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Dates: March 2, 2020 - March 5, 2020

Live notes link

Location: Two conference rooms in B53 at SLAC have been reserved for each day.


  • Liz Hays (arrive Monday ~noon)
  • Don Horner
  • Alex Reustle
  • Joe Asercion
  • Tom Stephens
  • Nicola Omodei
  • Tom Glanzman
  • Richard Dubois (not Tuesday AM; not Wed PM - so far)
  • Brian Van Klaveren
  • Toby Burnett
  • Eric Charles
  • Steve Tether
  • Heather Kelly (remote)
  • Judy Racusin
  • Rob Cameron (Monday only)


TimeAlmanor (B53, Room 3002)Havasu (B53, Room 3004)
9am-9:30amKickoff (PDF)
  • Discussion of goals and objectives
  • Review accomplishments of previous software weeks.
9:30am-11amCurrent status updates (PDF)
  • Fermitools
    • Overview of current development and build process
    • Upcoming releases
    • Python 3 transition
  • Break
  • SLAC
    • FT2 reprocessing & IGRF model update
    • Batch farm
    • Jenkins
11am-noonCurrent and Future Staffing (PDF)
  • Who is even there anymore and what is their availability?
  • Identify areas of shortfall.
  • Identify people who can take over SLAC infrastructure and Fermitools/Fermipy tasks if current person leaves.
  • Difficulty for FSSC personnel to take over on infrastructure that we don't use regularly.
  • How much can we rely on collaboration people? 
  • Where can external folk inject the most help?
  • Can we create a list of who to contact for various issues?
Fermitools future directions discussion
  • What development needs to be done.  What's missing from the tools.
  • Discuss and work on improving interface between Fermitools and Fermipy.
  • Modularizing the Fermtiools?
  • Effectively freeze the tools?
  • Using other package managers?
  • Who will be in charge of which packages, e.g., gtorbsim
  • What does the C&A group need that isn’t being provided by the FSSC (and vice-versa)
  • Switch to CMake instead of SCons?
  • Support for RHEL6 and older Linux systems.
SLAC infrastructure issues


TimeTulare (B53, Room 4006)Toluca (B53, Room 4002)
9am-10amFermitools code development (PDF)(MP4)
  • How to contribute to the Fermitools
  • Go over the process of using the new development paradigm
  • How to use Github, submit patches, etc
  • How to update, build locally etc.
Fermitools Azure pipeline (MP4)
  • Maintenance and development
  • Training on design/development of the Azure pipeline
  • Joe will go in depth about how pipeline functions as Azure and how config file functions.
Fermitools documentation
  • Documentation status
    • Missing fhelp files
    • What is out of date?
  • What is needed?  New threads?  Who will do them?
  • Using Jupyter notebooks
  • Work together on documentation?

Halfpipe & L1 pipeline future

  • FT2 reprocessing & IGRF model update.  Installing new pipeline.

  • Document how to do FT2 reprocessing.
  • Go through current documentation to update (and remove old information).

  • Get together to discuss and write document pipeline how-tos and fixes.

  • Update re-piping documentation. 

  • Document database schema.

  • Dealing with missing datagrams - Causes, handling, what to do if repiping fails?

  • Data lifecycle from an ISOC perspective

    • where does the data go?
    • what do the processing steps do?
    • how does this interact with the infrastructure?
  • Data reprocessing documentation

  • Nicola knows about FT1 reprocessing.  Are the steps documented?
 3pm-4pmGLASTRelease and Jenkins
  • Heather, Brian, Alex, Joe, Joanne?
  • Make sure GR builds with Jenkins.  
  • Is Heather's knowledge about build and deployment
    • documented?


    Wednesday (2020-03-04)

    TimeTulare (B53, Room 4006)Toluca (B53, Room 4002)
    9am-10amFermitools testing
    • How to get the tools tested before release. C&A group role?
    • Improving unit tests.
    • Turn analysis thread Jupyter notebooks into scripts that can be run automatically
    Fermitools user support and tracking tasks
    • Where to report issues JIRA vs. Github
    • github tracker and helpdesk staffing, response times etc.
    • Ways to improve the process
    • How long will Toby support it?  What should we do after that?
     noonLunch SLAC move to CentOS.
    • Create the containers and move pipeline to containers to run on Centos7.
    • Do the process together and test.
    • What else is affected? 
    Adding capabilities to the FSSC data server
    • The FSSC data server is being moved to new, better hardware, including NVMe SSDs.
    • How this will affect the data server.
    • Do we want to add new capabilities? New filtering? Allow all sky searches?
    • Any new data products to add to the server?
    3pm-4pmFermitools bug fix workshop
    • Get together to go through and maybe fix reported Fermitools bugs/issues.
    • Need Eric, Joe, Alex, Tom, Don others?


    TimeTulare (B53, Room 4006)Almanor  (B53, Room 3002)
    9am-10am9:30amChange in SLAC batch system.
    • Have Tom, Brian and ?
    • Work on moving to the new batch system.
    • Have Tom develop contacts with infrastructure staff.
    9:30am-10am-11amGLASTRelease and Jenkins
    • Heather, Brian, Alex, Joe, Joanne?
    • Make sure GR builds with Jenkins.  
    • Is Heather's knowledge about build and deployment documented?
    10am-11amFermipyAdding capabilities to the FSSC data server
  • The FSSC data server is being moved to new, better hardware, including NVMe SSDs.
  • How this will affect the data server.
  • Do we want to add new capabilities? New filtering? Allow all sky searches?
  • Any new data products to add to the server?
    • Review decisions
    • Assign action items
