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Some existing documentation can be found in /afs/slac/g/glast/ground/PipelineConfig/BeamTest-tasks/beamtestPipeline/current/doc.
install.txt and operation.txt may both be read directly, but need to be updated.  Running make in the doc directory will use IAndTPipeline.tex and several .dot files to make a .pdf.


Source  /u/gl/glast/pdb_config/dpf_config_prod.csh (or .sh if you use BASH) to run the pipeline text-mode management tools, which are installed in $PDB_HOME (which is set by the config script).

The environment variable beamtestPlRoot must be set to point to the location where the scripts are installed.

There is a master configuration file (setup/svacPlSetup.cshrc) that sets disk locations, code versions, and all kinds of fun stuff.  It sets over 100 environment variables that are needed at task install or run time.


----BeamTestRelease is run from an AFS volume.  When a new release is used, it must be either built on the AFS volume or copied there from the regular build area in NFS.  Then the cmt directories have to be configured to point to the new location.  There are 10 AFS volumes that are shared by MC, SVAC and beamtest pipelines.  They are all mounted under /afs/ as volume01-volume10.  There's also a file in that directory, VOLUME.USAGE, where you can claim your space.

BeamTestReport should be relinked against the new version of BeamTestRelease.

Neither BeamTestELog nor ConfigTables need to be relinked, as they are implemented in Python. 



 Pipeline Pipeline Tasks and Associated Scripts

Each pipeline tasks task consists of several c-shell, python and perl scripts.

Pipeline tasks are structured as a linear chain of steps.  Each step must succeed before going on to the next one.  Each step must be attempted, until one fails or the last one succeeds.  That is to say, there is no flow control, and no parallelism.  In order to deal with this, and to reduce the chance that a step would not be reached due to the failure of a previous step on which it did not logically depend, the work we do in the pipeline is split into 7 tasks, all but one of which (updateELogDB) are launched by other tasks.  This launching is done without GINO's (the pipeline infrastructure) knowledge.

The sequence of steps within a task is set by an XML file that is uploaded via the GINO front end to create the task.  This file also sets up input & output files, what code to run, which batch quesues to run it on, etc.  The XML files are generated by perl scripts in the task directories under $beatestPlRoot.

There is no file, script, datastructure, or anything outside the maintainer's head that codifies the global structure of it all.

Tasks launch other tasks using the $beamtestPlRoot/lib/ script.  My convention has been that I launch each task in a separate TP.  The TP and the script and wrapper that it uses have names beginning with "Launch".

The names of files registered with GINO is constrained to follow a certain format.  When one task produces a file that is used as input to another task, the name given by the first task is not the name expected by the second one.  Thus, part of the process of one task launching another is to create symbolic links with the name expected by the downstream task. 

Most steps within a task (Task Processes (TPs)) consist of a wrapper, which interfaces with the pipeline infrastructure ( GINO ) and a script which does the work, usually by running some external app.  The digi & recon reports, and beamtest tuple, create a c-shell script and then execute it.

The code for the bt pipeline is found in /afs/slac/g/glast/ground/PipelineConfig/BeamTest-tasks/beamtestPipeline/current

The cvs repository for the code is hereBeamTestPipeline. It contains a branch modified copy of svac/svacPipeline with the following features:


Task Name: configReport

Description: Makes instrument configuration report. 

Uses external app ConfigTables, which is in SAS CVS as svac/ct2. 


 Associated Scripts




make config report



 pipeline side

make XML file defining task



 currently makes 2 XML files, LICOS version should be removed

Task Name: digiReport

Description: Makes digitization report. 

Uses external app BeamTestReport. 


 Associated Scripts




 make digi report



 external side

make digi report



 pipeline side

make XML file defining task






 Associated Scripts




determine whether to reconstruct run




start digitization task



 pipeline side

make XML file defining task



 currently makes 2 XML files, LICOS version should be removed

digitize LDF data



 external side enter

run in eLog  digitize LDF data



 pipeline side enter

launch recon task run in eLog



 pipeline side










 probably delete








LICOS stuff, not used by beamtest



  LICOS stuff, not used by beamtest



LICOS stuff, not used by beamtest



 Associated Scripts




used by cleanupRecon.csh, gets rid of junk on one host




  utility, not used in pipeline

clean up junk left on  local disks of batch hosts by failed chunks




 utility, not used in pipeline

   shared by all TPs that copy files



 pipeline side

 reset eLog links to reports & ROOT files so there isn't a confusing mixed set of versions while reprocessing




  utility, not used in pipeline

  shared by all TPs that delete files



 pipeline side

  merge tuple chunks into single file



 external side

  merge tuple chunks into single file



 pipeline side



not used

 look things up in eLog




 launch a task from within another task




 Sometimes thigs don't work, and you try again and it's fine.  Usually due to some transient NFS issue. 
This script will attempt an action up to 5 times.  It's used by recon to copy & move files.





 change things in eLog




 Enter links to ROOT files and data reports into the eLog DB.




