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List of potential application group projects for the next year. FY13. We are not actively pursuing all of these tasks, many are dormant due to lack of manpower.


  • Complete pipeline improvements to support "split" mode and job cancellation
  • Support implementation of Dirac/Grid interface
  • Performance/scalability improvements for trending database
  • Upgrade core databases to Oracle 11/
  • Migrate to new "Fermilnx" machines
  • Clarify ability to run on generator power
  • Support use of NASA batch machines at Ames?
  • Ongoing maintenance, support and problem solving
  • Support migration to new batch system
  • Continued support for collaboration database, user support, newsletter(?)
  • Continued support for speakers bureau
  • Continued WIRED support

LSST Camera Control System (CCS)

  • Continued development of core CCS infrastructure
  • Continue support for build infrastructure
  • Continue development of documentation, use cases, design requirements
  • Develop CCS tools needed by test stand, testing framework
    • Develop tools needed by vertical test standslice test (VST)
      • Console for controlling DAQ
      • FITS image output from VST
      • Console support for test image viewing
      • Scripting of image capture tests
  • Continue to support refrigeration tests
  • Prepare for single filter test in France
    • Develop single filter test GUI
  • Enhance functionality of Console

LSST Dark Energy Science Collaboration

  • Continued support of collaboration database
    • More maintainable sign-up mechanism needed
  • Continued use of pipeline for ImSim etc
  • Explore future use of data catalog

LSST Testing and I&T

  • Support for developing test databases, web interface, data catalog, data curation, pipeline


  • Implement web viewing of offline analysis and trending results
  • Update Processing Summary for new pipeline
  • Database support for "golden run list", enhanced web interface for data entry
  • Complete performance improvements for web based data monitoring tools
  • Improve/add new plots to online data monitoring
  • Display of internal calibration records in data monitoring application
  • Implement requested improvements to online event display
  • Continued "computer coordination" role
  • Continued support/maintenance for EXO tools (daq gui, online event display, data monitoring, online monitoring, pipeline, data catalog, web tools)
  • Interface for loading new data into conditions system (currently this is done by me by hand)
  • User database support


  • Complete evaluation of requirements for KPiX calorimeter testing
  • Decide on support levels if any




  • Continued support of
  • <Waiting for input from Norman/Jeremy>
  • Snowmass preparation?

CDMS/Dark Light

  • ? 


  •  Continued support of SSRL download app
    • Understand any future development requirements
  • Theory group support (subversion/jenkins)

Technology Evaluation

  • HTML5/GWT/jQuerty/etc -- choose strategic direction
  • Restful interface tools/evaluation
  • Explore data visualization toolkits
  • Data visualization toolhitsCatalog 2.0

Core Technologies

  • Web application framework support
    • Complete login filter integration with Crowd
    • . Deploy for SRS/EXO/Fermi/...
      • Organize cyber
      • -security review?
  • Develop potential data catalog roadmap
    • Evaluate plans for "data catalog 2" web interface
    • Evaluate work needed to remove Oracle dependency
    • Migrate to Java7/tomcat 7
  • Continued subversion/CVS/Jenkins support
  • Pipeline support
    • Support for new SLAC batch system?
  • JAS/AIDA support
    • We at least need to support JAS "framework" for use by LSST