Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


  • (done) Move to Rogue 6: v 1.0.0
  • current configuration time is long at 34s
    • some progress on this: now 10s according to Ric (check that we're down to 2-3 seconds that rogue sees?)
  • fiber-power monitoring on the detector side and kcu1500
    • not there yet on march 22, 2024
    • (done for the detector as of v1.1.5 of epix-hr-m-320k)
  • (done?) have to manually lock the lanes between ASICs and managing FPGA by running 1000 events: feels awkward-ish
    • what does epixHR do?
  • not all lanes in an ASIC lock (can perhaps be fixed with improved delay settings)
    • most have 3-5 lanes that don't function or are unstable (out of 24) for unit 0xbf
  • data is currently scrambled (not natural order)
    • ric is descrambling ASICS in software, but would like to move to hardwarefirmware
  • (done) remove epixViewer imports in
  • on May 11, 2024 lost timing link from epixM to xpm7 (had to power cycle).  Include Julian's latest link fixes in your firmware.
  • need eye-scanning for all transceiver links
  • add batcherEventBuilder to kcu1500
    • use Lcls2EpixHrXilinxKcu1500Pgp4_10Gbps, which contains a BEB
    • make the ePixM devGui compatible
  • (done) remove 8 bytes of null padding between timing header elements
  • fix set-registers-before-each-charge-injection-event issue
    • Implement FPGA registers to rearm ASICs on each event when test register is true?
  • (done) Split prepareChargeInjection() into 2 functions, the first taking first and last column (as now) and the second taking a 384 element numpy array (e.g., setupChargeInjection(self, asicIndex, lane_selected, pulserValue))
  • (done) Since the scan work, normal data taking runs now see dropped and short frames from ASIC 0
  • DAQ has no environmental monitoring support as yet
    • needs board re-spin (boards in layout on March 22, 2024)
  • will epixM automatically increase charge with each injection pulse like epixHR?  Dionisio thinks probably not (will double-check with Lorenzo).
  • (done?) zmq server port gone with rogue6?  needs to be re-added?
  • need to know common-mode "bank" info
    • each lane?
    • other structures for ADC?

Miscellaneous Info

Asic readout order:

  • v1.1.5 of epix-hr-m-320k introduced per detector instance yaml files, which implies that if a detector is swapped out, either:
    • the configDb for the given detector alias must be reinitialized, or
    • a different detector alias and configDb instance must be set up
      • requires corresponding .cnf changes

Miscellaneous Info

Asic readout order:

The ASICs are in this format. ASIC 0 and 1 rotated 180 degree (viewed looking at the The ASICs are in this format. ASIC 0 and 1 rotated 180 degree (viewed looking at the sensor):

0 1

3 2

Currently running on drp-neh-cmp003 and using (perhaps incorrectly) tdetsim.service.


  • will use a new detector for beam time
  • *** 5kHz epixM
    • run-trigger and daq-trigger patterns:
      • 5k,5k
      • 5k,120
      • 5k,2.5k
    • matt provides "divisors-of-5k" script which should still work
  • *** timing scans
    • (done?) configuration scan
      • Looks like cas/ should work for the ePixM, too
  • *** fibers/nodes
    • have 11 working fiber pairs and 1 broken one. epixhr uses 3 (2 data 1 timing) epixm uses 5 (4 data 1 timing 1 register)
        • cpo submitted Jira to fix broken fiber and add fix cassettes between 208 and src
        • need to check that all 11 are working
    • Chris Ford is tasked with running timing/data fibers in 208/srcf and by default will use cmp034 for the epixM
        • need detector group help going from mezzanine to hutch
  • *** does psana handle disabled lanes correctly?  currently the disabled lanes get a fixed number put in them (lane-number).  this may work with Mikhail's.
  • tstx00417 in ~tstopr/data/drp/tst/tstx00417/xtc/ runs 313 and 314 but shape may be incorrect.
    • (done) run 316 has the data organized as (4, 192, 384).  Previously, it was (1, 384, 768).
  • cable to see acquisition window on the scope?
    • dawood will check
  • intensity scans
    • done by changing the beam so no work required from daq group
  • pedestals
    • soft-low
    • soft-hi
    • threshold in the middle SA
    • mikhail will work on "placeholder" infrastructure but there are subtleties that we won't worry about for the beam time 
  • don't necessarily need calibrated data
    • Need at least rough calibration constants to let AMI work
  • (lower priority) more precisely define how we handle the gain-switching, if at all?
    • soft-low (configurable threshold at one extreme)
    • soft-high (configurable threshold at the other extreme)
    • configurable threshold in the middle
    • what are the nominal gains? nominal gain ratio is 4.7
  • bit 15 is gain mode, bits 0-14 are data.  data bits may be trimmed in the future (13 or 12?)
  • (lower priority) charge-injection
    • mikhail/ric are putting in placeholder code, but doesn't work: waiting for ASIC/FPGA fix


