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Topics to discuss during the meeting (progress):

  1. Progress for the past week:
  2. Preparation for beamtime:
    • new cable to observe the x-ray pulse and ACQ window directly;
    • old firmware;
    • what measurements do we need to do at the beamtime;
    • what


    • scripts do we need to do for the beamtime?
  1. Pulser setup:
    • progress update;
    • new detector (etch 31).
  2. Enable register reads:
  3. Register meaning;
  4. Understand the timing diagram with new (and old if needed) firmware:
  5. Understand startup sequence:
  6. GitHub and creation of software depository:
  7. Time tracking:
  8. Gabriels presentation.

Meeting notes:

  1. Overview of progress in last week:
    1. Philip had received feedback from DAQ crew regarding the start-up sequence for the small epix10ka (LCLS-I) (see presentation). The substeps that happen in the process require further information to evaluate.
    2. The vertical shifts observed between multiple linearity runs (decreasing flux) for the small was not seen for the quads. A small variation in the switching regions was observed.
    3. a shift in droped shot pedestal with increased flux inbetween shots was observed by Philip (potential baseline drift).
    4. The backplane pulser has been evaluated on the ePixHR platform and we are seing encouraging results. The non-linearity with incorrect timing was observed for this detector as well (same analog circuitry)
  2. Preperation for beamtime:
    1. The cable has been tested and the ACQ window and trigger can both be visualised on the scope, so we are set for the beamtime. For the rest of the points, this was postponed for the next meeting since not enough time and we have time before beamtime.
  3. Pulser setup:
    1. Will continue. Scott will try and run it with a bias of 150-200V, and then play around with the system (timing etc.) to get a feeling for what the system can do.
  4. Enable registers reads:
    1. ....
  5. Timing diagram:
    1. Will be further persued once the Rogue computer has been set up in the ASC lab.
  6. Startup sequence:
    1. Initial breakdown provided by DAQ group to Philip. Further input is needed, and TID explanations for what the different sequences mean (consequences of resets etc.)
  7. Github:
    1. No progress so far. Dionisio will give an overview next time.
  8. Time tracking:
    1. ...
  9. Gabriels presentation:
    1. Overview of the calibration steps needed and described a new fitting model for multiphoton (LCLS type) data to determine absolute gain. Had to cut it short due to time. Will continue next week.


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Philips presentation