2   -0.00395   48297   48293       4     -12      -2
segm: 2  -20900  -20912      92      80    -43536  -43536     -43     -43    0.11318   48297   48293       4      12       0
segm: 3  -20908  -20906     -61     -59    -43542  -43539      28      31   -0.07896   48299   48300      -1      -2      -3
segm: 4   20903   20900     276     273    -43538  -43536     137     139   -0.36124   48289   48300     -11       3      -2
segm: 5   20899   20895     244     240    -43538  -43540     116     114   -0.31846   48295   48293       2       4       2
segm: 6  -20901  -20905    -123    -127    -43388  -43388      54      54   -0.16507   48166   48155      11       4       0
segm: 7  -20893  -20902      75      66    -43465  -43465      34      34    0.09293   48166   48288    -122       9       0
Quad  3
segm: 0  -20904  -20897      91      98     43536   43538      42      44    0.12436   48291   48296      -5      -7      -2
segm: 1  -20909  -20904      -1       4     43529   43534      -5       0    0.00197   48288   48294      -6      -5      -5
segm: 2  -20907  -20902     338     343    -43537  -43540    -159    -162    0.44808   48295   48301      -6      -5       3
segm: 3  -20896  -20904     200     192    -43537  -43539     -95     -97    0.25793   48296   48293       3       8       2
segm: 4   20908   20906     138     136    -43533  -43542      70      61   -0.18029   48297   48297       0       2       9
segm: 5   20906   20906     -68     -68    -43404  -43404      28      28    0.08976   48121   48231    -110       0       0
segm: 6  -20900  -20905     251     246    -43540  -43541    -118    -119    0.32700   48297   48299      -2       5       1
segm: 7  -20905  -20908     248     245    -43536  -43540    -117    -121    0.32439   48298   48297       1       3       4
  • Corrected metrology have consistent size of 2x1 sides, but still in 2 of corrected points the difference in diagonal is about 1 pixel size (122, 110um)... 
  • All other measurements are consistent with each other within about 10um.
  • Angles of 2x1 are in the range from -0.36 to +0.44 degree.

2016-03-16 17:09:06 (info) CalibManager.GUIMetrology: Quality check in Z:
Code Block
segm:        SA      LA   XSize   YSize    dZS1  dZS2  dZL1  dZL2    dZSA  dZLA  ddZS  ddZL     dZX   dZY   angXZ(deg) angYZ(deg) dz3(um)
Quad  0
segm: 0  -20909   43541   43541   20909       3   -13   -41   -57      -5   -49    16    16     -49    -5  -0.06448   -0.01370    -15.994
segm: 1  -20906   43535   43535   20906     -19    22   -14    27       1     6   -41   -41       6     1   0.00790    0.00274     40.998
segm: 2  -20907  -43538   20907   43538      -8    -7     2     3      -7     2    -1    -1      -7     2  -0.01918    0.00263     -0.999
segm: 3  -20898  -43541   20898   43541      22     0     9   -13      11    -2    22    22      11    -2   0.03016   -0.00263     22.001
segm: 4   20907  -43541   43541   20907     -23     0   -31    -8     -11   -19   -23   -23     -19   -11  -0.02500   -0.03015     23.003
segm: 5   20905  -43539   43539   20905      10    19   -34   -25      14   -29    -9

Procedure and table of results

We calculate
S1 - 1st short side of 2x1
S2 - 2nd short side of 2x1
L1 - 1st long side of 2x1
L2 - 2nd long side of 2x1

dS and dL are the deviations of the 1st and 2nd corner along the short and long sides, respectively. The sign of all dS are chosen in order to provide correct sign for the tilt angle (the same direction for all 2x1 sensors).

Everything, excluding <dS/L> and angle(deg), are in micrometers.

Code Block

             S1      S2     dS1     dS2        L1      L2     dL1     dL2    <dS/L>  angle(deg)
Quad  0
pair: 0   20911   20907    -255    -259     43543   43539     130     126   -0.00590   -0.33819
pair: 1   20907   20905       2       0     43536   43535       4       3    0.00002    0.00132
pair: 2   20905   20909     241     237     43537   43539     112     114    0.00549    0.31452
pair: 3   20894   20903     -22     -31     43540   43542     -10      -8   -0.00061   -0.03487
pair: 4   20906   20908     111     113     43539   43543     -55     -51    0.00257    0.14738
pair: 5   20899   20911      54      66     43545   43533     -23     -35    0.00138    0.07896
pair: 6   20908   20911    -164    -167     43544   43538     -74     -80   -0.00380   -0.21778
pair: 7   20905   20897     -83     -75     43541   43539     -38     -40   -0.00181   -0.10396

