Versions Compared


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A bunch of random tricks


, some SLAC-related,




general to ATLAS

If you leave a window open too long, your kerberos ticket will expire, so you can't write to your /afs home directory.
Get a new ticket with:

Code Block
kinit <username>

If you need a particular database release, for running over data typically,
you can set the database release you want to use by adding to your cmthome/requirements file:

Code Block


I still get a "Word too long" message sometimes after setting up an ATLAS release.
It seems to be from the PATH variable getting over a certain length that even bash can't handle.
You can fix it with this, which turns all the /afs/ to just /afs/slac, which works just as well:

Code Block

export PATH=`echo $PATH | sed`

To kill ALL your batch jobs at SLAC:

Code Block

for j in `bjobs | cut -f 1 -d " "`; do bkill $j; echo $j; done


Image Added

To run eclipse (see this page):

Code Block

cd reldirs/15.3.1 #or whatever release you want to use
. ~/cmthome/ -tag=15.3.1


This version at SLAC already has SVN and the latest athena plugin setup!

By the way, when starting a new workspace, you can copy over your old settings (fonts, whatever) using:

Code Block
cp -R ~/reldirs/15.3.0/.metadata/.plugins/org.eclipse.core.runtime/.settings/ ~/reldirs/15.3.1/.metadata/.plugins/org.eclipse.core.runtime/

If you want to try Andy's settings, just copy them from ~ahaas/reldirs/15.3.0/

(Don't forget to go to Window... Preferences... CMT Plugin... and update the "tag" to the new release after copying settings from an old workspace!)


If you use "konsole" as your terminal, you can make new tabs, and switch tabs with:

Code Block
<shift>+<left arrow> or <shift>+<right arrow>


VNC lets you keep open a virtual desktop on a machine, and connect to it remotely. To start a desktop on a machine:

Code Block
vncserver #there are various options for desktop size, etc., like "-geometry 1600x1200"
#vncserver -h (gives a full list of options)

To start a normal KDE session, edit your .vnc/xstartup file and add "startkde":

Code Block
xsetroot -solid grey
vncconfig -iconic &
#xterm -geometry 80x24+10+10 -ls -title "$VNCDESKTOP Desktop" &
#twm &

You should also move your .vnc directory to a place that doesn't require you to have a kerberos token

Code Block
mkdir /u1/<username>; mv .vnc /u1/<username>/ ; ln -s /u1/<username>/.vnc .vnc

And make sure your .vnc/passwd file is only readable by you (even though it's kind of encrypted):

Code Block
chmod go-r .vnc/passwd

Then you use vncviewer (on some other machine, probably!) to connect to your session.
Use the desktop id which it said when you ran vncserver (by default is ":1").


There's a lot more space in /nfs/slac/g/atlas/u01/users:

Code Block

mkdir /nfs/slac/g/atlas/u01/users/<username>
cd; ln -s /nfs/slac/g/atlas/u01/users/<username> nfs2

Do this in a release, and then you can always just grep the packages.txt file to see where things are, or what versions are needed:

Code Block

cmt show packages > packages.txt

Sometimes a digi job won't work (in 15.3.0?) because "chappy fails" on the input file.
The problem can be fixed by adding the right python directory to your path:

Code Block

export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$LD_LIBRARY_PATH:/afs/slac/g/atlas/b/sw/lcg/external/Python/2.5.4/slc4_ia32_gcc34/lib

One of my favorites, this will do a "fast" build, if you've only changed a src file:

Code Block

cd cmt; make QUICK=1; cd ..

So useful for joining together lots of ROOT files from many jobs into a single ROOT file:

Code Block

hadd -h #show how to use
hadd -f step.root */*step.root #for instance

Sometime Sometimes when running over data it helps to put a link in your running directory:

Code Block

mkdir sqlite200; ln -s /afs/ sqlite200/ALLP200.db

Can run these on a POOL file to see what StoreGate keys are in there:

Code Block <file> <file>

This shows the versions of databases and releases used to process a file:

Code Block <file>

Can put this in a bash script near the top, to check if you have a GRID cert:

Code Block

if [ $? -eq 1 ] ; then echo You need to get a GRID cert; exit; fi

To get a list of filenames (to load into athena) from a given dataset (passed in as $1):

Code Block

dq2-ls -f -p -H $1 | sed "s%srm:// += [\"root://atl-xrdr//atlas/xrootd/%g" | sed "s%$%\"]%g" | grep xrootd
(may also need to add "-L SLACXRD_USERDISK" or wherever there is a complete replica of the dataset...)