The configDb schema for the ePixM consists of user and expert sections.  It is set up from the lcls2/psdaq/psdaq/configdb area as follows:

Code Block
python --prod --user tstopr --inst tst --alias BEAM --name epixm --segm 0 --id epixm320_serial1234 --dir /cds/home/c/cpo/git/epix-hr-m-320k/

The expert section holds parameters that are laid out similar to the hardware writeable reigisters.  Their names are the same as those found in devGui.  These parameters contain default settings that are written to the hardware at appropriate times.  Many of them were initialized from yaml files supplied in the epix-hr-m-320k project:

Code Block
python --prod --user tstopr --inst tst --alias BEAM --name epixm --segm 0 --id epixm320_serial1234 --yaml Root:/cds/home/c/cpo/git/epix-hr-m-320k/software/config/ePixHRM320k_75000018efb4ab01_ASIC_u1.yml
python --prod --user tstopr --inst tst --alias BEAM --name epixm --segm 0 --id epixm320_serial1234 --yaml Root:/cds/home/c/cpo/git/epix-hr-m-320k/software/config/ePixHRM320k_75000018efb4ab01_ASIC_u2.yml
python --prod --user tstopr --inst tst --alias BEAM --name epixm --segm 0 --id epixm320_serial1234 --yaml Root:/cds/home/c/cpo/git/epix-hr-m-320k/software/config/ePixHRM320k_75000018efb4ab01_ASIC_u3.yml
python --prod --user tstopr --inst tst --alias BEAM --name epixm --segm 0 --id epixm320_serial1234 --yaml Root:/cds/home/c/cpo/git/epix-hr-m-320k/software/config/ePixHRM320k_75000018efb4ab01_ASIC_u4.yml
python --prod --user tstopr --inst tst --alias BEAM --name epixm --segm 0 --id epixm320_serial1234 --yaml Root:/cds/home/c/cpo/git/epix-hr-m-320k/software/config/ePixHRM320k_75000018efb4ab01_PacketRegisters.yml
python --prod --user tstopr --inst tst --alias BEAM --name epixm --segm 0 --id epixm320_serial1234 --yaml Root:/cds/home/c/cpo/git/epix-hr-m-320k/software/config/ePixHRM320k_PowerSupply_Enable.yml
python --prod --user tstopr --inst tst --alias BEAM --name epixm --segm 0 --id epixm320_serial1234 --yaml Root:/cds/home/c/cpo/git/epix-hr-m-320k/software/config/ePixHRM320k_RegisterControl.yml
python --prod --user tstopr --inst tst --alias BEAM --name epixm --segm 0 --id epixm320_serial1234 --yaml Root:/cds/home/c/cpo/git/epix-hr-m-320k/software/config/ePixHRM320k_75000018efb4ab01_SspMonGrp_carrier.yml

Note that the PowerSupply_Enable file has recently been trivial and causes 'Exception: modify_device: operation failed!', but this could change in the future.  The exception is harmless.  Some of these yaml files are specific to the hardware instance of the detector.  Thus, a given ePixM DB instance will likely not work well with a different detector instance.  Also note that loading the yaml files into the DB overwrites default settings that may have been previously modified using the ConfigDb editor in Control_GUI.

