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  1. Projects (see
  2. Wiki Markup
    -Azher replacement for PERN, COMSATS, NIIT hosts \[Done 7/26/07: Umar will take it over\]-
  3. Resolve next graduates/RAs/visitors: Arshad, Les
    1. Shahryar & Asif leave Sept 15, 2007.
    2. Get paperwork going for Faran
      1. Awaits faran's degree (expect Oct '07 or Jan '08)
    3. Try for Qasim Aug/Sep 07 (SLAC looking for funding, else NIIT funds, shared CV 7/26/07).
    4. Try for Umar Mar 2007.
  4. Paper for Nepal (has been accepted, conference postponed to Dec '07): Shahryar
    1. Register at SLAC: Shahryar
    2. Update to right format and new figures: Shahryar
    1. Umar tentative arrival Feb 17, 2008
    2. Next student probably in July/Aug 2008
    3. Umar is hiring RAs (3 people for MAGGIE for 2 years). Shahryar 7 Asif will apply, could be 6 or 7 people.
  5. Paper for Nepal can't get travel funding, investigating whether will accept paper without attendance: Shahryar
    1. Funding for registration fee acquired. Paper has been registered. Waiting for title of the proceedings and access to an online copy
    CHEP (NIIT cannot pay travel, SLAC cap is a problem)
    1. Poster accepted 5/6/07
    2. Book hotel: Shahryar
    3. Write paper/poster: Shahryar
  6. Paper on event diagnosis: Adnan
    1. Future plans Needs improving): Adnan
    2. Wiki Markup
      -Get student \[Done 7/26/07 Qasim Ali\]-
  7. Visit of Rector?
  8. Wiki Markup
    -Acceptance of NUST International Advisory Board \[Done 7/12/07\].-
    1. There are now (1/12/08) 2 students working on diagnosis, and one on Network Weather Forecasting. If they turn out well, they will be introduced to SLAC.
    2. Hope for something in a few months
  9. Proposals
    1. HEC funding approved
    1. Develop new proposal with more a Grid Health viewpoint (Cisco raised issues, await resolution 3/22/07, talked to people who will supprt, now talking to Cisco. Hope for 100% from HEC, then Cisco chip in 4/12/07): Yee, Arshad, Les, Cisco
    2. Proposal to HEC for $0.5 over 3 years: Umar
      1. Reviewed by HEC (positive review from HEC with support from Anwar Amjid): Umar
      2. Revise budget: Umar
    3. USAID proposal due 6/30/07Awaits response in November 2007.### Troubles have delayed review from November to January
    4. Proposal to Cisco on TULIP (awaits Faran's finals, Faran and Umar will come up with draft): Faran:  Shahryar
    5. Proposal to Cisco on perfSONAR : Les
    6. HEC asking for review report of MAGGIE project
    7. World Bank may be able to fund travel
    8. (sent, await response): Les
  10. Progress Reports from NIIT
    1. Customized the script and deployed at NIIT (03/03/08): Umar
    2. Students to maintain rough drafts of their project descriptions at NIIT's wiki
  11. WIKI Account at SLAC
    1. Couldn't find details of resetting the password for shahryar's (confluence) wiki account. Applied for a new account.Work with NSF to see if we submit to them: Les send NSF 1 page outline of proposal (Les & Yee are creating 4/12/07, done NSF cannot help)