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title2023-02-21 version of --help option epix10ka_charge_injection -h
(ps-4.5.26) [dubrovin@psanagpu101:~/LCLS/con-lcls2]$ epix10ka_charge_injection -k exp=ascdaq18,run=171 -d epixhr -i0 -o ./work --slice "0:144,0:192" -h
  epix10ka_charge_injection -k exp=ascdaq18,run=171 -d epixhr -i0 -o ./work     # with graphics
  epix10ka_charge_injection -k exp=ascdaq18,run=171 -d epixhr -i0 -o ./work -D  # without graphics
  epix10ka_charge_injection -k exp=ascdaq18,run=171 -d epixhr -i0 -o ./work --slice "0:144,0:192"  # select part of the panel to evaluate pixel status and plot

Process charge injection data for epixhr/epix10ka

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -k DSKWARGS, --dskwargs DSKWARGS
                        Data source parameters; string of comma-separated (no spaces) parameters for DataSource(**kwargs), ex: exp=<expname>,run=<runs>,dir=<xtc-dir>, ..., or <file-
                        name.xtc> or files=<file-name.xtc> or pythonic dict of generic kwargs, e.g.: "{'exp':'tmoc00318', 'run':[10,11,12], 'dir':'/a/b/c/xtc'}", default = None
  -d DET, --det DET     detector name, default = None
  -i IDX, --idx IDX     panel index (0-15/3 for epix10ka2m/quad), default = None
  -b NBS, --nbs NBS     number of frames to calibrate offsets, default = 4600
  -n NSPACE, --nspace NSPACE
                        space between calibrated pixels - TO BE AUTOMATED, default = 5
  -o DIRREPO, --dirrepo DIRREPO
                        repository for results, default = ./work
  -L LOGMODE, --logmode LOGMODE
                        logging mode, one of CRITICAL, FATAL, ERROR, WARN, WARNING, INFO, DEBUG, NOTSET, TRACE, default = INFO
  -X NPOFF, --npoff NPOFF
                        discard in fit number of points on trace around switching point, default = 10
  -c CCNUM, --ccnum CCNUM
                        step number to process (from 0 to 49) for debugging or all by default, default = None
  -m CCMAX, --ccmax CCMAX
                        maximal number of steps to process(for debugging), default = 50
  -s CCSKIP, --ccskip CCSKIP
                        skip number steps in the beginning of the data file (for debugging), default = 0
  -P PIXRC, --pixrc PIXRC
                        selected pixel for graphics: comma separated pixel row and colon, ex. 23,234, default = None
  -S NSIGM, --nsigm NSIGM
                        number of sigma/spread to discard outlaiers for pixel_status, default = 8
  -D, --display         turn off graphical display, default = True
  -N, --nperiods        use all found saw periods of the pulser, default = True
  -E, --errskip         flag to skip errors and keep processing (stop otherwise), default = False
  -C, --savechi2        save chi2 files, default = True
  --dirmode DIRMODE     directory mode for all created directories, default = 0o2775
  --filemode FILEMODE   file mode for all saved files, default = 0o664
  --group GROUP         group ownership for all saved files, default = ps-users
  --slice SLICE         (str) slice of the panel image 2-d array selected for plots and pixel status, FOR DEBUGGING ONLY, ex. "0:144,0:192", default = 0:,0:

Preserving intermediate fit results for debugging

For debugging purpose, intermediate fit results are preserved in temporary *.npz file like


If this file is available, data processing is omitted, but final pixel status evaluation and resulting plots can be repeated. To re-process data this file must be deleted.

Parameters for debugging

-S NSIGM, --nsigm NSIGM - defines range of the good pixel status

--slice SLICE -  sets a part of the penel to be displayed on plots

-D, --display ,etc.- turns off plots that reduces processing time


Charge injection map


  • charge injection processing for epixhr is ready
  • test 1single-ASIC panel contains a lot of dead and noisy pixels
  • H and M gain modes shows significant non-linearitypixel status is evaluated for this procedure
  • fit results in terms of offset and gain constants are saved along with chi2 and pixel status arrays
  • Philip: at 1st stage this script will be used for detector characterization
    • pedestals are not re-evaluated
    • gains are not used directly