The user section contains several parameters that are used to determine values for parameters written to the hardware.  The resulting values override values from the expert section in some cases and are not reflected there.  In the case of user.gain_mode, for example, values for the CompTH_ePixM and Precharge_DAC_ePixM parameters are taken from the table above (in Pedestal Scans and Charge Injection) for modes 0, 1 and 2, but the values stored in the expert section are used for mode 3.

Detector InterfaceDetector Interface: DAQ-Segments With Multiple Free-Floating ASICs


processing of partial detector is important (e.g. daq-segments 2,7)

Intermittent ASIC Lanes

A number of the data lanes from the ASICs are intermittent on the device we're testing with (0016778240-0000000000-0000000000-4032267777-3204448280-0177427457-3053453334).  After disabling these lanes, the current detector interface provides images in AMI like the first image below.  After Dawood adjusted various App.SspMonGrp[*].UsrDlyCfg[*] values, more lanes became reliable (second image).  This configuration was tested with Run/DAQ triggers set to 100/100, 5000/100, 5000/5000, 5000/2500, and 4000/2000 Hz.

Image RemovedImage RemovedImage Removed

As of April 1, 2024, another detector (0016778240-0176075265-0452984854-4021594881-1962934296-0177446913-0402653206) is being readied for an upcoming beam test.  With the delays provided by the detector-specific .yml file and the automatic bad lane disablment done by the Root class on Configure, the third image above was obtained.

Running the DAQ

To run the DAQ with the ePixM, a recent (to April 2, 2024) version of the build is necessary.  The following needs to be done only when a new release must be installed.

Code Block
ssh psbuild-rhel7 -l detopr 
cd ~/git
git clone ssh:// lcls2_240402
cd lcls2_240402
. ./

cd ..
git clone ssh:// ami_240402
cd ami_240402

cd ~/scripts
ln -s ~/git/lcls2_240402/
cp ~/git/lcls2_240402/psdaq/psdaq/cnf/epixM.cnf .
# Modify epixM.cnf as needed

The beam-test ePixM is currently in the FEE test stand.  To run the DAQ there, log into one of the nodes on the FEE network, e.g., drp-neh-ctl002.

important (e.g. daq-segments 2,7)

Intermittent ASIC Lanes

A number of the data lanes from the ASICs are intermittent on the device we're testing with (0016778240-0000000000-0000000000-4032267777-3204448280-0177427457-3053453334).  After disabling these lanes, the current detector interface provides images in AMI like the first image below.  After Dawood adjusted various App.SspMonGrp[*].UsrDlyCfg[*] values, more lanes became reliable (second image).  This configuration was tested with Run/DAQ triggers set to 100/100, 5000/100, 5000/5000, 5000/2500, and 4000/2000 Hz.

Image AddedImage AddedImage AddedImage Added

As of April 1, 2024, another detector (0016778240-0176075265-0452984854-4021594881-1962934296-0177446913-0402653206) is being readied for an upcoming beam test.  With the delays provided by the detector-specific .yml file and the automatic bad lane disablment done by the Root class on Configure, the third and (later) fourth images above were obtained.

Running the DAQ

The beam-test ePixM is currently in the FEE test stand.  To run it, log in to drp-neh-ctl002.  You can use your own account or detopr (if you can make it work), but avoid rixopr for now.  Change directory to where you want to work and execute the following:

Code Block
ln -s ~rixopr/git/lcl2_040324/
cp  ~rixopr/git/lcl2_040324/psdaq/psdaq/cnf/epixM.cnf .

