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2024-03-08 time consumption by the calib_jungfrau_v2 algorithm


Code of calib_jungfrau_v2 is interlaces with timestamps. The list of timestamps is returned along with calibrated array. 

Code Block
titleCode of calib_jungfrau_v2 with time stamps
def calib_jungfrau_v2(det, evt, cmpars=(7,3,200,10), **kwa):
    v2 - improving performance, reduce time and memory consumption, use peds-offset constants
    Returns calibrated jungfrau data

    - gets constants
    - gets raw data
    - evaluates (code - pedestal - offset)
    - applys common mode correction if turned on
    - apply gain factor


    - det (psana.Detector) - Detector object
    - evt (psana.Event)    - Event object
    - cmpars (tuple) - common mode parameters
        - cmpars[0] - algorithm # 7-for jungfrau
        - cmpars[1] - control bit-word 1-in rows, 2-in columns
        - cmpars[2] - maximal applied correction
    - **kwa - used here and passed to det.mask_v2 or det.mask_comb
      - nda_raw - if not None, substitutes evt.raw()
      - mbits - DEPRECATED parameter of the det.mask_comb(...)
      - mask - user defined mask passed as optional parameter

    t00 = time()

    src = det.source # - src (psana.Source) - Source object

    nda_raw = kwa.get('nda_raw', None)
    loop_segs = kwa.get('loop_segs', False)
    arr = det.raw(evt) if nda_raw is None else nda_raw # shape:(<npanels>, 512, 1024) dtype:uint16
    if arr is None: return None

    t01 = time()

    detname = string_from_source(det.source)

    t02 = time()

    odc = cache.detcache_for_detname(detname)

    t03 = time()

    first_entry = odc is None
    if first_entry:
       odc = cache.add_detcache(det, evt)
       odc.cmps = det.common_mode(evt) if cmpars is None else cmpars
       odc.mask = det.mask_total(evt, **kwa)

    poff = odc.poff # 4d pedestals + offset shape:(3, 1, 512, 1024) dtype:float32
    gfac = odc.gfac # 4d gain factors evaluated form gains
    mask = odc.mask
    outa = odc.outa
    cmps = odc.cmps

    t04 = time()

    if first_entry:'\n  ====================== %s' %\
                   +'\n  detname from source: %s' % string_from_source(det.source)\
                   +info_ndarr(arr,  '\n  calib_jungfrau arr ')\
                   +info_ndarr(poff, '\n  calib_jungfrau peds+off')\
                   +info_ndarr(gfac, '\n  calib_jungfrau gfac')\
                   +info_ndarr(mask, '\n  calib_jungfrau mask')\
                   +info_ndarr(outa, '\n  calib_jungfrau outa')\
                   +info_ndarr(cmps, '\n  calib_jungfrau common mode parameters ')
                   +'\n    loop over segments: %s' % loop_segs)

    if loop_segs:
      nsegs = arr.shape[0]
      shseg = arr.shape[-2:] # (512, 1024)
      for i in range(nsegs):
        arr1  = arr[i,:]
        mask1 = mask[i,:]
        gfac1 = gfac[:,i,:,:]
        poff1 = poff[:,i,:,:]
        arr1.shape  = (1,) + shseg
        mask1.shape = (1,) + shseg
        gfac1.shape = (3,1,) + shseg
        poff1.shape = (3,1,) + shseg
        out1, times = calib_jungfrau_single_panel(arr1, gfac1, poff1, mask1, cmps)
        outa[i,:] = out1[0,:]

      resp = outa

      resp, times = calib_jungfrau_single_panel(arr, gfac, poff, mask, cmps)

    t17 = time()
    times = (t00, t01, t02, t03, t04) + times + (t17,)
    return resp, np.array(times, dtype=np.float64)

def calib_jungfrau_single_panel(arr, gfac, poff, mask, cmps):
    """ Arrays should have a single panel shape, example for 8-panel detector
    arr:  shape:(8, 512, 1024) size:4194304 dtype:uint16 [2906 2945 2813 2861 3093...]
    poff: shape:(3, 8, 512, 1024) size:12582912 dtype:float32 [2922.283 2938.098 2827.207 2855.296 3080.415...]
    gfac: shape:(3, 8, 512, 1024) size:12582912 dtype:float32 [0.02490437 0.02543429 0.02541406 0.02539831 0.02544083...]
    mask: shape:(8, 512, 1024) size:4194304 dtype:uint8 [1 1 1 1 1...]
    cmps: shape:(16,) size:16 dtype:float64 [  7.   1. 100.   0.   0....]

