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Table of Contents


SLURM is new the batch job scheduling system for the LCLS SLAC batch compute systems it is replacing the current LSF system. Generic documentation about SLURM can be found in this Quick Start User Guide. Even shorter documentation, some of it specific to psana, can be found in this page.

S3DF Computing Facility

LCLS specific information about the S3DF facility is here:  Running at S3DF.


The following is a simple submission script of a parallel psana batch job run with mpi.  It can be submitted with the command "sbatch". The commands specified in the script file will be ran on the first available compute node that fits the resources requested.  There are two ideas: "nodes" and "tasks per node".  A "node" is a physical computer box (with a host-name, for example) but each box/node typically has multiple-cpu-cores.  Typically the tasks-per-node parameter is set to utilize all the cores on each node.

NOTE: when running interactively the "mpirun" command takes a "-n" argument with a number of cores.  However, when running with slurm no "-n" is needed, as slurm infers it from the "--nodes" and "--ntasks-per-node" values.

Code Block
> cat #!/bin/bash

#SBATCH --partition=milano
#SBATCH --nodes=2
#SBATCH --ntasks-per-node=120
#SBATCH --output=%j.log

# -u flushes print statements which can otherwise be hidden if mpi hangs
mpirun python -u -m
