Versions Compared


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Comment: Migration of unmigrated content due to installation of a new plugin


Quality check

Quality check table for original metrology file

Code Block
pair:        S1      S2     dS1     dS2        L1      L2     dL1     dL2    <dS/L>  angle(deg)      D1      D2      dD   d(dS)   d(dL)    dz3(um)

Quad  0
pair: 0   20910   20910    -180    -180     43550   43540      90      80   -0.00413   -0.23684   48304   48306      -2       0      10     99.997
pair: 1   20920   20920    -200    -200     43560   43630      10      80   -0.00459   -0.26285   48309   48401     -92       0     -70    100.033
pair: 2   20910   20100      10     820     43550   43540      10       0    0.00011    0.00658   47960   48305    -345    -810      10   1724.336
pair: 3   20910   20900    -140    -130     43540   43530     -60     -70   -0.00310   -0.17767   48294   48294       0     -10      10      9.995
pair: 4   20900   20910    -220    -210     43540   43550      90     100   -0.00494   -0.28289   48296   48311     -15     -10     -10    -69.579
pair: 5   20920   20900      40      20     43200   43550     -20     330    0.00069    0.03968   48304   47999     305      20    -350     34.059
pair: 6   20910   20910    -130    -130     43530   43540     -70     -60   -0.00299   -0.17109   48294   48298      -4       0     -10      0.002
pair: 7   20910   20909    -130    -129     43540   43540     -60     -60   -0.00297   -0.17041   48302   48298       4      -1       0    -30.000

Applied corrections

  • pair 1: Correction to point 2: x+0.07mm; 0.01 → 0.08
  • pair 2 0.8mm deviation in X: Correction to point 16: x−0.8mm;  44.63 → 43.83
  • pair 5: 0.35mm deviation in X: Correction to point 24: x+0.35mm;  90.62 → 90.97


  • point 13 Z=−1.76 → 0
  • point 17 Z=−1.75 → 0
  • point 18 Z=−1.80 → 0
  • point 21 Z=−1.76 → 0
  • point 22 Z=−1.75 → 0


Quality check table for corrected metrology file


in X-Y

Code Block
pairsegm:        S1      S2     dS1     dS2        L1      L2     dL1     dL2    <dS/L>  angle(deg)      D1      D2      dD   d(dS)   d(dL)
Quad  0
segm: 0 dz3(um)
Quad  0
pair: 0    -20910   -20910    -180    -180     4355043540   4354043550      -90      -80   -0.0041323684   -0.2368448306   48304   48306      -2       0      10     99.997
segm: 1   -20920   -20920    -200    -200     43560   4363043560     -80 10      -80   -0.0045926306   -0.2628548338   48309   48401   29  -92       0     -70    100.033
segm: 2   20110   -20100  -20110    10  20    20  10   43550   -43540  -43550    10   0    0    0.00011 -10    0.0065801974   47960   47964      -4     - 10      10     39.998
segm: 3  -20900  -20910   20900 -130    -140    -13043530  -43540   43540   4353070      -60     -70   -0.00310   -0.17767   48294   48294       0     - 10      10      9.995
segm: 4   20910 20900  20900 20910    -220    - 210     -43540   -43550     100 90     10090   -0.0049428289   -0.2828948311   48296   48311   15  -15    10 -10     -10
segm: 5    -20.009
pair: 5 20900   20920   20900      -40      -20     -43550   -43550     -20     -20    0.0006903947   48314 0.03947   48304   48314     -10      -20       0     10.000
segm: 6   -20910   -20910    -130    -130    -43540  -43530   43540   60  -70    70 -60   -0.00299   -0.17109   48294   48298      -4       0     -10
segm: 7  -20909   0.002
pair: 7-20910    20910 -129  20909    -130    -12943540     -43540   43540    60 -60     -60   -0.00297   -0.17041   48302   48298       4      - 1       0    -30.000

Geometry parameters

Parameters for center and tilt are available in

Quality check table for corrected metrology file in Z

Code Block
2015-03-05 14:32:33 (info) CalibManager.GUIMetrology: Quality check in Z:
segm:        SA      LA   XSize   YSize    dZS1  dZS2  dZL1  dZL2    dZSA  dZLA  ddZS  ddZL     dZX   dZY   angXZ(deg) angYZ(deg) dz3(um)
Quad  0
segm: 0  -20910   43545   43545   20910     -90    10   -90    10     -40   -40  -100  -100     -40   -40  -0.05263   -0.10960     99.997
segm: 1  -20920   43560   43560   20920     -40    60   -80    20      10   -30  -100  -100     -30    10  -0.03946    0.02739    100.000
segm: 2  -20105  -43545   20105   43545      50    10    10   -30      30   -10    40    40      30   -10   0.08549   -0.01316     39.998
segm: 3  -20905  -43535   20905   43535       0   -10    10     0      -5     5    10    10      -5     5  -0.01370    0.00658      9.995
segm: 4   20905  -43545   43545   20905      20     0    40    20      10    30    20    20      30    10   0.03947    0.02741    -20.009
segm: 5   20910  -43550   43550   20910     -10     0    20    30      -5    25   -10   -10      25    -5   0.03289   -0.01370     10.000
segm: 6  -20910  -43535   20910   43535      10    10   -10   -10      10   -10     0     0      10   -10   0.02740   -0.01316      0.002
segm: 7  -20909  -43540   20909   43540     -20    10   -30     0      -5   -15   -30   -30      -5   -15  -0.01370   -0.01974    -30.000