    t05 = time()

    # Define bool arrays of ranges
    gr0 = arr <  BW1              # 490 us
    gr1 =(arr >= BW1) & (arr<BW2) # 714 us
    gr2 = arr >= BW3              # 400 us

    t06 = time()

    factor =, gr1, gr2), (gfac[0,:], gfac[1,:], gfac[2,:]), default=1) # 2msec

    t07 = time()

    pedoff =, gr1, gr2), (poff[0,:], poff[1,:], poff[2,:]), default=0)

    t08 = time()

    # Subtract offset-corrected pedestals
    arrf = np.array(arr & MSK, dtype=np.float32)

    t09 = time()

    arrf -= pedoff

    t10 = time()

    if cmps is not None:
      mode, cormax = int(cmps[1]), cmps[2]
      npixmin = cmps[3] if len(cmps)>3 else 10
      if mode>0:
        #arr1 = store.arr1
        #grhg =,  gr1), (arr1, arr1), default=0)
        logger.debug(info_ndarr(gr0, 'gain group0'))
        logger.debug(info_ndarr(mask, 'mask'))
        t0_sec_cm = time()

        t11 = time()
        gmask = np.bitwise_and(gr0, mask) if mask is not None else gr0

        t12 = time()

        #sh = (nsegs, 512, 1024)
        hrows = 256 #512/2

        for s in range(arrf.shape[0]):

          t13 = time()

          if mode & 4: # in banks: (512/2,1024/16) = (256,64) pixels # 100 ms
            common_mode_2d_hsplit_nbanks(arrf[s,:hrows,:], mask=gmask[s,:hrows,:], nbanks=16, cormax=cormax, npix_min=npixmin)
            common_mode_2d_hsplit_nbanks(arrf[s,hrows:,:], mask=gmask[s,hrows:,:], nbanks=16, cormax=cormax, npix_min=npixmin)

          t14 = time()

          if mode & 1: # in rows per bank: 1024/16 = 64 pixels # 275 ms
            common_mode_rows_hsplit_nbanks(arrf[s,], mask=gmask[s,], nbanks=16, cormax=cormax, npix_min=npixmin)

          t15 = time()

          if mode & 2: # in cols per bank: 512/2 = 256 pixels  # 290 ms
            common_mode_cols(arrf[s,:hrows,:], mask=gmask[s,:hrows,:], cormax=cormax, npix_min=npixmin)
            common_mode_cols(arrf[s,hrows:,:], mask=gmask[s,hrows:,:], cormax=cormax, npix_min=npixmin)

        logger.debug('TIME: common-mode correction time = %.6f sec' % (time()-t0_sec_cm))

    t16 = time()

    arrf = arrf * factor if mask is None else arrf * factor * mask # gain correction

    return arrf, (t05, t06, t07, t08, t09, t10, t11, t12, t13, t14, t15, t16)


