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Installing DirectSoft

  1. Download the software installer from
  2. Install the latest version of DirectSoft.
    1. License Key: QKGD-6L68-Y019-J117

Connecting to the PLC

  1. Plug HDMI cable into Port 1 (circled) of PLC module.
    1. USB adapter will be needed to connect to computer.
    2. PLC must be in terminal mode ("TERM") to transfer changes.
  2. In the DirectSoft program, go to PLC > Connect...
  3. If the PLC has never been connected to the computer before, create link.
    1. Select Link... > Add...
    2. Select the communications port that the PLC is connected to.
      1. This may be found in the Device Manager of your computer’s Control Panel
    3. Select the PLC’s product family.
      1. Example: DirectLogic205 will be from the DL 0/1/2/4/350 Family
    4. Select the protocol to use in the communications link.
      1. SLAC LSS uses K Sequence
      2. Address: 1
  4. In the “Select Link…” pop-up window, click on the PLC you are using and press “Select”.

Port Settings

  1. PLC > Setup > Setup Sec. Comm Port
  2. Settings
    1. Port 2
    2. Non-Seq(ASCII)
    3. Base Timeout
    4. Data bits: 8
    5. Baud rate: 9600
    6. Stop bits: 1
    7. Parity: None
    8. Memory address: V7000
  3. Write the new settings to the PLC by clicking the icon: 

Common Program Rungs

  1. Intro to Ladder Logic
  2. Standard Order of Code
    1. Reset all variables
    2. Set necessary variables
    3. Shutter section
    4. Interlocks and latches
    5. Mode changes inhibited
    6. Logic sectionBypasses
    7. Mode selection
      1. In order from the of mode with the least privileges to the mode with most privileges
    8. Interlocks and latches
    9. Bypasses
    10. Lights
    11. Signs
    12. End
  3. Alternating On/Off
    1. For blinking lights, special buzzer patterns, etc.
    2. Example code (for use with EO buttons): 
  4. Signs
    1. PRINT Box
      1. Port: K2
    2. Script example: “_00_00_00_00_00_01Z00_02A0_1B b_1A9_1C1LASER IMMINENT _04”
      1. Start of header
        1. “_00_00_00_00_00
      2. Define sign address
        1. Broadcast to all signs: _01Z00
        2. Message for signs with specific address: _01Z01, _01Z02, _01Z03, etc.
      3. Start of text string
        1. _02A0
      4. Text dynamics
        1. Scrolling: _1B a
        2. Static: _1B b
      5. Text height
        1. _1A#
        2. may be 1-9, with 9 being full height
      6. Text color
        1. Red: _1C1
        2. Green: _1C2
        3. Yellow: _1C3
      7. Write message text
        1. Example: LASER IMMINENT
      8. End string
        1. _04"
    3. Only send print command to sign once
      1. Reset print command immediately after setting
  5. Shutter inconsistent latch fault conditions
    1. Shutter position sensors report IN and OUT
    2. Shutter position sensors report NOT IN and NOT OUT
    3. Shutter sensors report NOT IN when requested to be IN