2015-03-05 14:32:33 (info) CalibManager.GUIMetrology: parameters of type "center":
Code Block
 199.76   198.51   307.20    98.55   628.98   629.41   711.43   498.54  
 199.76   198.51   307.20    98.55   628.98   629.41   711.43   498.54  
 199.76   198.51   307.20    98.55   628.98   629.41   711.43   498.54  
 199.76   198.51   307.20    98.55   628.98   629.41   711.43   498.54  
 306.45    94.25   623.52   624.25   513.94   726.85   198.35   199.14  
 306.45    94.25   623.52   624.25   513.94   726.85   198.35   199.14  
 306.45    94.25   623.52   624.25   513.94   726.85   198.35   199.14  
 306.45    94.25   623.52   624.25   513.94   726.85   198.35   199.14  
  -0.05    -0.14     0.00    -0.07    -0.14    -0.11    -0.09    -0.16  
  -0.05    -0.14     0.00    -0.07    -0.14    -0.11    -0.09    -0.16  
  -0.05    -0.14     0.00    -0.07    -0.14    -0.11    -0.09    -0.16  
  -0.05    -0.14     0.00    -0.07    -0.14    -0.11    -0.09    -0.16 

2015-03-05 14:32:33 (info) CalibManager.GUIMetrology: parameters of type "tilt":

Code Block
-0.23684  -0.26306   0.01974  -0.17767  -0.28289   0.03947  -0.17109  -0.17041  
-0.23684  -0.26306   0.01974  -0.17767  -0.28289   0.03947  -0.17109  -0.17041  
-0.23684  -0.26306   0.01974  -0.17767  -0.28289   0.03947  -0.17109  -0.17041  
-0.23684  -0.26306   0.01974  -0.17767  -0.28289   0.03947  -0.17109  -0.17041 

2015-03-05 14:32:33 (info) CalibManager.GUIMetrology: parameters of type "geometry":

Code Block
# TITLE      Geometry parameters of CSPAD
# DATE_TIME  2015-03-05 14:32:33 PST
# METROLOGY  /reg/g/psdm/detector/alignment/cspad/calib-mec-2013-12-20/2013-12-20-Quad-MEC-Metrology-corr.txt
# AUTHOR     dubrovin
# CALIB_TYPE geometry
# COMMENT:01 Table contains the list of geometry parameters for alignment of 2x1 sensors, quads, CSPAD, etc
# COMMENT:02 All translation and rotation pars of the object are defined w.r.t. parent object Cartesian frame
# PARAM:01 PARENT     - name and version of the parent object
# PARAM:02 PARENT_IND - index of the parent object
# PARAM:03 OBJECT     - name and version of the object
# PARAM:04 OBJECT_IND - index of the new object
# PARAM:05 X0         - x-coordinate [um] of the object origin in the parent frame
# PARAM:06 Y0         - y-coordinate [um] of the object origin in the parent frame
# PARAM:07 Z0         - z-coordinate [um] of the object origin in the parent frame
# PARAM:08 ROT_Z      - object design rotation angle [deg] around Z axis of the parent frame
# PARAM:09 ROT_Y      - object design rotation angle [deg] around Y axis of the parent frame
# PARAM:10 ROT_X      - object design rotation angle [deg] around X axis of the parent frame
# PARAM:11 TILT_Z     - object tilt angle [deg] around Z axis of the parent frame
# PARAM:12 TILT_Y     - object tilt angle [deg] around Y axis of the parent frame
# PARAM:13 TILT_X     - object tilt angle [deg] around X axis of the parent frame
# HDR PARENT IND        OBJECT IND     X0[um]   Y0[um]   Z0[um]   ROT-Z ROT-Y ROT-X     TILT-Z   TILT-Y   TILT-X