Code Block
titlecalib_jungfrau_v2 with loops over segments
ana-4.0.59-py3 [dubrovin@sdfmilan204:~/LCLS/con-py3]$ mpirun -n 1 python  Detector/examples/ 7
rank:000 cpu_num:000 size:01
[I] L0398: 
  ====================== CxiDs1.0:Jungfrau.0
  detname from source: CxiDs1.0:Jungfrau.0
  calib_jungfrau arr  shape:(8, 512, 1024) size:4194304 dtype:uint16 [2906 2945 2813 2861 3093...]
  calib_jungfrau peds+off shape:(3, 8, 512, 1024) size:12582912 dtype:float32 [2922.283 2938.098 2827.207 2855.296 3080.415...]
  calib_jungfrau gfac shape:(3, 8, 512, 1024) size:12582912 dtype:float32 [0.02490437 0.02543429 0.02541406 0.02539831 0.02544083...]
  calib_jungfrau mask shape:(8, 512, 1024) size:4194304 dtype:uint8 [1 1 1 1 1...]
  calib_jungfrau outa shape:(8, 512, 1024) size:4194304 dtype:float32 [0. 0. 0. 0. 0....]ndarray from tuple: 
  calib_jungfrau common mode parameters  shape:(4,) size:4 dtype:int64 [  7   7 200  10]
    loop over segments: True
rank:000 cpu_num:000 nevt:0000 time:10.117775
[I] L0604: rank:000 job 2-nd evt time:1710176925.177748 saveed in file: figs/mpi-job-2nd-evt-time.txt
rank:000 cpu_num:000 nevt:0010 time:0.586269
rank:000 cpu_num:000 nevt:0020 time:0.581187
rank:000 cpu_num:000 nevt:0030 time:0.579508
rank:000 cpu_num:000 nevt:0040 time:0.566666
rank:000 cpu_num:000 nevt:0050 time:0.580894
rank:000 cpu_num:000 nevt:0060 time:0.580464
rank:000 cpu_num:000 nevt:0070 time:0.579505
rank:000 cpu_num:000 nevt:0080 time:0.582394
rank:000 cpu_num:000 nevt:0090 time:0.579650
rank:000 cpu_num:000 nevt:0100 time:0.580779
[I] L0637: Summary for rank:000 job 2-nd evt time:1710176925.177748 time total (sec):65.284561
rank:000 times: shape:(100,) size:100 dtype:float64
QStandardPaths: XDG_RUNTIME_DIR not set, defaulting to '/tmp/runtime-dubrovin'
hostname:sdfmilan204 rank:000 cpu:000 cmt:8p-v7 proc time (sec) mean: 0.5819 +/- 0.0051 rms: 0.0066 +/- 0.0036

fnprefix: figs/fig-mpi-data-8p-v7-sdfmilan204-ncores01 title: sdfmilan204 rank 000 of 001 cpu_num 000
arrts[msec]: shape:(100, 18) size:1800 dtype:float64
000  1710176925.179   0.666   0.017   0.008   0.002 569.880   0.195   0.680   0.623   0.117   0.084   0.127   0.052   0.001  11.087  31.610  36.165   0.397
001  1710176925.835   0.638   0.018   0.003   0.002 571.524   0.194   0.707   0.637   0.119   0.083   0.132   0.054   0.001  11.149  31.636  35.907   0.396
002  1710176926.492   0.639   0.019   0.003   0.002 568.908   0.196   0.649   0.592   0.127   0.094   0.140   0.057   0.001  10.950  31.537  35.854   0.398
003  1710176927.147   0.633   0.019   0.003   0.002 568.563   0.201   0.649   0.601   0.117   0.083   0.130   0.056   0.001  10.769  31.551  36.225   0.401
004  1710176927.801   0.644   0.019   0.003   0.002 574.708   0.356   0.669   0.618   0.119   0.083   0.133   0.140   0.001  11.196  31.468  36.211   0.675
005  1710176928.465   1.722   0.018   0.003   0.001 568.464   0.195   0.674   0.592   0.117   0.083   0.132   0.056   0.001  11.315  31.503  35.888   0.401
006  1710176929.121   0.640   0.018   0.003   0.002 568.027   0.195   0.692   0.658   0.118   0.084   0.128   0.062   0.001  10.968  31.407  36.123   0.394
007  1710176929.775   0.638   0.023   0.012   0.002 569.959   0.192   0.603   0.678   0.118   0.083   0.130   0.056   0.001  10.919  31.392  35.939   0.395
008  1710176930.430   0.640   0.018   0.003   0.002 570.235   0.196   0.625   0.637   0.118   0.083   0.126   0.055   0.001  10.902  31.453  36.084   0.405
009  1710176931.086   0.637   0.018   0.003   0.001 572.507   0.353   0.658   0.603   0.118   0.084   0.133   0.140   0.002  11.013  31.432  37.417   0.677
010  1710176931.749   1.720   0.017   0.003   0.002 569.025   0.193   0.633   0.605   0.117   0.084   0.133   0.057   0.001  10.891  31.381  36.222   0.401
011  1710176932.405   0.635   0.017   0.003   0.001 567.340   0.194   0.634   0.612   0.125   0.083   0.127   0.056   0.001  11.194  31.417  35.845   0.399
012  1710176933.058   0.635   0.017   0.002   0.002 567.859   0.196   0.678   0.635   0.117   0.084   0.126   0.057   0.001  11.080  31.371  36.001   0.394
013  1710176933.712   0.636   0.024   0.013   0.002 566.197   0.194   0.657   0.603   0.117   0.083   0.133   0.058   0.001  11.233  31.371  36.247   0.403
014  1710176934.364   0.643   0.022   0.003   0.002 566.952   0.197   0.664   0.612   0.117   0.083   0.129   0.057   0.001  10.935  31.378  35.875   0.394
015  1710176935.016   0.635   0.018   0.003   0.002 569.362   0.510   0.626   0.861   0.127   0.083   0.154   0.136   0.001  11.003  31.729  36.294   0.671
016  1710176935.676   1.736   0.025   0.004   0.002 570.226   0.195   0.636   0.596   0.118   0.083   0.127   0.062   0.001  11.322  31.442  35.914   0.399
017  1710176936.337   0.637   0.018   0.002   0.002 567.089   0.192   0.650   0.592   0.300   0.083   0.129   0.057   0.001  11.218  31.405  35.914   0.393
018  1710176936.990   0.640   0.017   0.004   0.002 568.821   0.194   0.618   0.598   0.117   0.084   0.125   0.057   0.001  11.068  31.435  36.364   0.397
019  1710176937.645   0.642   0.017   0.003   0.002 567.523   0.196   0.665   0.636   0.119   0.083   0.127   0.057   0.001  11.117  31.384  35.998   0.395
020  1710176938.299   0.638   0.023   0.012   0.002 566.782   0.197   0.680   0.628   0.118   0.084   0.124   0.056   0.001  10.767  31.521  35.868   0.398
021  1710176938.951   0.636   0.018   0.003   0.001 565.609   0.193   0.610   0.607   0.118   0.084   0.126   0.057   0.002  11.339  31.319  36.009   0.394
022  1710176939.602   0.638   0.017   0.003   0.001 567.499   0.209   0.604   0.621   0.117   0.084   0.127   0.057   0.001  11.328  31.393  36.040   0.396
023  1710176940.256   0.635   0.019   0.004   0.002 573.105   0.353   0.679   0.609   0.118   0.091   0.127   0.141   0.001  11.096  31.372  36.344   0.681
024  1710176940.918   1.740   0.016   0.003   0.001 572.266   0.195   0.651   0.597   0.116   0.083   0.133   0.057   0.001  11.027  31.364  36.005   0.396
025  1710176941.577   0.631   0.018   0.003   0.001 567.538   0.192   0.631   0.591   0.125   0.084   0.125   0.057   0.001  11.003  31.337  35.894   0.396
026  1710176942.230   0.636   0.018   0.003   0.002 568.037   0.195   0.621   0.670   0.117   0.083   0.133   0.055   0.001  11.123  31.391  36.233   0.401
027  1710176942.884   0.636   0.018   0.003   0.001 567.989   0.193   0.635   0.677   0.127   0.084   0.126   0.056   0.001  10.962  31.390  35.895   0.398
028  1710176943.538   0.641   0.025   0.012   0.003 566.633   0.196   0.628   0.597   0.118   0.084   0.126   0.056   0.001  11.214  31.428  35.818   0.403
029  1710176944.190   0.635   0.017   0.003   0.002 565.870   0.192   0.648   0.610   0.117   0.089   0.124   0.057   0.001  11.144  31.362  35.860   0.395
030  1710176944.842   0.634   0.017   0.004   0.002 567.096   0.202   0.658   0.613   0.117   0.083   0.123   0.056   0.001  11.078  31.397  35.869   0.394
031  1710176945.494   0.629   0.018   0.003   0.001 566.641   0.195   0.649   0.607   0.118   0.083   0.133   0.057   0.001  11.119  31.346  36.274   0.401
032  1710176946.147   0.638   0.018   0.003   0.001 576.210   0.353   0.639   0.625   0.118   0.083   0.127   0.138   0.001  11.161  31.395  35.792   0.682
033  1710176946.812   1.721   0.018   0.003   0.002 567.965   0.192   0.614   0.622   0.117   0.083   0.131   0.057   0.001  11.197  31.366  35.955   0.394
034  1710176947.467   0.634   0.017   0.003   0.002 567.574   0.195   0.615   0.596   0.117   0.091   0.127   0.055   0.001  10.901  31.393  35.964   0.395
035  1710176948.120   0.635   0.017   0.003   0.001 540.194   0.195   0.662   0.509   0.100   0.070   0.107   0.050   0.001  10.365  28.301  34.414   0.394
036  1710176948.740   0.638   0.018   0.003   0.001 552.474   0.171   0.576   0.513   0.101   0.070   0.107   0.051   0.001  10.327  28.882  32.906   0.363
037  1710176949.372   0.607   0.017   0.003   0.002 547.162   0.194   0.664   0.616   0.118   0.083   0.136   0.065   0.001  10.803  31.229  35.949   0.402
038  1710176950.004   0.650   0.025   0.013   0.002 539.100   0.195   0.609   0.637   0.117   0.084   0.126   0.056   0.001  11.068  31.485  33.966   0.349
039  1710176950.627   0.606   0.016   0.002   0.002 554.036   0.169   0.542   0.518   0.105   0.071   0.120   0.065   0.001  10.410  29.793  32.797   0.351
040  1710176951.261   0.642   0.017   0.003   0.001 554.199   0.195   0.613   0.619   0.118   0.083   0.126   0.056   0.001  11.444  31.373  36.057   0.397
041  1710176951.902   0.631   0.024   0.003   0.002 570.335   0.194   0.641   0.595   0.118   0.083   0.135   0.057   0.001  10.968  31.413  35.979   0.393
042  1710176952.557   0.638   0.016   0.003   0.002 568.253   0.205   0.659   0.617   0.117   0.083   0.125   0.055   0.002  11.354  31.421  36.379   0.403
043  1710176953.212   0.636   0.017   0.003   0.002 570.688   0.349   0.694   0.612   0.127   0.084   0.125   0.137   0.001  10.998  31.364  35.868   0.677
044  1710176953.872   1.725   0.018   0.003   0.002 568.433   0.195   0.644   0.601   0.117   0.084   0.125   0.055   0.001  11.340  31.365  35.909   0.393
045  1710176954.528   0.631   0.018   0.003   0.001 566.346   0.194   0.655   0.607   0.117   0.083   0.128   0.061   0.001  11.143  31.315  35.884   0.393
046  1710176955.179   0.638   0.017   0.003   0.002 566.295   0.196   0.653   0.603   0.118   0.084   0.124   0.056   0.001  11.112  31.403  36.420   0.394
047  1710176955.832   0.632   0.017   0.004   0.002 565.378   0.193   0.613   0.597   0.117   0.088   0.128   0.056   0.001  11.151  31.322  36.042   0.398
048  1710176956.483   0.637   0.017   0.003   0.001 566.095   0.196   0.617   0.639   0.116   0.084   0.125   0.056   0.001  11.119  31.394  35.955   0.397
049  1710176957.135   0.633   0.018   0.003   0.002 567.317   0.193   0.696   0.609   0.118   0.089   0.128   0.057   0.001  11.030  31.297  35.939   0.395
050  1710176957.788   0.638   0.024   0.013   0.002 570.480   0.194   0.650   0.613   0.124   0.083   0.126   0.056   0.001  11.094  31.349  36.069   0.401
051  1710176958.444   0.634   0.017   0.003   0.001 567.719   0.195   0.686   0.591   0.117   0.083   0.132   0.057   0.001  11.028  31.395  35.928   0.394
052  1710176959.097   0.643   0.017   0.003   0.002 566.287   0.201   0.640   0.597   0.118   0.084   0.126   0.057   0.001  10.899  31.312  35.987   0.405
053  1710176959.749   0.637   0.017   0.003   0.002 567.780   0.196   0.647   0.611   0.118   0.084   0.131   0.057   0.002  10.977  31.435  35.997   0.395
054  1710176960.402   0.642   0.018   0.003   0.002 566.576   0.196   0.659   0.598   0.118   0.083   0.125   0.063   0.001  10.988  31.387  35.980   0.394
055  1710176961.055   0.627   0.017   0.003   0.002 566.366   0.194   0.659   0.613   0.118   0.084   0.135   0.056   0.001  10.914  31.310  36.169   0.396
056  1710176961.707   0.636   0.019   0.003   0.001 569.009   0.503   0.641   0.903   0.118   0.091   0.156   0.135   0.001  11.073  31.615  36.288   0.661
057  1710176962.366   1.732   0.019   0.002   0.002 570.110   0.196   0.658   0.647   0.118   0.083   0.134   0.057   0.001  11.127  35.682  35.929   0.401
058  1710176963.027   0.644   0.018   0.003   0.002 567.595   0.194   0.651   0.635   0.117   0.083   0.127   0.056   0.001  11.326  31.369  36.038   0.396
059  1710176963.681   0.628   0.019   0.002   0.002 566.851   0.194   0.634   0.625   0.118   0.084   0.128   0.055   0.001  11.123  31.468  35.948   0.393
060  1710176964.333   0.642   0.017   0.003   0.002 566.545   0.205   0.656   0.594   0.117   0.083   0.129   0.055   0.001  11.380  31.452  36.488   0.396
061  1710176964.987   0.630   0.018   0.003   0.002 567.141   0.231   0.631   0.615   0.117   0.084   0.125   0.055   0.001  11.449  31.284  35.898   0.393
062  1710176965.640   0.635   0.017   0.003   0.001 566.420   0.194   0.602   0.623   0.118   0.083   0.121   0.057   0.006  11.244  31.312  36.203   0.401
063  1710176966.292   0.636   0.018   0.003   0.001 566.424   0.196   0.646   0.604   0.119   0.084   0.127   0.056   0.001  10.810  31.245  36.966   0.411
064  1710176966.945   0.630   0.024   0.013   0.002 566.426   0.194   0.675   0.612   0.118   0.094   0.128   0.057   0.001  11.130  31.371  36.999   0.401
065  1710176967.598   0.634   0.018   0.003   0.002 569.700   0.204   0.633   0.603   0.117   0.083   0.125   0.056   0.002  11.036  31.356  36.108   0.394
066  1710176968.253   0.640   0.018   0.003   0.002 567.129   0.195   0.607   0.688   0.124   0.084   0.124   0.056   0.001  11.009  31.371  36.027   0.401
067  1710176968.906   0.633   0.018   0.003   0.002 565.612   0.203   0.671   0.599   0.116   0.083   0.125   0.056   0.001  10.705  31.379  36.182   0.396
068  1710176969.557   0.642   0.017   0.003   0.001 568.389   0.201   0.625   0.654   0.119   0.084   0.131   0.057   0.001  11.058  31.396  36.111   0.395
069  1710176970.212   0.628   0.018   0.002   0.002 566.199   0.195   0.646   0.595   0.117   0.083   0.126   0.061   0.001  10.833  31.327  36.125   0.395
070  1710176970.863   0.642   0.017   0.003   0.002 566.881   0.197   0.664   0.591   0.117   0.090   0.124   0.057   0.001  10.981  31.328  35.953   0.392
071  1710176971.516   0.628   0.017   0.003   0.002 566.241   0.194   0.659   0.633   0.118   0.084   0.123   0.062   0.001  10.926  31.365  36.098   0.394
072  1710176972.167   0.639   0.017   0.003   0.002 569.547   0.356   0.654   0.613   0.118   0.084   0.131   0.141   0.001  11.005  31.306  35.999   0.685
073  1710176972.826   1.742   0.017   0.003   0.001 568.023   0.194   0.629   0.602   0.117   0.084   0.123   0.056   0.002  10.927  31.313  35.976   0.394
074  1710176973.480   0.641   0.017   0.003   0.001 569.769   0.195   0.636   0.678   0.117   0.083   0.124   0.061   0.001  11.282  31.428  35.903   0.399
075  1710176974.136   0.636   0.017   0.003   0.002 566.796   0.194   0.653   0.627   0.117   0.084   0.124   0.073   0.002  10.784  31.387  36.141   0.393
076  1710176974.788   0.641   0.018   0.003   0.002 566.806   0.196   0.656   0.595   0.118   0.083   0.131   0.056   0.001  11.171  31.349  35.968   0.396
077  1710176975.441   0.630   0.023   0.003   0.002 567.456   0.194   0.654   0.627   0.125   0.085   0.126   0.056   0.001  11.124  31.371  36.198   0.397
078  1710176976.094   0.643   0.017   0.003   0.002 566.938   0.195   0.613   0.596   0.117   0.083   0.124   0.056   0.001  10.970  31.337  36.105   0.393
079  1710176976.747   0.631   0.017   0.003   0.002 568.831   0.194   0.609   0.648   0.118   0.083   0.125   0.055   0.001  11.077  31.336  35.977   0.397
080  1710176977.401   0.638   0.018   0.003   0.001 564.980   0.195   0.685   0.601   0.117   0.084   0.122   0.063   0.001  10.931  31.312  36.033   0.396
081  1710176978.052   0.630   0.018   0.003   0.002 566.748   0.194   0.676   0.622   0.118   0.083   0.125   0.057   0.002  11.122  31.409  36.197   0.394
082  1710176978.704   0.641   0.026   0.012   0.002 566.579   0.197   0.665   0.650   0.118   0.083   0.125   0.061   0.001  11.342  31.363  40.708   0.396
083  1710176979.362   0.630   0.017   0.003   0.002 567.053   0.203   0.644   0.600   0.118   0.083   0.126   0.056   0.001  10.994  31.350  36.342   0.396
084  1710176980.014   0.648   0.018   0.003   0.001 567.508   0.201   0.628   0.676   0.116   0.083   0.126   0.055   0.001  11.326  31.353  35.999   0.395
085  1710176980.668   0.633   0.016   0.003   0.002 566.638   0.194   0.640   0.597   0.118   0.083   0.127   0.054   0.001  11.118  31.345  35.914   0.400
086  1710176981.320   0.646   0.017   0.003   0.002 566.983   0.195   0.702   0.590   0.121   0.087   0.124   0.056   0.001  11.220  31.319  35.979   0.398
087  1710176981.973   0.634   0.017   0.003   0.001 567.545   0.195   0.602   0.595   0.118   0.084   0.124   0.057   0.001  11.417  31.365  36.243   0.405
088  1710176982.626   0.640   0.017   0.003   0.002 565.968   0.195   0.637   0.599   0.119   0.083   0.123   0.056   0.001  10.989  31.346  35.936   0.401
089  1710176983.277   0.628   0.015   0.003   0.002 566.326   0.196   0.645   0.602   0.118   0.083   0.126   0.057   0.001  10.849  31.537  36.117   0.393
