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Firstly, you need to obtain a membership in the ilc Virtual Organization (VO), which is sponsored by DESY. This is a VO on the LCG grid. Alternately, you can become a member of the calice VO, but this will only work if your institution is actually a member of this collaboration.

Follow the workflow at which will require several rounds of confirmations and emails.


Somewhat confusingly, there is another ILC VO run by Fermilab located at which is on the OSG grid. The two Virtual Organizations are not interchangeable so make sure you get a membership in the DESY one to follow the instructions in this tutorial!



The rest of the tutorial assumes that you are running from an lxplus node at CERN and using the bash shell.


The following commands will download the VOMS file and add the information to the user config file in the home directory.

No Format
cd ~
mkdir .glite # only needed if .glite does not exist already-p ~/.glite/vomses
cd ~/.glite/vomses
wget # fetch the VOMS file
touch vomses # make sure this file exists
cat >> vomses # add the ILC VOMS information

Now, the voms-proxy-init command should work correctly.


No Format
export LFC_HOST=`lcg-infosites --vo ilc lfc`

List files on the mass storage system at DESY.

No Format

lfc-ls -l  /grid

Put a file into DESY mass storage.

No Format

echo "test" > /tmp/test_file
lcg-cr -v --vo ilc -l lfn:/grid/ilc/test/test_file file:/tmp/test_file -d

Copy a file from mass storage to local disk.

No Format

lcg-cp -v --vo calice lfn:/grid/ilc/test/test_file file:/tmp/test_file

Copying one of the Standard Model background files from a local NFS disk to the DESY dcache system and registering into the grid catalog.

No Format

> . /afs/
> export
> voms-proxy-init -debug -verify -voms ilc
> lcg-cr -v --vo ilc -n 10 file:/nfs/slac/g/lcd/ilc_data/ILC500/StandardModel/250fb-1_-80e-_+30e+_polarization-003.stdhep
  -l /grid/ilc/mc/ILC500/SM250fb-1/generated/250fb-1_-80e-_+30e+_polarization-003.stdhep
  -d srm://

Listing the available SM files

No Format

lfc-ls -l /grid/ilc/mc/ILC500/SM250fb-1/generated/

Fetching a Grid LCIO File to SLAC from DESY mass storage

Here is a more advanced script showing how to fetch a file to SLAC, assuming that you have an lxplus account at CERN.

No Format

# ssh to cern
ssh lxplus

# setup grid tools
source /afs/

# start a grid session
voms-proxy-init -verify -debug -voms ilc

# copy the file to temp location on lxplus (it's fast)
lcg-cp -v --vo ilc lfn:/grid/ilc/mc-2008/simulated/LDC01_05Sc/ZPole/M-6-5p2_ZPoleuds_LDC01_05Sc_LCP_Test_ZPole_0001.slcio file:/tmp//M-6-5p2_ZPoleuds_LDC01_05Sc_LCP_Test_ZPole_0001.slcio

# copy file to slac (slow...go get some coffee)
scp M-6-5p2_ZPoleuds_LDC01_05Sc_LCP_Test_ZPole_0001.slcio

The user name jeremym should be replaced above with your real SLAC account name.

Test Commands

The GLITE UI will be used to run test jobs. It uses commands starting with "edg-" for job submission, monitoring, etc.


No Format
edg-job-status -i slic.jdljid

Retrieve the output. By, default the job output will go into a directory in /tmp so we specify the current directory instead.

No Format
edg-job-get-output --dir `pwd` -i slic.jdl

Other Commands

List files on the mass storage system at DESY.

No Format

lfc-ls -l  /grid

Put a file into DESY mass storage.

No Format

echo "test" > /tmp/test_file
lcg-cr -v --vo ilc -l lfn:/grid/ilc/test/test_file file:/tmp/test_file -d

Copy a file from mass storage to local disk.

No Format

lcg-cp -v --vo calice lfn:/grid/ilc/test/test_file file:/tmp/test_file

Copying one of the Standard Model background files from a local NFS disk to the DESY dcache system and registering into the grid catalog.

No Format

> . /afs/
> export
> voms-proxy-init -debug -verify -voms ilc
> lcg-cr -v --vo ilc -n 10 file:/nfs/slac/g/lcd/ilc_data/ILC500/StandardModel/250fb-1_-80e-_+30e+_polarization-003.stdhep
  -l /grid/ilc/mc/ILC500/SM250fb-1/generated/250fb-1_-80e-_+30e+_polarization-003.stdhep
  -d srm://

Listing the available SM files

No Format

lfc-ls -l /grid/ilc/mc/ILC500/SM250fb-1/generated/jid

gLite User Guide
Virtual Data Toolkit (VDT)
CERN AFS UI Setup - setup instructions on lxplus@cern