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  • CVMFS (/cvmfs/, /cvmfs/, etc.)
  • Access to SLAC networked storages (/nfs, /gpfs, etc.)
  • Large /scratch space for temporary use (please clean up your files from there after your job finishes).
  • Outbound network connectivity.
  • Singularity container on all batch nodes that run CentOS 7 operation system (see below for more info).

The following are examples of using LSF: 


  • bsub -n 4 -R 'span[hosts=1]' ... will submit jobs a job requesting 4 core and (4x 4GB =) 16GB RAM), and allocate all 4 cores on one machine (This is what "span[hosts=1]" is for)

Of course, the more resource you ask, the harder to schedule the jobs, and hence the pending time will be longer.

Here is a more complex Below is an long example of resource selection resource in LSF, for you to pick and choose from:

  •  -R "select[ ! preempt && rhel60 & cvmfs && inet && bullet && hname != bullet0030] rusage[scratch=5.0:duration=1440:decay=1, mem=2000:decay=0] span[hosts=1]" 


  1. Your job won't be preempted by someone else's higher priority job
  2. The machine run RHEL6 operating system (we have "rhel60" and "centos7")
  3. The machine should have CVMFS,
  4. and outbound internet connection (the "inet" key word above)
  5. The machine should be part of the "bullet" cluster (Other clusters we have: fell, hequ, dole, kiso, deft and bubble, all run "rhel60" except the last two, which run "centos7"), and not on host bullet0030
  6. Reserve 5GB of free space under /scratch, and you job will reserve it for 1440 minutes, and the reserved amount will decay linearly from 100% to 0 during this period.
  7. Reserve 2000MB of RAM, no decay (the default)
  8. span[hosts=1] means if you request more than one batch slots (the -n option above), schedule all of them on one machine.
