Versions Compared


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Comment: Migrated to Confluence 4.0


  • Make TDS classes stable, so to ease upgrade of System Tests
    • Who: Tracy
    • Status: UNDER WORK
  • CalRecon internal tests
    • Integrate new tools and add other kind fo input data
    • Who: David
    • Status: UNDER WORK

Moments Analysis

  • Replace current Cal axis calculation with Moments Analysis
  • Ideally: define Moments Analysis and implement in new code utilizing the new data structures
  • Expedient: Integrate existing code into current structure (~done)
  • Who: Tracy

TDS Class Structure

  • CalCluster
    • Modify layer data for moments analysis output
      • Energy, Radiation lengths, etc., per layer
    • Output variables:
      • Longitudinal and transverse moments
      • X0,Y0 at face of Cal
      • Distance to nearest edge
      • Others?
    • Who: Tracy
    • Status: ?Define
  • Review status bits usage
    • avoid unnecessary/redundant status bits
    • Who: David
    • Status: PENDING COMMIT
  • CalEventEnergy
    • Allow multiple instances of CalEventEnergy
    • Type of trajectory used (Cal or Tkr)
  • Who: Bill, Tracy
  • CalEventEnergy
    • Mechanism to allow multiple cluster analysis (e.g. pi0 analysis)
    • Who: Tracy, David
    • Status: PENDING COMMIT
  • Relational Tables
    • Implement tables
    • Who: David or Tracy?

Algorithm Structure

  • CalReconAlg?
    • Provide mechanism, similar to TkrReconAlg, for catching exceptions in CalRecon in order to continue processing.
    • CalReconAlg above Cluster, MIP, Correction algorithms? Or can Gaudi be trained to catch exceptions and continue processing?
    • Who: David
  • Iterative processing
    • Can Gaudi algorithm "execute" methods be called more than once per event? Allow for job options iterative processing "loop"
    • Who: David
  • MIP Finding
    • Integrate MIP finding algorithm into structure
    • Who: Tracy, David
  • Processing Sequence
    • First Pass
      • Clustering
      • Mip Finding
      • Energy "Corrections"
        • "Raw" energy tool
        • Iterative moments analysis (Cal Standalone)
    • Second Pass
      • Energy Corrections
        • CalValsTool
        • Last Layer
        • Profile
        • Likelihood

Energy Correction Tools

  • Likelihood/Profile tools
    • Integrate updated Likelihood/Profile tools into new CalRecon structure.
    • Who: David
  • CalValsTool
    • Integrate latest AnalysisNtuple CalValsCorTool into new CalRecon structure
    • Identify minimum set of output variables
    • Who: Tracy, Bill
  • Iterative Moments Analysis for improved cluster parameter determination
    • Introduce the "old" iterative moments analysis into CalRecon tool structure to provide "standalone" CalRecon analysis
    • Who: Tracy

MIP Finding


  • Integrate current MIP finding into new CalRecon structure
  • Improvements to structure?
  • Who: Tracy
    • Status: UNDER WORK


  • CalEventEnergyAlg
    • Review the way we manage passes.
    • Who: David
    • Status: PENDING COMMIT

Lower Priority


  • Update Cal Confluence pages to reflect structure of CalRecon
  • Who: David, Tracy
  • Status: not started

Likelihood tools

  • Integrate in cvs the calib code
  • Who: Pol, David
  • Status: NOT STARTED

Geometry Service

  • Convert TkrGeometrySvc into a general Glast geometry service
    • "clean up" interface?
    • Move to GlastSvc?
  • Who: David


  • Create root classes
  • Verify that relational table PDS is working
  • Update RootIo classes for output
  • Who: ?


  • Status: NOT STARTED

Code Review

  • Review internal code of the new correction tools
  • Who: David
  • Status: NOT STARTED

Allow for job options iterative processing "loop"

  • Can Gaudi algorithm "execute" methods be called more than once per event? Allow for job options iterative processing "loop"
  • Who: David
  • Status: standalone prototype done, Gaudi compatibility not proved, and not demonstrated it is worth for the simple use-cases of Glast.
  • Update Cal Confluence pages to reflect structure of CalRecon
  • Who: David, Tracy