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Table of Contents

Table of Contents



The FACET facility is controlled by a combination of the VMS-based SCP control system, and EPICS. EPICS controls are centered in the new experimental region in LI20, and include these subsystems: profile monitor, collimator/motion, bunch length monitor, wire scanner and event. Magnet, bpm and toroid subsystems in the new LI20 region are controlled by the SCP. A single EPICS controlled profile monitor will eventually reside in LI10.
All other FACET controls are SCP-based. 


  • document is attached to this page
    • click the paperclip near the upper lefthand corner of the screen, beneath the Confluence man logo
    • click programming_guide_matlab_facet.pdf to view it
  • also in /usr/local/facet/tools/matlab/programming_guide_matlab_facet.pdf




I. Logging into the FACET control system


The FACET EPICS control system resides on its own MCC-based a private network, parallel to and separate from the LCLS network.  The FACET server that will be used for physics work is:

  • facet-srv01

To log into the FACET network FACET server from a linux terminal session:

  • Account setup :
    • Please send Ken Brobeck an e-mail request that includes your unix username (with a cc: to your supervisor) to:
      • add your unix ssh key to the fphysics account
      • add your username to controls software unix groups to enable CVS access
    • Your afs unix account must be added to the facet group.  Contact Ken Brobeck (x2558).
    • You will be logging into the facet network as the shared fphysics account. For personal matlab settings, Mike Zelazny (x3673) will set you up with an optional user-specific directory and environment under fphysics.
  • Login:
    • Bring up a linux terminal window:
      • from an MCC OPI or linux box click the terminal icon on the desktopOPI  (MCC Control Room Workstation)
        • Click on taskbar icon "Facet Konsole"     Image Added
        • This will automatically log you into fphysics on facet-srv01
          • On the OPI's the background color will be a light yellow to differentiate between LCLS and FACET
      • From Linux (konsole/xterm), Windows (Secure CRT or XWin32)  from Windows use Secure CRT or XWin-32
        • Log into mcclogin with your
        • unix account:
          • ssh mcclogin
        • From mcclogin, log into facet-srv01 as the fphysics account
          • ssh fphysics@facet-srv01
    • When prompted, enter your user number assigned by Mike (or 0 if you don't have one.)

    • Enter the number corresponding to your username from the list. If you are not in the username list yet and would like be, then:
      • enter 0 (for None). You will end up in directory /home/fphysics.
      • mkdir username (username is your Unix login username)
      • logout
      • log back in, as above: ssh fphysics@facet-srv01
      • Enter the number corresponding to your username
    • You should now be With a personal setup by Mike, you are now in /home/fphysics/userid username (e.g. /home/fphysics/fred)
    • With the generic login setup, you are now in /home/fphysics

an fyi: the FACET and LCLS directory structures have a parallel naming convention:


    • Your environment should now be set up to run and develop matlab scripts.
  • Optional: if you want to customized your environment further
    • Create file /home/fphysics/username/ENVS
    • ENVS will be sourced every time you log in




II. FACET edm displays: facethome

facethome is the toplevel edm display for the FACET accelerator. It is similar to lclshome, a grid showing areas and subsystems, with clickability into the various displays.


  • click the facethome icon on the display




SLC system principles and development documents:
The different kinds of Mode in the SCP
Facet model preparation
SLAC Online Modelling Programmers Guide

Principals of Operation (POOP):
Basic User Guide (BUG):

To run a SCP from a terminal session window:

  • from your unix from your afs account on mcclogin, log into mcc and run the scp:
    ssh mcc
    scp xt userid (e.g. scp xt fred)


  • click the "SCP..." button

ExampleAn example: displaying a Design TWISS plot from the SCP:




IV. Matlab

For a complete overview, detailed instructions on developing matlab scripts, and examples, please see the "MATLAB Programmer's Guide for FACET physicists", attached to this Confluence page.

Environment setup

  • After you log onto a Linux machine using the fphysics account,


  • your environment will be set up for running and developing matlab scripts.

Starting matlab

  • type
  • For instructions and examples see the Programmer's Guide.
  • All shared matlab scripts are stored in the version control system, CVS. LCLS and FACET matlab scripts share a CVS repository, so there are many LCLS-specific scripts to be found in the toolbox and src directories, alongside the FACET and so-called "accelerator-agnostic" versions.

basic flow for working with matlab scripts and CVS

  • if you haven't already, cvs checkout the matlab toolbox directory into your working area (/home/fphysics/fred)
    cd /home/fphysics/fred (if you're fred!)
    cvs co matlab/toolbox
  • cd into the toolbox directory
    cd matlab/toolbox
  • to get the latest CVS-ed copy of a script, use cvs update:
    cvs update myScript.m
    or to get the latest CVS-ed copies of all the scripts:
    cvs update
  • work on a new script, or an existing script
  • test thoroughly until your work is ready for primetime
  • cvs add any new scripts you've created
    cvs add myScript.m
  • cvs commit scripts that you have added or changed
    cvs commit myScript.m
  • release new/changed scripts to the production directory (
  • source /usr/local/facet/tools/script/ENVS_facet.bash
  • export EPICS_CA_MAX_ARRAY_BYTES=40000000 (if you'll be using OTR image data)
  • export DISPLAY=your_IP_address:0 (if you're logging in from Windows - your_IP_address can be found after running ipconfig)

Starting matlab

  • If you want the full GUI development environment, type
  • If you want to run applications only and/or do some basic scripting (recommended), type
    matlab -nodesktop -nosplash
    This starts the fully working command-line version that requires much less resources.


  • tested matlab scripts that are shared can be found here:
    cvs2prod myScript.m

Development environment note


Once you have done cvs checkout matlab/toolbox, the next time you login to facet-srv01 (as fphysics - see above #login section) your matlab working directory /home/fphysics/yourusername/matlab/toolbox will be prepended to the MATLABPATH environment variable. This means that when you (logged in as your username) run a script you're developing, your version will run instead of over the one in production.

getSystem() function
Within a matlab script you can use the getSystem function to determine the accelerator system defined in the current working environment. This is useful for writing scripts that can be used for multiple accelerator systems, with conditional actions depending on accelerator.unmigrated-wiki-markup

\[system,accelerator\] = getSystem();

Return values are:


system = SYS1, accelerator = FACET


system = SYS0, accelerator = LCLS


system = SYS4, accelerator = NLCTA

All shared matlab scripts are stored in the version control system, CVS. LCLS and FACET matlab scripts share their CVS repository, so there are many LCLS-specific scripts to be found in the toolbox and src directories, alongside the FACET and so-called "accelerator-agnostic" versions. For much more info see the Programmer's Guide.

Matlab support PVs
A set of Matlab support PVs for FACET are available from the matlab support soft IOCs, with the naming convention

  • x is the IOC number, from 1 - 3
  • type indicates PV type
  • n is a 3-digit number

To view the PVs:

  • bring up facethome
  • click the “Matlab GUIs…” button
  • click the “Matlab PVs…” button (bottom center)
  • click the button for the PV type you’re interested in (e.g. “Matlab Support PVs…”)
  • in the dropdown list, select the range of PVs to view

To use the PVs:

  • Use the edm displays above to select PV(s) that are not used already (value is spare, description is comment)
  • Enter a description in the comment field (overwrite "comment")
  • Use the PV name(s) in your matlab program

Example display of Matlab support AO PVs:
Image Added

CODE Examples

  • Buffered Data Acquisition example script:
    • log into facet-srv01 as fphysics
    • have a look at Mike Zelazny's script:

EPICS PV visibility



For a complete overview, detailed instructions and examples please see the "MATLAB Programmer's Guide for FACET physicists"Here is a short description:, attached to this Confluence page.

A LCLS event system has been setup to read devices synchronous with beam crossing, such as BPMS and toroids. FACET beam synchronous acquisition will interface with both EPICS and the VMS-based SCP. Implementation of this interface is currently in process. The BSA system will be usable from within Matlab. Note that this is not implemented for image data collection, which is described in a separate section of the Programmer's Guide.

Basically, the steps for using BSA are:


more coming...





For a complete overview, detailed instructions and examples please see the "MATLAB Programmer's Guide for FACET physicists"

Here is a short excerpt:

, attached to this Confluence page.

To obtain control system names and values, AIDA is accessible from the linux command line, via aidaWeb, through matlab and other language interfaces.

For FACET, the AIDA interface will provide SLC model data, .... (BPM? etc.?)

Basically, to get data from AIDA, use the function
aidaget(aida_name, type, params)

  • aida_name is the AIDA control system name, following the pattern <device>//<attribute>
  • type (optional case-insensitive string)
  • params (optional parameter=value pairs)

list of data sources

command line tools


SLC Buffered Data Service

web interface




Q: How do I log onto the channel access network?
A: While shared accounts are used, the command is:
ssh fphysics@facet-srv01
If that hangs, then ssh into mcclogin first:
ssh mcclogin

Q: Where do I put changes to the standard environment setup?
A: Put them in /home/fphysics/<username>/ENVS.
See /home/fphysics/zelazny/ENVS for an example.

Q: How do I check things out of cvs?
A: To checkout software (you only need to do this once):
cd /home/fphysics/zelazny
cvs co matlab/toolbox

Q: How to I put things back in cvs?
A: To put software into cvs:
cd /home/fphysics/zelazny/matlab/toolbox
cvs commit

Q: What if I created some new files?
A: To put new files into cvs:
cvs add <filename>
cvs commit

Q: Why is CVS asking for someone else's password?
A: Your environment isn't setup correctly. Setup with:

Q: I'm not listed when I "set_profile", what do I do?
A: Press "0" for none, then create your profile with:
cd /home/fphysics
mkdir <your unix username>
log out of fphysics, and log back in. You should be listed.

Q: How do I release to production?
A: To make software available for general use, you will use the cvs2prod utility. See above #matlab "basic flow" section abovve

Q: How do I get files from /afs to the channel access network?
A: To get a file from /afs that's not in cvs:
scp loos@mcclogin:~loos/controls/profmon/profmon_setup.m

Q: Where are the Matlab data files?
A: (on facet-srv01) ls -als $MATLABDATAFILES
(on mcclogin) ls -als ls /mccfs2/u1/facet/matlab
(from SLAC web browsers)
Q: I'm totally lost, what do I do?
A: Call Jingchen Zhou x4661






IX. Edit the Developers Guide

Please feel free to modify/correct/add to this document

  • Click the "Log In" link in the upper right-hand corner to the left of the Search box.
  • Enter your Unix username and password
  • Click the Edit link (pencil) beneath the Search box
  • Edit in the Rich Text Editor, or click the Wiki Markup tab to edit in the Markup language.
  • Markup syntax guide:
  • Be sure and click the Preview tab before saving to make sure your changes look ok
  • Click the "Save" button to publish your changes.