QUAD:V1        0  SENS2X1:V1     0      21957    33685       -5       0     0     0   -0.23684 -0.05263 -0.10960 
QUAD:V1        0  SENS2X1:V1     1      21820    10360      -15       0     0     0   -0.26306 -0.03946  0.02739 
QUAD:V1        0  SENS2X1:V1     2      33767    68537        0     270     0     0    0.01974  0.08549 -0.01316 
QUAD:V1        0  SENS2X1:V1     3      10832    68617       -7     270     0     0   -0.17767 -0.01370  0.00658 
QUAD:V1        0  SENS2X1:V1     4      69137    56492      -15     180     0     0   -0.28289  0.03947  0.02741 
QUAD:V1        0  SENS2X1:V1     5      69185    79895      -12     180     0     0    0.03947  0.03289 -0.01370 
QUAD:V1        0  SENS2X1:V1     6      78200    21802      -10     270     0     0   -0.17109  0.02740 -0.01316 
QUAD:V1        0  SENS2X1:V1     7      54799    21890      -17     270     0     0   -0.17041 -0.01370 -0.01974 
QUAD:V1        1  SENS2X1:V1     0      21957    33685       -5       0     0     0   -0.23684 -0.05263 -0.10960 
QUAD:V1        1  SENS2X1:V1     1      21820    10360      -15       0     0     0   -0.26306 -0.03946  0.02739 
QUAD:V1        1  SENS2X1:V1     2      33767    68537        0     270     0     0    0.01974  0.08549 -0.01316 
QUAD:V1        1  SENS2X1:V1     3      10832    68617       -7     270     0     0   -0.17767 -0.01370  0.00658 
QUAD:V1        1  SENS2X1:V1     4      69137    56492      -15     180     0     0   -0.28289  0.03947  0.02741 
QUAD:V1        1  SENS2X1:V1     5      69185    79895      -12     180     0     0    0.03947  0.03289 -0.01370 
QUAD:V1        1  SENS2X1:V1     6      78200    21802      -10     270     0     0   -0.17109  0.02740 -0.01316 
QUAD:V1        1  SENS2X1:V1     7      54799    21890      -17     270     0     0   -0.17041 -0.01370 -0.01974 
QUAD:V1        2  SENS2X1:V1     0      21957    33685       -5       0     0     0   -0.23684 -0.05263 -0.10960 
QUAD:V1        2  SENS2X1:V1     1      21820    10360      -15       0     0     0   -0.26306 -0.03946  0.02739 
QUAD:V1        2  SENS2X1:V1     2      33767    68537        0     270     0     0    0.01974  0.08549 -0.01316 
QUAD:V1        2  SENS2X1:V1     3      10832    68617       -7     270     0     0   -0.17767 -0.01370  0.00658 
QUAD:V1        2  SENS2X1:V1     4      69137    56492      -15     180     0     0   -0.28289  0.03947  0.02741 
QUAD:V1        2  SENS2X1:V1     5      69185    79895      -12     180     0     0    0.03947  0.03289 -0.01370 
QUAD:V1        2  SENS2X1:V1     6      78200    21802      -10     270     0     0   -0.17109  0.02740 -0.01316 
QUAD:V1        2  SENS2X1:V1     7      54799    21890      -17     270     0     0   -0.17041 -0.01370 -0.01974 
QUAD:V1        3  SENS2X1:V1     0      21957    33685       -5       0     0     0   -0.23684 -0.05263 -0.10960 
QUAD:V1        3  SENS2X1:V1     1      21820    10360      -15       0     0     0   -0.26306 -0.03946  0.02739 
QUAD:V1        3  SENS2X1:V1     2      33767    68537        0     270     0     0    0.01974  0.08549 -0.01316 
QUAD:V1        3  SENS2X1:V1     3      10832    68617       -7     270     0     0   -0.17767 -0.01370  0.00658 
QUAD:V1        3  SENS2X1:V1     4      69137    56492      -15     180     0     0   -0.28289  0.03947  0.02741 
QUAD:V1        3  SENS2X1:V1     5      69185    79895      -12     180     0     0    0.03947  0.03289 -0.01370 
QUAD:V1        3  SENS2X1:V1     6      78200    21802      -10     270     0     0   -0.17109  0.02740 -0.01316 
QUAD:V1        3  SENS2X1:V1     7      54799    21890      -17     270     0     0   -0.17041 -0.01370 -0.01974 
CSPAD:V1       0  QUAD:V1        0      -4500    -4500        0      90     0     0    0.00000  0.00000  0.00000 
CSPAD:V1       0  QUAD:V1        1      -4500     4500        0       0     0     0    0.00000  0.00000  0.00000 
CSPAD:V1       0  QUAD:V1        2       4500     4500        0     270     0     0    0.00000  0.00000  0.00000 
CSPAD:V1       0  QUAD:V1        3       4500    -4500        0     180     0     0    0.00000  0.00000  0.00000 



Alignment check with rings

Left plot is from Zhou e-mail obtained with constants for MecTargetChamber.0:Cspad.0 from 2013-12-10 

Right plot is generated with latest available optical measurement for MecTargetChamber.0:Cspad.0 from 2013-12-20  (different date and corrections to measurements were applied).

 Image Added  Image Added

Geometry parameters

Parameters for center, tilt, and geometry are available in

Archive: /reg/g/psdm/detector/alignment/cspad/calib-mec-2013-12-20/calib/

Deployment: /reg/d/psdm/mec/mecf9615/calib/?/reg/neh/home1/dubrovin/LCLS/CSPadAlignment-v01/calib-mec-2013-12-20/*/



  • X coordinates are corrected for points 2, 16 and , 24
  • Z coordinate is corrected for points 13, 17, 18, 21, 22
  • After that all deviations are ~10um.point 13 Z=−1.76 is suspicious, but there is no hint how to correct... May be 2x1 is badly bent...(smile)