This gets a ROOT file with info on a given data run (mag field configuration, #events, streams, etc.):

Code Block

#gets a ROOT file with info on a run (takes run number as argument)
sleep 3
rm -v\?q\=find+run*

There's a few athena options (I like the -s and -c etc.):

Code Block

athena -h #show athena help

To specify more than one parameter on the input line:

Code Block
athena -c "DECAY=True; TIMESHIFT=25;" share/

Sometimes my JiveXML files get messed up and can't be read, due to a binary character in the trigger string. Fix it with:

Code Block

for f in JiveXML*; do sed -i '/Obeys/d' $f ; done
for f in JiveXML*; do sed -i 's/<trigInfoStreamTag>/<trigInfoStreamTag>fixJive/' $f ; done

If a script is expecting a particular ATLAS release version, you can check it with:

Code Block

if [ $AtlasVersion != "15.3.1" ]; then echo "Go to a cmthome and do . -tag=15.3.1"; exit; fi

Check out all the CSC transforms:

Code Block

csc_<tab> #will show them all... look at,,, etc...

This will actually put your files into the catalog, so you don't get annoying warnings:

Code Block

pool_insertFileToCatalog <file>


When running on the batch farm, you really should write things out into the /scratch area on the batch node during the job,
and then cp it all back at the end of the job, to prevent hammering on NFS. Here's an example script:

Code Block


. /u/at/ahaas/cmthome/ -tag=15.3.0 #setup the ATLAS release

export d=`date +%s`; echo $d #make a variable name for the directory which is the number of seconds since 1975
export d=`date +%s`; echo $d

#make a scratch area on the local machine
mkdir /scratch/ahaas; mkdir /scratch/ahaas/${d}; mkdir /scratch/ahaas/${d}/temp; cd /scratch/ahaas/${d}; pwd;

#run your stuff here -c "TIMESHIFT=0" -c "DECAY=False" /u/at/ahaas/reldirs/15.3.0/Generators/Pythia_i/share/ >  temp/pyth.log.txt
#all outputs of the athena job that are important should get put into the temp directory too...

echo#copy copying back results in the temp directory to some nfs directory
pwd; ls -lh temp
export dd=`date +%s` ; echo $dd #this will add the end time of the job to the temp direcory output name
if [ -a /nfs/slac/g/atlas/u01/users/ahaas/temp/rh_production_stripped_files/temp_${d}_${dd} ]
 then echo Destination directory already exists
 else mv -v /scratch/ahaas/${d}/temp /nfs/slac/g/atlas/u01/users/ahaas/temp/rh_production_stripped_files/temp_${d}_${dd}
cd; pwd; rm -rfv /scratch/ahaas/${d}; 
echo done

You could run this batch script above (put in a file called with:

Code Block
chmod +x #don't forget to make the script executable
bsub -q xlong -R rhel40 -J myjobname time

The xlong queue will kill your job after 177.6 hours of CPU time in "SLAC units"... which is about ~15 hours of real CPU time.
See all queues with "bqueues". You can see the the details of a queue with "bqueues -l xlong".
Note the "-R rhel40" above, which forces your job onto a machine compatible with the ATLAS releases (gcc34, RHEL4). It's "rhel50" for RHEL5 machines.
"bhosts -R rhel40" will show you which batch nodes are in that list.
"lsinfo -r" will show you all resourse lists, like the rhel40 one.
Check your batch jobs with "bjobs".

Here's a much simpler "" script you could use for small things (just run it from a directory with the file in it):

Code Block
. ~/cmthome/ -tag=15.3.0 > athena_sim.out.txt


Don't forget to set random seeds when you're generating MC with custom scripts! This python code helps set some:

Code Block
import random
PYTHR = "PYTHIA "+str(R1)+" "+str(R2)
PYTHRI = "PYTHIA_INIT "+str(R3)+" "+str(R4)
print PYTHR
print PYTHRI

This will print out the MC truth:

Code Block
from AthenaCommon.AlgSequence import AlgSequence
from TruthExamples.TruthExamplesConf import PrintMC
PrintMC.PrintStyle = "Vertex"
job += PrintMC()


To transfer large files from CERN to SLAC (or SLAC to CERN, etc.), use bbcp. You can get upto ~1GB/min!
This page descibes its usage.


