Versions Compared


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Note a conflicting procedure / documentation in the procedures folder: 9.8.3 Pumping/Venting Procedure . These are being reconciled.

Readiness checklist

  •  All chamber doors must be closed
  •  All chamber flanges must be in place (no obvious opening)
  •  TC1:VGC:11, TC1:VGC:12, TC1-VGC-01, TC1-VGC-02, TC1-VGC-03, TC1-VGC-04 must be closed
  •  MEZ-PMF-01 EBARA A70, MEZ-PMF-02 EBARA A70 must be off (if faulted, press RESET)
  •  TC1-VGC-04, MEZ:VGC:17, MEZ:VGC:18, MEZ-VIC-19 must be closed
  •  MEZ-GPI-02 must display ~ 6.5e+02 torr (if lower, open MEZ:VGC:18 until restored, then close)
  •  TC1-VGC-04, MEZ:VGC:17, MEZ:VGC:18, MEZ-VIC-19 must be closed and allowed to open
  •  The gas ballast control knob of the scroll pump should be set to level 0
  •  Turbo pump should be at "Full Speed" (if not follow Turbo pump startup procedurebelow)


If something goes off track during this procedure, initiate the venting procedure and check for leaks (flanges, virtual leaks, waterlines, etc).
