An introduction to HPS for Physics 290 is given here: Physics 290 11.07.2016.pptx
Possible Projects for
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- Study the performance of the Silicon Vertex Tracker using the 2016 engineering run data and compare it to Monte Carlo. This includes understanding the time resolution, occupancy and resolutions. Skills: C++, Java and ROOT.
- Study how machine learning can be used improve the identification and rejection of background. For example, can a machine learning algorithm making use of hit and timing information be used to reject wide angle bremsstrahlung events. Skills: python, matplotlib, scikit-learn and possibly tensorflow.
- Improve the performance the fit algorithm used to extract information from the raw hit samples readout from the SVT. Skills: C++, Java, Minuit and ROOT.
- Improve the simulation of HPS backgrounds. Skills: C++, Geant4
- Develop a procedure to quickly align the SVT. Skills: Java, python, Millipede