Quad  1
pair: 0   20907   20911    -209    -205     43542   43544     100     102   -0.00475   -0.27238
pair: 1   20904   20892       4      -8     43550   43544       0      -6   -0.00009   -0.00526
pair: 2   21372   21379      23      16     43903   43909       1       7    0.00044    0.02545
pair: 3   21379   21382      25      22     43908   43909      11      12    0.00054    0.03066
pair: 4   20915   20906     -23     -32     43535   43543       7      15   -0.00063   -0.03619
pair: 5   20908   20911      17      20     43540   43541     -12     -11    0.00042    0.02434
pair: 6   20904   20900      59      63     43538   43540      28      30    0.00140    0.08027
pair: 7   20901   20900     114     115     43543   43537      53      47    0.00263    0.15067

Quad  2
pair: 0   20910   20905     -34     -39     43540   43548      12      20   -0.00084   -0.04803
pair: 1   20908   20896       3      -9     43539-29   43537 14  -0.03816    0.03837      -2 9.002
segm: 6  -0.0001020909   -0.00592
pair: 2-43541   20909 20912  43541 20900    -24  80 -25    16 92   15  43536   43536-24    15  43   1   43  1  0.00198    0.11318
pair: 3-24    15 20906 -0.06577  20908  0.01974   -59     -611.006
segm: 7  -20901  -43540 43539  20901 43542  43540   -31    4 -28   -0.001385   -0.07896
pair: 4 14   20900  5 20903    -276  0  -273   9  43538   435369     1399     137   -0.00630   -0.36125
pair: 5 9  20895 0.00000  20899  0.01184  -244    -2408.998
Quad     435381
segm: 0  -20909 43540  43543   11443543   20909  116   -0.0055624    -0.31846
pair: 6   20905  56 20901   74 -127    -12315    65 43388  -18 43278  -18    56  65   -5415   -0.0028808553   -0.16527
pair:04110 7   20902 18.008
segm: 1 20893 -20898   43547  66 43547   20898  75   -16  44415  31 43465     -34  39  -984  86  0.00161    0.09200

Quad 7 3
pair: 0  62 20904  -47 20897  -47    98  62    91 7   0.08157 43538   435360.01919     -42 46.979
segm: 2  -21375  -4443906   21375  0.00217 43906   0.12436
pair: 1 -46  20909 -50  20904   9    4 5     -148     7 43534   43529 4     4 5    -48   0  7  -0.0000512866    0.00263
pair:00913 2   20902   209074.016
segm: 3  -21380  -43908 343  21380   33843908     43540-26   43537-10    -16 162     159    0.00782    0.44809
pair: 3 -18   20904 -8  20896 -16   -16 192    -18 200   -8  43539-0.04824   43537-0.01044    -15.999
segm: 4 97  20910  -43539  95 43539   0.0045020910    0.25794
pair: 4 -7  20906 -18  20908 -53   -13864     -13612   -58  43533  11 43542   11   61  -58   -12 70   -0.0031507633   -0.18029
pair:03288 5   20906 -10.983
segm: 5  20768 20909  -43540   6843540   20909  -70     434044   43542 10   -73  28 -67    166   -0.000027   -0.00117
pair: 670    20905-6   20900 -6    246 -70    251 7  -0.09212  43541  0.01918 43540     119 6.003
segm: 6  -20902  118-43539   20902 0.00571    0.32701
pair: 743539    20908 -30  20905 -27    24521    24 248    -28 43540   4353622    -3 121   -3   117  -28  0.00566    0.32439
  • The only problematic measurement is for Quad 3, pair 5.
  • All other are consistent with each other within +/-10um.
  • Angles of 2x1 are in the range from -0.46 to +0.44 degree.

Configuration parameters

Configuration parameters are shown in number of pixels.

For 2x1 pairs in each quad

Coordinates of the 2x1 centers (the same orientation as in optical measurement, center is calculated as an average of 4 corner coordinates)

Code Block

self.pairXInQaud = [[199.14,  198.05,  310.67,   98.22,  629.71,  629.68,  711.87,  499.32],
                    [198.52,  198.08,  311.50,   98.69,  627.27,  627.27,  712.35,  499.77],
                    [198.32,  198.04,  310.53,   97.43,  626.68,  628.45,  710.86,  498.01],
                    [198.26,  198.04,  308.70,   96.42,  627.66,  628.04,  711.12,  498.25]]

self.pairYInQaud = [[308.25,   95.11,  625.60,  625.70,  515.02,  727.37,  198.53,  199.30],
                    [307.18,   95.08,  622.98,  623.51,  514.99,  727.35,  199.27,  198.94],
                    [307.68,   95.09,  623.95,  625.29,  512.32,  724.63,  198.04,  200.35],
                    [307.39,   95.12,  627.57,  626.65,  518.03,  730.95,  200.02,  199.70]]

self.pairZInQaud = [[  0.31,    0.12,    0.05,    0.12,    0.28,    0.24,    0.40,    0.27],
                    [  0.45,    0.36,    0.62,    0.33,    1.02,    0.92,    1.30,    1.07],
                    [  0.23,    0.22,    0.11,    0.15,    0.24,    0.20,    0.60,    0.42],
                    [  0.25,    0.21,    0.12,    0.10,    0.35,    0.28,    0.66,    0.40]]