 Enter links to ROOT files and data reports into the eLog DB.



 pipeline side
The name of the TP using this must be the same as the name of the DB field that will hold the URL. 


Task Name: offLineTest

Description:  I don't even know what this is.


 Associated Scripts









  start ConfigTables task




Task Name: online

Description: loads the database

The files in this directory are used to launch a run.  They are intended to minimize the required knowledge of how all of this stuff works.  This simplifies the job of external systems that need to launch runs, and allows us to make internal changes without having to agree on a changed interface.


 Associated Scripts




launch a run




 not used



 not used



 not used



  not used


Task Name: recon


The recon task is relatively complex.  It splits a run into chunks, submits each one for reconstruction as a batch job (without GINO's knowledge), then merges the reconstructed chunks.

The first step, setupRecon, has almost all of the intelligence.  It decides how many chunks to use and which events will go in which chunk.  It writes a number of files which direct the action of later steps, including jobOptions files for reconstruction of the chunks.

doRecon controls the reconstruction of the chunks.  It reads a list of jobs to run, and for each one, spawns a thread that submits a batch job, waits for it to complete, and returns its status.  It then writes a file listing which, if any, of the chunks failed, and exits with an unsuccessful return code if there were failed chunks.  When the TP first starts, it checks for this list of failed chunks, and if it is present and nonempty, it uses it instead of the original list of all chunks writted by setupRecon.  This way, if some chunks fail, the TP can be rolled back and it will only need to redo the failed chunks.  The failed chunk list is not registered as a pipeline dataset, since it violates logical constraints within GINO for a TP to modify its input files.

In order to avoid problems with unreliable NFS service, the chunk jobs copy the input digi file to a local disk on the batch host (if it has one, I think they all do now) and writes the output files there as well.  It then moves the output files to a staging directory on AFS, and deletes the local copy of the input file.  When chunks fail, these files are left behind and eventually fill up the local disk.  Therefore, there is a script to seek out and delete these orphaned files.  It must run as user glastdpf.  I usually log into a noric as glastdpf and run it by hand every once in a while, but a better solution would probably be to wrap it in a task and run that task every night from my crontab.

Space on the AFS staging disk is a bottleneck on how fast we can run data through the pipeline.  It is shared by the SVAC and beamtest pipelines.

Merging the chunks of the recon file uses 4 TPs.  The first (mergeRecon) performs the actual merge, from chunk files on the staging disk to a recon file on the staging disk.  The second deletes the chunk files from the staging disk.  The third copies the merged recon file from the staging disk to its final destination on NFS.  The fourth deletes the merged file from the staging area.  This may seem unreasonably complicated, but it reduces the amount of work that must be redone on a rollback, and in some cases a rollback wouldn't work otherwise - we used to get situations where something would fail after the chunks had ben deleted, and we'd have to redo the reconstruction.  Deleting the chunk and staged merged files could be done in a single TP at the end of the sequence, but doing it this way saves space on the staging disk.

Once the recon file is merged & moved, the reconReport and svac or beamtest tuple tasks are launched so that the can run while later steps are happening.

Merit and CAL files are merged in 4 TPs each, similarly to recon, but these files have a sufficiently simple structure that they can be merged with hadd instead of the custom pyRoot script used for recon. 

3 more TPs enter URLS for the recon, merit, and CAL files into the eLog DB.

The final step (cleanup) just removes directories that  were created in the staging area by the setup step.  If the directories are not empty, the attempt to remove them will fail.  This indicates that there was a problem ealier in the task.  This should be investigated before removing the offending files by hand and doing a rollback.


 Associated Scripts




 finish up a run



  external side

finish up a run



 pipeline side

control job for reconstruction of chunks



 external side

control job for reconstruction of chunks



  pipeline side  

launch reconReport task



  pipeline side

make XML config file for task




  merge chunks of recon file



external side

 merge chunks of recon file



  pipeline side




 reconstruct one chunk






















 launch recon reportbeamtestTuple task



 pipeline side

 prepare chunk jobs



 external side

 prepare chunk jobs



 pipeline side

Task Name: reconReport

Description: lo Makes recon report.

Uses external app BeamTestReport.


 Associated Scripts




 make recon report



 external side

make recon report



 pipeline side

make XML file defining task





Task Name: svacTuple

Description: loads the database Makes beamtest tuple

Uses external app BeamTestTuple (part of BeamTestRelease). 


 Associated Scripts




make beamtest tuple



 external side

make beamtest tuple



 pipeline side

make XML file defining task