You can modify the .cnf copy as you see fit.  Prior to running the DAQ, source the setup_env file.  Run the DAQ with procmgr start epixM.cnf.  See the Beam Test Trigger Setup section of the EpixHR page for setting up the trigger.  There are a set of scan scripts available which can be run as:

Code Block
python ~rixopr/git/lcls2_040324/psdaq/psdaq/cas/ -p 3 -C drp-neh-ctl002 --hutch tst --config BEAM --detname epixm_0 --scantype timing --events 2000 --record 1
python ~rixopr/git/lcls2_040324/psdaq/psdaq/cas/ -p 3 -C drp-neh-ctl002 --hutch tst --config BEAM --detname epixm_0 --scantype pedestal --events 2000 --record 1
python ~rixopr/git/lcls2_040324/psdaq/psdaq/cas/ -p 3 -C drp-neh-ctl002 --hutch tst --config BEAM --detname epixm_0 --scantype chargeinj --events 2000 --record 1

Move the DAQ in the ALLOCATED or CONNECTED state prior to executing one of them.

The location where the data is recorded is governed by the .cnf file.  With epixM.cnf as originally provided, this is the Lustre filesystem at /drpneh/data.  This path is accessible only from drp-neh-cmp0XX nodes.  The full path of the data files can be found in the log files.


Run the DAQ as follows:

Code Block
ssh drp-neh-ctl002
Code Block
ssh drp-neh-ctl002 -l detopr
cd scripts
. ./
procmgr start epixM.cnf -p 2 -o /cds/group/pcds/pds/det/logfiles

A bunch of windows will come up after the procmgr start command is given.  Usually the first thing to do is to click the Select button in the Partition area of the DAQ Control GUI.  It may take a few moments before the Select partition window pops up (called Rollcall), depending on previous history and the state of the system.  Once the window appears, select the detectors you want to include in your run.  The detectors will by default be assigned to the readout group (grp) for the platform on which you launched the DAQ (the procmgr start -p option valuenominally 2).  Under some circumstances, this must be changed, but can be left alone for now.  Optionally select ami-meb0 if you plan /want to use AMI.  It should look like the first screen-shot below:

From this you can see that the ePixM detector is named epixm_0 and runs on drp-neh-cmp003 .  The timing DRP is named timing_1 and runs on drp-neh-cmp002.  These names are set up in the epixM.cnf file.  Be careful about changing them because they also correspond to the names of the configuration entries in the configuration database.  To access and modify an entry, click on the Edit button in the Configuration section of the Control GUI.  Leave the Type at BEAM and use the Select pull-down to choose a detector.  You'll see the two detector names currently in this DAQ instance as shown in the second screen-shot above.  You may find you need to modify the epixm_0 and/or timing_1 database instances to adjust various parameters.  As an example, below is a screen-shot of the epixm_0 DB instance (ignore the tst_epixm_0 instance), highlighting the run_trigger_group parameter.  You might want to change its value if it conflicts with another detector's or DAQ's usage.

Image Removed

In the expert section, parameters can be found with which to initialize the ePixM device's registers.  The DB has been initialized with data from the .yml files supplied with the epix-hr-m-320k project.  It is organized in a way similar to what one sees with the device's devGui.  The values are applied to the hardware when the DAQ goes through the Configure transition, so remember to unwind the state machine to at least Connected when you make a change.

In the timing_1 DB section, one can find the parameters for setting up the trigger.  Take care to modify only the groups appearing in the Select partition pop-up (above) so as not to interfere with other DAQ instances. 

Sometimes a group is used implicitly, as with the ePixM's (and ePixHR's) Run Trigger group.  Its parameters are not governed by the ConfigDb instance, but instead are manipulated directly using the groupca GUI and a script.  The Beam Test Trigger Setup section of the EpixHR page describes one such script and how to run it.  With groupca, one then enters values on the appropriate group tab to set up rates, event codes, etc., as shown in the first screen-shot below:

Image RemovedImage Removed

(in the FEE test-stand).  The timing DRP is named timing_1 and runs on drp-neh-cmp002.  These names are set up in the .cnf file.  Note that changing them also requires corresponding changes to the configuration database (configDb).  To access and modify an entry, click on the Edit button in the Configuration section of the Control GUI.  Leave the Type at BEAM and use the Select pull-down to choose a detector.  You'll see the two detector names currently in this DAQ instance in the configDb list, similar to the second screen-shot above. 

You may find you need to modify the epixm_0 and/or timing_1 database instances to adjust various parameters.  As an example, below is a screen-shot of the epixm_0 configDb instance, highlighting the run_trigger_group parameter.  You might want to change its value if it conflicts with another detector's or DAQ's usage.

Image AddedImage Added

In the expert section, parameters can be found with which to initialize the ePixM device's registers.  The configDb has been initialized with data from the .yml files supplied with the epix-hr-m-320k project.  It is organized in a way similar to what one sees with the device's devGui.

In the timing_1 configDb section, one can find the parameters for setting up the trigger.  Take care to modify only the groups appearing in the Select partition pop-up (above) to avoid interfering with other DAQ instances.  As an example, the second screen-shot above shows that group 2 has been set up to trigger at a fixed rate if 10 Hz, and group3 has been set up to trigger on eventcode 261.

Sometimes a group is used implicitly, as with the ePixM's (and ePixHR's) Run Trigger group.  Its parameters are not governed by the configDb instance, but instead are manipulated directly using the groupca GUI and a script.  The Beam Test Trigger Setup section of the EpixHR page describes one such script and how to run it.  With groupca, one then enters values on the appropriate group tab to set up rates, event codes, etc., as shown in the first screen-shot below:

Image AddedImage Added

Note that which tabs groupca displays is governed by the launch line for it in the .cnf file.  On the Groups/EventCodes tab of the xpmpva GUI (second screen-shot above), one can see what event codes already exist and what their parameters are.  Once the settings are dialed in, switch to groupca's Events tab to verify that the Run Trigger's group is running (L0InpRate not equal to 0).  If it isn't running, click the Run checkbox to start it.  Unfortunately, this will also start the other group (DAQ Trigger), which may confuse the DAQ.  To recover, either restart the DAQ with:

Code Block
procmgr restart epixM.cnf

or move the Target State in the Control GUI to RESET.  Then Apply the detector selection again.

The Control GUI is built around a Finite State Machine.  The configDb values are applied to the hardware when the DAQ goes through the Configure transition.  Remember to re-Configure (unwind the state machine to CONNECTED or below) when you make a changeNote that which tabs groupca displays is governed by the launch line for it in the .cnf file.  On the Groups/EventCodes tab of the xpmpva GUI (second screen-shot above), one can see what event codes already exist and what their parameters are.

Once the parameters have been set up as desired, a run can be taken.  Decide whether you want to run with or without recording and click the Record button on the Control GUI, as appropriate (must be done when the state machine is in a state lower than BeginRun).  Then move the Target State to Running RUNNING to start the run.  When done, move the Target State to Paused PAUSED (or lower, e.g., Configured CONFIGURED) to stop the run. 

Alternatively, there are scripts with which to run a scan.  Available scans are timing, pedestal and charge injection.  These can be run by first putting the DAQ in the Allocated ALLOCATED state (procmgr start followed by Applying the detectors chosen in the Select partition pop-up) and running one of the following scripts:

Code Block
python ~~rixopr/git/lcls2_040324/psdaq/psdaq/cas/ -p 3 -C drp-neh-ctl002 --hutch tst --config BEAM --detname epixm_0 --scantype timing --events 2000 --record 1
python ~~rixopr/git/lcls2_040324/psdaq/psdaq/cas/ -p 3 -C drp-neh-ctl002 --hutch tst --config BEAM --detname epixm_0 --scantype pedestal --events 2000 --record 1
python ~~rixopr/git/lcls2_040324/psdaq/psdaq/cas/ -p 3 -C drp-neh-ctl002 --hutch tst --config BEAM --detname epixm_0 --scantype chargeinj --events 2000 --record 1