If a root file wasn't closed, you'll get a lot of "Trying to recover..." messages every time you open it.
To recover what you can, once and for all:

Code Block
[0] TFile f("<filename>","update")
[1] .q

To find info on MC or data, use ATLAS Metadata Interface (AMI). Click on "AMI Dataset Search", then enter your search term (name or datasetNumber or whatever) to find all datasets, for instance "Zmumu" or "105145".
Under "dataType" you can group them by clicking the little icon. Choose "EVNT" to see generator info for MC.
Click on "details" in the left column to see cross-section info, the jobOptions used, etc. You can see the jobOptions file via (after setting up an ATLAS release):

Code Block
 get_files -jo -list

(Do "get_files -h" for more info on this useful command...)


The hepix script that gets run when you start bash now sets up the FRONTIER_SERVER variable (to $ATLAS_FRONTIER_CONF).
This dramatically improves the geometry and conditions database access speed in release >=15.40, especially when processing read data!


For CMT component libraries, like an Analysis_Skeleton package which reads AODs,
you can save some time during the build step (even during the QUICK=1 build!) by
not bothering to build the static library (since you only ever call it from, by adding the "-no_static" flag in your package/cmt/requirements file:

Code Block
library StoppedGluinoAnalysis -no_static *.cxx components/*.cxx


For reading data from real data ESDs that are very recent (more recent than the database release),
you may have to access the CERN POOL data directly. Set this environment variable before you run athena
(in release >15.4.0):

Code Block
export ATLAS_POOLCOND_PATH="/afs/"

(This does not slow down the database access for the job significantly...)

If you're running on the batch queue, you don't have access to outside afs however, so you need to use a local copy:

Code Block
export ATLAS_POOLCOND_PATH="/nfs/slac/g/grid/osg/app/atlas_app/atlas_rel/local/conditions"



How to see what tags / conditions are in a database:

Code Block "COOLOFL_Indet/COMP200;readoracle"
>>> ls
>>> tracetags . COMCOND-ES1PST-001-00
>>> cd Indet
>>> ls
>>> listtags Align
>>> usetag InDetAlign-ES1-UPD1-00
>>> more Align

This will show you something like:

No Format
[0,0] - [91396,0] (230) [PoolRef (String4k) : [DB=202EC302-A585-DD11-9F25-0030487C8DC4][CNT=CollectionTreeAlignableTransform][CLID=E779C6B5-3F2A-473E-B35E-6CCB345E0665][TECH=00000202][OID=00000003-00000021]]
[91396,0] - [96686,0] (230) [PoolRef (String4k) : [DB=8A61369D-FD95-DD11-8D2E-0030487C8DC4][CNT=CollectionTreeAlignableTransform][CLID=E779C6B5-3F2A-473E-B35E-6CCB345E0665][TECH=00000202][OID=00000003-00000021]]
[96686,0] - [140050,0] (230) [PoolRef (String4k) : [DB=92BAC4F9-35B2-DD11-B20D-0030487C8DC4][CNT=CollectionTreeAlignableTransform][CLID=E779C6B5-3F2A-473E-B35E-6CCB345E0665][TECH=00000202][OID=00000003-00000021]]
[140050,0] - [142393,0] (230) [PoolRef (String4k) : [DB=74981861-8AD2-DE11-95BD-001CC466D3D3][CNT=CollectionTreeAlignableTransform][CLID=E779C6B5-3F2A-473E-B35E-6CCB345E0665][TECH=00000202][OID=00000003-00000021]]
[142393,0] - [145006,0] (230) [PoolRef (String4k) : [DB=ACBDD470-96E8-DE11-8575-001320A52E33][CNT=CollectionTreeAlignableTransform][CLID=E779C6B5-3F2A-473E-B35E-6CCB345E0665][TECH=00000202][OID=00000003-00000021]]
[145006,0] - [2147483647,4294967295] (230) [PoolRef (String4k) : [DB=88B921CA-EB05-DF11-ADF2-000423D59BB6][CNT=CollectionTreeAlignableTransform][CLID=E779C6B5-3F2A-473E-B35E-6CCB345E0665][TECH=00000202][OID=00000003-00000021]]

which is the POOL conditions file id for each IOV [run,lumiblock] range. You can check your log files to
make sure the right conditions file is being loaded in for each folder.


If you find your athena (local) job crash at SLAC due to some db issue, check your environment variable through "echo $FRONTIER_SERVER". If it shows "(proxyurl=http://atl-dbcache1:23128)(serverurl=" then it means you are setting up the frontier server in out-dated way. Try following:

Code Block
export FRONTIER_SERVER="(serverurl="

And then re-run your job (and cross your fingers). More details on this can be found in


Please add tricks of your own!