Hand-maid coordinate correction for 2x1 in quads

Code Block

        self.dXInQaud    = [[   0,   0,   0,   1,   1,   0,   1,   0],
                            [   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,  -1,   0],
                            [   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0],
                            [   0,   0,   0,  -1,   0,   0,   0,   1]] 
        self.dYInQaud    = [[   0,   0,   0,   0,  -1,   0,  -1,   0],
                            [   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   1,   0,   0], 
                            [   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,  -1,  -2], 
                            [   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0]]

2x1-pair orientation in quads

Code Block

        self.pairInQaudOrient = [ [ 270, 270, 180, 180,  90,  90, 180, 180],
                                  [ 270, 270, 180, 180,  90,  90, 180, 180],
                                  [ 270, 270, 180, 180,  90,  90, 180, 180],
                                  [ 270, 270, 180, 180,  90,  90, 180, 180] ]

Sensor tilt angle (dergee) from optical measurement

Code Block

self.dPhi = [ [-0.33819,  0.00132,  0.31452, -0.03487,  0.14738,  0.07896, -0.21778, -0.10396],
              [-0.27238, -0.00526,  0.02545,  0.03066, -0.03619,  0.02434,  0.08027,  0.15067],
              [-0.04803, -0.00592,  0.11318, -0.07896, -0.36125, -0.31846, -0.16527,  0.09200],
              [ 0.12436,  0.00263,  0.44809,  0.25794, -0.18029, -0.00117,  0.32701,  0.32439] ]

For quads in the detector

Code Block



22  -0.07675    0.02895     -3.006
segm: 7  -20900  -43540   20900   43540     -36   -14    13    35     -25    24   -22   -22     -25    24  -0.06854    0.03158    -21.996
Quad  2
segm: 0  -20907   43544   43544   20907      -9     1     6    16      -4    11   -10   -10      11    -4   0.01447   -0.01096     10.001
segm: 1  -20902   43538   43538   20902     -15    22    14    51       3    32   -37   -37      32     3   0.04211    0.00822     36.989
segm: 2  -20906  -43536   20906   43536       5   -19    15    -9      -7     3    24    24      -7     3  -0.01918    0.00395     23.989
segm: 3  -20907  -43540   20907   43540      17    14     4     1      15     2     3     3      15     2   0.04111    0.00263      2.999
segm: 4   20901  -43537   43537   20901     -23   -25   -27   -29     -24   -28     2     2     -28   -24  -0.03685   -0.06579     -2.005
segm: 5   20897  -43539   43539   20897      -2     6   -37   -29       2   -33    -8    -8     -33     2  -0.04343    0.00548      8.003
segm: 6  -20903  -43388   20903   43388     -31   -10    51    72     -20    61   -21   -21     -20    61  -0.05482    0.08055    -21.002
segm: 7  -20897  -43465   20897   43465     -10   -12    52    50     -11    51     2     2     -11    51  -0.03016    0.06723      1.995
Quad  3
segm: 0  -20900   43537   43537   20900       2   -13    17     2      -5     9    15    15       9    -5   0.01184   -0.01371    -14.999
segm: 1  -20906   43531   43531   20906      -7    32    20    59      12    39   -39   -39      39    12   0.05133    0.03289     38.992
segm: 2  -20904  -43538   20904   43538      -6   -22    14    -2     -14     6    16    16     -14     6  -0.03837    0.00790     16.005
segm: 3  -20900  -43538   20900   43538       2     4    16    18       3    17    -2    -2       3    17   0.00822    0.02237     -1.998
segm: 4   20907  -43537   43537   20907     -28   -24   -36   -32     -26   -34    -4    -4     -34   -26  -0.04474   -0.07125      4.005
segm: 5   20906  -43404   43404   20906      13     3   -26   -36       8   -31    10    10     -31     8  -0.04092    0.02193    -10.000
segm: 6  -20902  -43540   20902   43540     -44   -17    27    54     -30    40   -27   -27     -30    40  -0.08223    0.05264    -27.003
segm: 7  -20906  -43538   20906   43538       2   -11    30    17      -4    23    13    13      -4    23  -0.01096    0.03027     13.000

Alignment of quads

cxi40112, run 23 - dark, run 32,35,53 - images of rings with wires

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in archive:


and in experimental calib directory:


