Till provided slides detailing the choices we have in assigning MC addresses for FCOM and 'private' IOC->EIOC communications. The slides can be found on Sharepoint at
The following decisions were made in our meeting: https://slacspace.slac.stanford.edu/sites/LCLS%20Document%20Storage/01%20-%20LCLS%20Systems/electronbeamsys/controls/Shared%20Documents/Fast%20Feedback/FNET%20Network/fnet_mc_addresses.pdf
The following decisions were made in our meeting:
- We will reserve 8k contiguous addresses for FCOM
- DNS names for all IOCs and EIOCs on FNET will be <ioc/eioc name>-fnet
- DNS names for master IOC->PAD Multicast groups will be <ioc name>-padg
- Kukhee has a special case: the PACs. The RF Master IOC actually sends IOCs will send control commands to PACs only, so it will do this in a different multicast group. the DNS name for master IOC->PAC Multicast groups will be <ioc name>-pacg
- The group agreed on the 'script' method of associating a PAD/PAC with it's master IOC multicast group
- The script will be called in the st.cmd file
- the script will use the DNS name, and the EIOC will use dns look-up for the actual mc group
- Charley / Terri / Ken will be managing the addressingaddresses
- IOC engineers to fill out DNS names name request forms for their subsystems and send to Terri/Charley
- each IOC must have a request for 1) <ioc-name>-fnet, and 2)<ioc-name>-padg dns name padg (kukhee also needs to request 3) <ioc-name>-pacg name )
- each EIOC must have a request for an <eioc-name>-fnet dns name
RFHut networking update
Charley has installed a new network switch in the RFHut stack and recabled the RF PADs that were on a private switch to this new switch. The private network is implemented with a VLAN. This is currenly working in production for ioc-in20-rf01 RF IOC, and shows a way that we can install switches and permanently re-cable for FNET during the downtime. When we install fast feedback software in our IOCs, the ports on the new switch must be also configured for FNET. To back out fast feedback software changes, we will also need to re-configure the ports to a private VLAN setup. This switch configuring will be easier than moving cables....
Sonya, Qing, Kukhee - fill out DNS name request forms and turn in to Terri/Charley
Terri/Charley - manage addressing, coordinate with Antonio as necessary
Diane - arrange time/location for Qing's BLEN review