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DescriptionPV namePV type

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0, 1

PLC's I/O typeModbus AddressPLC register nameNotes
Reset Interlocks/LatchesPPSPLC:BSY0:2:InterlockResetboOff, ResetREQ7a0.i0This PLC is referred to as PLC2 in "LCLS-II BSY Beam Switching & Stopper Permit Controls Specification", and PLC1-5 all have equivalent signals
Pause Heartbeat


boTrue, FalseREQ6a0.i1
HW EnablePPS:BSY0:2:HW_ENABLEbiDisabled (MAJOR), Enabled (NO_ALARM)RT-IN7a0.o0
LCLS Secure: The LCLS Secure Loop for the BTH through FEH is completed and the latching interlock has been reset (i.e., all downstream areas are searched, secure, in No Access, and A\V timeout has completed successfully without EO interruption).PPS:BSY0:2:LCLS_SECUREbiNot_Secure (MAJOR), Secure (NO_ALARM)RT-IN6a0.o1
RSY Secure: The research yard fenced area is rad ready and the latching interlock has been reset (i.e., all areas searched, secure, in No Access, and A/V timeout has completed successfully without EO interruption).PPS:BSY0:2:RSY_SECUREbiNot_Secure (MAJOR), Secure (NO_ALARM)RT-IN5a0.o2
PLC2 panel Stopper-Enable Keyswitch: Local keyswitch on the hardware panel used as a “LOTO” style permit interrupt mechanism and personnel safety token. Keyswitch physically interrupts control circuit permit to HXR/SXR stoppers.PPS:BSY0:2:STOPPER_ENABLEbiNot_Enabled (MAJOR), Enabled (NO_ALARM)RT-IN3a0.o4
Heartbeat IN (from opposite chain)PLC:BSY0:2:HbXInHRTBT_INPbiZero (NO_ALARM), One (NO_ALARM)RT-IN2a0.o5
Cross-Interlock input HX Permit (test-switched A or B): “Raw” stopper permit signal from opposite chain, used for cross-interlocking safety output. When PLCs are cross-interlocked, a fault in either isolated safety chain will result in both chains responding. When PLCs are not cross-interlocked, they operate in isolation of each other, only according to their own individual inputs and logic.PLC:BSYH:2:XInterlockInbiNotReady (MAJOR), Ready (NO_ALARM)RT-IN1a0.o6
Cross-Interlock input SX Permit (test-switched A or B): “Raw” stopper permit signal from opposite chain, used for cross-interlocking safety output. When PLCs are cross-interlocked, a fault in either isolated safety chain will result in both chains responding. When PLCs are not cross-interlocked, they operate in isolation of each other, only according to their own individual inputs and logic.PLC:BSYS:2:XInterlockInbiNotReady (MAJOR), Ready (NO_ALARM)RT-IN0a0.o7
Safety Relay Feedback – HX Summary OFF: The PLC calculates summary off signals for both HXR and SXR, which drive two independent external safety relays, used by other systems. One contact is monitored on each relay by the PLC to confirm proper relay operation. If the feedback signal “disagrees” with the PLC output driving the external relay, a fault is triggered. The feedback signal is inverted from the relay drive signal.PPS:BSYH:2:SRInbiFault (MAJOR), Ok (NO_ALARM)RT-IN15a0.o8These inputs have correponding outputs below, called ....Out.
Safety Relay Feedback – SX Summary OFF: The PLC calculates summary off signals for both HXR and SXR, which drive two independent external safety relays, used by other systems. One contact is monitored on each relay by the PLC to confirm proper relay operation. If the feedback signal “disagrees” with the PLC output driving the external relay, a fault is triggered. The feedback signal is inverted from the relay drive signal.PPS:BSYS:2:SRInbiFault (MAJOR), Ok (NO_ALARM)RT-IN14a0.o9
Test Mode Keyswitch statusPLC:BSY0:2:TestModebiTest (MAJOR), Normal (NO_ALARM)RT-IN13a0.o10
STP-D2 Summary OUT: This signal is required as part of the conditions for Cu beam to HXR. It is the logical sum of STP-D2, STP-60, STP-61 and DM60 “OUT” limit switch statuses.STPR:BSYH:BSY01:847D2:OutSumbiTest (MAJOR), Normal (NO_ALARM)RT-IN8a0.o15
HX-Kicker Magnet OFF: Magnet status from SC beamline power supplies.KICK:SPH:110:PPSOffStatusbiNotOff (MAJOR), Off (NO_ALARM)RT-IN23a0.o16

HX-SepMrg Magnet OFF: Magnet status from SC beamline power supplies.BEND:SPH:170:PPSOffStatusbiNotOff (MAJOR), Off (NO_ALARM)RT-IN22a0.o17
BYKIK OFF: Magnet status from SC beamline power supplies.KICK:LTUH:320:PPSOffStatusbiNotOff (MAJOR), Off (NO_ALARM)RT-IN21a0.o18
FEE/NEH H1.3 Stopper ST1L0 INPPS:BSY0:2:ST1L0InbiNotIn (NO_ALARM), On (MAJOR)RT-IN20a0.o19Check NEH name for conflicts
HX-Kicker Admin enable: Input deriving as a summary from multiple administrative keyswitches (from ACR and NEH) , for allowing beam into the BSY. Operates similar to the “beam enable keyswitch”, but control is solely via PLC software, instead of interrupting physical circuit.KICK:SPH:110:AcrEnablebiNotEnabled (MAJOR), Enabled (NO_ALARM)RT-IN19a0.o20
Spare (HX-Kicker interlock)KICK:SPH:110:SpareBit18biFault (MAJOR), Ok (NO_ALARM)RT-IN18a0.o21Check with Eddie or ? if this does something, should be on screens. If it doesn't need to be on a diag screen, delete.
STP-34 Summary OUT: This signal is required as part of the conditions for Cu beam to SXR. It is the logical sum of STP-34A and STP-34B “OUT” limit switch statuses.


biTest (MAJOR), Normal (NO_ALARM)RT-IN95a0.o64
SX-Kicker Magnet OFF: Magnet status from SC beamline power supplies.KICK:SPS:385:PPSOffStatusbiNotOff (MAJOR), Off (NO_ALARM)RT-IN94a0.o65
SX-Septum Magnet OFF: Magnet status from SC beamline power supplies.BEND:SPS:470:PPSOffStatusbiNotOff (MAJOR), Off (NO_ALARM)RT-IN93a0.o66
BYKIKS Magnet OFF: Magnet status from SC beamline power supplies.KICK:LTUS:350:PPSOffStatusbiNotOff (MAJOR), Off (NO_ALARM)RT-IN92a0.o67
CL-Merge Magnet OFF: Magnet status from SC beamline power supplies.BEND:CLTS:765:PPSOffStatusbiNotOff (MAJOR), Off (NO_ALARM)RT-IN91a0.o68
SX-Kicker Admin enable: Input deriving as a summary from multiple administrative keyswitches (from ACR and NEH) , for allowing beam into the BSY. Operates similar to the “beam enable keyswitch”, but control is solely via PLC software, instead of interrupting physical circuit.KICK:SPS:385:ACREnablebiNotEnabled (MAJOR), Enabled (NO_ALARM)RT-IN90a0.o69
Spare (SX-Kicker interlock)KICK:SPS:385:SpareBit89biFault (MAJOR), Ok (NO_ALARM)RT-IN89a0.o70see above spare
HX-Kicker and HX-SepMrg Permit: Real-time HXR stopper permit status. Output drives both kicker and septum/merge power supply permits.STPR:SPH:110:PermitbiNotPermitted (MAJOR), Permitted (NO_ALARM)RT-OUT103a0.o72
HX-Kicker and HX-SepMrg Permit (RET): This is a copy of the HXR permit output. For redundant HW safety, both (+) and (-) sides of stopper controls are interrupted.STPR:SPH:110:PermitRetbiNotPermitted (MAJOR), Permitted (NO_ALARM)RT-OUT102a0.o73
HX-Kicker/SepMrg Summary OFF to relay: Real-time HXR stopper off status. Output drives independent safety relay providing multiple dry-contact summaries for use by other systems.STPR:SPH:110:PPSOffStatusbiNotOff (MAJOR), Off (NO_ALARM)RT-OUT101a0.o74
HX "Kicker Conditions OK" to PLC1: Real-time status of beamline conditions necessary for HXR kicker permit which is transmitted to 30-BSY (PLC1).KICK:SPH:110:PPSReadybiFault (MAJOR), Ok (NO_ALARM)RT-OUT100a0.o75
SX-Kicker and SX-Septum Permit: Real-time SXR stopper permit status. Output drives both kicker and septum power supply permits.STPR:SPS:385:PermitbiNotPermitted (MAJOR), Permitted (NO_ALARM)RT-OUT99a0.o76
SX-Kicker and SX-Septum Permit (RET): This is a copy of the HXR permit output. For redundant HW safety, both (+) and (-) sides of stopper controls are interrupted.STPR:SPS:385:PermitRetbiNotPermitted (MAJOR), Permitted (NO_ALARM)RT-OUT98a0.o77
SX-Kicker/Septum Summary OFF to relay: Real-time SXR stopper off status. Output drives independent safety relay providing multiple dry-contact summaries for use by other systems.STPR:SPS:385:PPSOffStatusbiNotOff (MAJOR), Off (NO_ALARM)RT-OUT97a0.o78
SX "Kicker Conditions OK" to PLC1: Real-time status of beamline conditions necessary for SXR kicker permit which is transmitted to 30-BSY (PLC1).STPRKICK:SPS:385:PPSReadybiFault (MAJOR), Ok (NO_ALARM)RT-OUT96a0.o79
Cross-Interlock HX Permit (RT to testswitch for test mode): “Raw” stopper permit signal used for cross-interlocking safety output. This output is returned to the same PLC when the testmode switch is in TEST mode.

PLC:BSYH:2:XInterlockTestbiNotReady (MAJOR), Ready (NO_ALARM)RT-OUT111a0.o80
Cross-Interlock HX Permit (RT to testswitch for other chain): “Raw” stopper permit signal used for cross-interlocking safety output. This output is sent to the opposite chain PLC when the testmode switch is in NORMAL mode.PLC:BSYH:2:XInterlockOutbiNotReady (MAJOR), Ready (NO_ALARM)RT-OUT110a0.o81
Cross-Interlock SX Permit (RT to testswitch for test mode): “Raw” stopper permit signal used for cross-interlocking safety output. This output is returned to the same PLC when the testmode switch is in TEST mode.PLC:BSYS:2:XInterlockTestbiNotReady (MAJOR), Ready (NO_ALARM)RT-OUT109a0.o82
Cross-Interlock SX Permit (RT to testswitch for other chain): “Raw” stopper permit signal used for cross-interlocking safety output. This output is sent to the opposite chain PLC when the testmode switch is in NORMAL mode.PLC:BSYS:2:XInterlockOutbiNotReady (MAJOR), Ready (NO_ALARM)RT-OUT108a0.o83
ACR Hardware alarmPPS:BSY0:2:HwAlrmWarnbiFault (MAJOR), Ok (NO_ALARM)RT-OUT107a0.o84Check if N is because 2 is used elsewhere
Heartbeat OUT (to opposite chain)PLC:BSY0:2:HbXOutHRTBT_OUTPbiZero (NO_ALARM), One (NO_ALARM)RT-OUT106a0.o85

BCS fault from PLC2: Signal to BCS system to trigger a BCS fault when conditions described in 5.2.2 are met. Signal is OK=TRUE, Fault=FALSE.

PPS:BSY0:2:BCSFaultbiFault (MAJOR), Ok (NO_ALARM)RT-OUT132a0.o107

Heartbeat OK: TRUE if Hearbeat OUT signal from other chain is received and cycling at 0.5 Hz frequency. This signal is OR’d with other signals to generate the BCS Fault from PLC2 signal.

PLC:BSY0:2:HrtBtOkHRTBT_OKbiFault (MAJOR), Ok (NO_ALARM)RT-OUT131a0.o108

Magnet Status HX-Kicker/SepMrg Fault: TRUE if the magnet permit is FALSE and magnet off is FALSE. A short delay is included to avoid race conditions. These signals are OR’d with other signals to generate the BCS Fault from PLC2 signal.

STPR:SPH:110:PPSFaultbiOk (NO_ALARM), Fault (MAJOR)RT-OUT130a0.o109

Fault → PPSFault


Magnet Status SX-Kicker/Septum Fault: TRUE if the magnet permit is FALSE and magnet off is FALSE. A short delay is included to avoid race conditions. These signals are OR’d with other signals to generate the BCS Fault from PLC2 signal.STPR:SPS:385:PPSFaultbiOk (NO_ALARM), Fault (MAJOR)RT-OUT129a0.o110
Magnet Status BYKIK Fault: TRUE if the magnet permit is FALSE and magnet off is FALSE. A short delay is included to avoid race conditions. These signals are OR’d with other signals to generate the BCS Fault from PLC2 signal.KICK:LTUH:320:PPSFaultbiOk (NO_ALARM), Fault (MAJOR)RT-OUT128a0.o111
Magnet Status BYKIKS Fault: TRUE if the magnet permit is FALSE and magnet off is FALSE. A short delay is included to avoid race conditions. These signals are OR’d with other signals to generate the BCS Fault from PLC2 signal.KICK:LTUS:350:PPSFaultbiOk (NO_ALARM), Fault (MAJOR)RT-OUT143a0.o112
Safety Relay HX Summary OFF OK: Because the relay feedback signal is inverted from the relay drive signal, the feedback “disagrees” with the drive when both signals are in the same state. A short delay in included to avoid race conditions. These signals are OR’d with other signals togenerate the BCS Fault from PLC2 signal.PPS:BSY0:2:SROutbiFault (MAJOR), Ok (NO_ALARM)RT-OUT142a0.o113
Safety Relay SX Summary OFF OK: Because the relay feedback signal is inverted from the relay drive signal, the feedback “disagrees” with the drive when both signals are in the same state. A short delay in included to avoid race conditions. These signals are OR’d with other signals to generate the BCS Fault from PLC2 signal.PPS:BSY0:2:SROutbiFault (MAJOR), Ok (NO_ALARM)RT-OUT141a0.o114