090  1710176983.929   0.637   0.016   0.003   0.002 569.852   0.194   0.683   0.611   0.117   0.084   0.126   0.055   0.001  10.798  31.367  35.928   0.401
091  1710176984.584   0.631   0.017   0.002   0.001 571.955   0.352   0.689   0.596   0.117   0.084   0.131   0.139   0.001  11.187  31.335  36.047   0.682
092  1710176985.244   1.727   0.016   0.004   0.001 566.733   0.194   0.612   0.616   0.117   0.090   0.124   0.055   0.001  10.952  31.308  36.219   0.400
093  1710176985.898   0.628   0.018   0.004   0.002 566.060   0.200   0.602   0.627   0.117   0.083   0.125   0.056   0.002  11.088  32.352  36.037   0.394
094  1710176986.550   0.635   0.017   0.003   0.002 566.814   0.195   0.640   0.622   0.117   0.083   0.123   0.056   0.001  11.324  31.351  36.345   0.393
095  1710176987.202   0.629   0.017   0.003   0.002 566.586   0.194   0.652   0.672   0.117   0.083   0.131   0.057   0.001  10.958  31.435  36.180   0.401
096  1710176987.854   0.644   0.017   0.003   0.002 566.027   0.194   0.669   0.596   0.117   0.083   0.126   0.056   0.001  10.909  31.394  36.098   0.399
097  1710176988.506   0.636   0.017   0.003   0.001 566.741   0.192   0.636   0.651   0.118   0.084   0.125   0.056   0.002  11.258  31.340  35.949   0.392
098  1710176989.158   0.640   0.017   0.003   0.002 569.880   0.201   0.642   0.664   0.117   0.083   0.123   0.055   0.001  10.825  31.324  35.999   0.404
099  1710176989.813   0.628   0.016   0.003   0.001 566.983   0.202   0.645   0.596   0.118   0.083   0.124   0.056   0.001  11.322  31.347  36.264   0.399
evt  t00(sec)    ms:  t01     t02     t03     t04     t05     t06     t07     t08     t09     t10     t11     t12     t13     t14     t15     t16     t17
job #1 median:        0.637   0.018   0.003   0.002 567.135   0.195   0.646   0.611   0.118   0.083   0.126   0.056   0.001  11.075  31.371  36.003   0.396 other 
other jobs
job #2 median:        0.628   0.017   0.003   0.001 566.815   0.194   0.638   0.639   0.117   0.084   0.128   0.055   0.001  11.071  31.411  36.020   0.391
job #3 median:        0.628   0.016   0.003   0.001 567.021   0.194   0.689   0.601   0.118   0.084   0.125   0.055   0.001  11.060  31.398  35.948   0.395
job #4 median:        0.638   0.016   0.003   0.002 567.018   0.195   0.627   0.629   0.117   0.083   0.127   0.057   0.001  11.080  31.404  35.974   0.396
job #5 median:        0.805   0.014   0.003   0.001 567.475   0.212   0.654   0.624   0.120   0.085   0.125   0.057   0.001  11.093  31.389  35.989   0.400


w/o loops over panelswith loops over panels
dtmeaningarray size in  (512,1024)msecarray size in  (512,1024)mseccomment
01get det.raw(evt)80.66480.638
02get detector name from source
03access cache object for detname
04get peds, gfac, mask, out, cmps3x80.0023x80.002

single panel begin processing

begin processing entire array0.001begin processing last panel567meaningless
06make gain range indices, gr0, 1, 281.40810.195 for gain factor85.3410.627 for gain peds+offset85.0010.629
09apply mask for data bits, arr & MSK81.7310.117
10subtract pedestals81.1910.083
11massaging common mode parameters
12apply pixel mask for gr080.67410.057
13begin loop over panels for CMCtime to work with last panel549time to work with current panel0.001meaningless
14CMC in banks: (512/2,1024/16) = (256,64)111.2111.1CMC always loop over panels
15CMC in rows per bank: 1024/16 = 64 pixels131.3131.4
16CMC in cols per bank: 512/2 = 256 pixels135.9136.0
17Apply gain correction and mask82.8710.40

Total time per event85768582
  • where CMC stands for common mode correction

