Time & date
This meeting: April May June 25 10 pm Pacific time; a day later 10:00 am Pakistan time; 10:30 am India time; 1:00 pm Malaysian & Guangzhou time; 12:00 pm Thailand time; 7:00 am Jordan and 6:00am Turkey.
Doodle poll invites sent 45/106/2019.
New items and updates are in boldface.
Mailing list: pinger-my@googlegroups.com for membership see https://groups.google.com.
Wajahat Hussain (SEECS), Saqib (GZHU); Johari (UNIMAS); Adib (Turkey); Dr. Charnsak Srisawatsakul (Ubru), Eyad Ayoubi (Jordan), Baraa Muslmani ( Jordan), Dr. Shadi Jawarneh (Jordan), Bebo White, Umar Kalim, Les Cottrell
- + Responded via Doodle can attend; - Responded, but unable to attend on this date; ? extra email sent asking if attending
- Email addresses (all the following are in pinger-my).
- cottrell@slac.stanford.edu; wajahat.hussain@seecs.edu.pk; saqibutm@outlook.com; johari.abdullah@gmail.com; adibhabbal@karabuk.edu.tr; charnsak.s@ubru.ac.th; eyadayoubi@gmail.com; b.muslmani@yahoo.com; shadi.jawarneh@yahoo.com; bebo@slac.stanford.edu; kalim@slacumar.stanfordkalim@gmail.educom; xsaifahmadx@gmail.com
Actual Attendees
Wajahat, Saqib, Umar, Bebo, Les
- Dr. Umar Kalim is leaving has left SLAC to join Amazon. He will continue to be involved in the PingER project. He will not be able to keep his SLAC account.
- This meeting was scheduled with the aid of a Doodle poll. Due to Ramadan, and various persons' availability, we will now try for the 3rd week of June.
Use of Zoom
IMPORTANT NOTE: The meeting is set up to record automatically. By joining the meeting you are agreeing to be recorded (see details)
What: PingER Standing Meeting
When: Apr 25, 2019 10:00 PM Pacific Time (US and Canada)
How to set up and use Zoom:
To use the software, you would have to download the Zoom client (and installed if prompted). The instructions to do so are listed here: https://zoom.us/download#client_4meeting
The instructions about setting up the software are listed at the URL below. You may want to create an account if you do not have one already. If you are invited to a meeting (i.e., you are not hosting the meeting), you are not required to create an account; you can simply join the meeting using the meeting ID.
- Instructions from Aayush to load the application are at ePingER Functional prototype (for Androids only)
- They sent a new copy of the app 4/6/2019, see ePingER Functional prototype
- The information has been passed to Topher, who plans to install on an Android. The ball is now in our court
- There is a discussion between Les and Aayush on how to format the raw data records, in particular with respect to the lat/long. Sent a reminder 4/18/2019.
- We (SLAC) an email to Aayush asking how we gather the raw data from the cloud. Sent reminder 4/18/2019.
- Aayish responded 4/18/2019: Yes, we have modified the app to write the semi-colon to the file as a separator.However, at this point we suggest you to not make any changes to the pinger project yet.Let us see and run in this parallel to what is already setup at Amity MA. This will allow us to compare the quality of results by both the systems – one at present which does not utilize the app, and the new one which requires an app for data collection.We send the data from the app to the firebase cloud service as JSON objects via a REST API.
On the cloud-server side, we intend to build a compute-service that automatically converts the json data to a txt format, for consumption by data researcher team at amity (because they are already used to running analysis on the txt files; but seem to be open to working with JSON data as well). [For the SLAC gatherer we would at least initially prefer the data to be retrieved/available in txt form. This way the changes to the gatherer are minimized and more consistent with current practice.]So once the team finds that the results are significant enough, then we can formally propose to include lat/long data in the Pinger gathering, archiving and analysis.
For now, it would be best that we do not disturb the current Amity MA, and that the android project runs parallel to this."
- Aayish responded 4/18/2019:
- They sent a new copy of the app 4/6/2019, see ePingER Functional prototype
- Adib is wondering about Journal of Computer Information Systems
- Topher is back, Bebo is contacting him. Bebo's thoughts were that:PingER will need a fixed name for each Android MA. Since the Android may be mobile the IP address may be dynamic. There is a DNS name to dynamic IP address service that may be useful. Maybe there is another unique fixed identifier in an Android that could be used such as a serial number or SIM ID.
- If the Amity app is robust (i.e. it does not noticeably impact the other services, power, networking, security etc) make it part of the standard Rainforest installation;
- Topher's package knows the GPS location, so it should be available to PingER for recording.
Adib (Updated 3/3/2019)
- Topher's Rainforest project is a grantee of Google’s AI for Social Good program, which launched the Google AI Impact Challenge, see https://www.
tandfonline- com
- action/journalInformation?show=aimsScope&journalCode=ucis20
- The Information Societyhttps://www.tandfonline.com/action/journalInformation?show=aimsScope&journalCode=utis20
Bebo reviewed and responded to Adib suggesting the second one is a better choice. Adib submitted it to the 2nd journal. He sent email 4/20/2019: "we received an unfavorable response from the information society. So sad that this paper does not get enough attention from journal editors. But I will keep trying, let's pray for the best."
NUST (Updated 4/25/2019)
Wajahat suggested a letter to the higher-ups at NUST about PingER would assist. Les worked with Wajahat to craft such a letter. It was sent to Wajahat by email 4/3/2019. It was sent by paper mail 4/4/2019 to Principal SEECS.
- Wajahat said the letter has been received and a written response is being drafted.
- They (NUST) would also be interested in other collaborations with SLAC
- Since Les is no longer an employee of SLAC but rather an emeritus this may complicate things.
- A possibility might be in high-speed data transfer. It would need a champion from NUST, and a plan and funding to provide access to 100Gbps
IPv6 host at NUST:
Wajahat has requested Hasan to install PingER on an IPv6 host at NUST, Saqib has contacted Hasan to tell him where to find and upload the code. There is not a host name for the MA yet. Hopefully, this will be available by next month's meeting.
Wajahat has 2 students, he will propose some PingER related projects to them.
Wajahat said that contacts at some sites are not very interested in PingER and wonder why there are so many pings. Thus he believes we need new sites representing the regions of Pakistan that have willing collaborators. Thus we should give up on sites such as CAE and ISRA that have not had any data to gather for a year or so. Les has since disabled these sites.
UAF (University of Agriculture, Faisalabad)/GHZU (Updated 3/3/2019)
Saqib joined the University of Agriculture in Faisalabad. He plans to pursue the blockchain paper.
Thailand, Charnsak
Charnsak is looking at a host in Champasak University, Chan Parsa province in Laos as a potential site for a PingER MA. Charnsak just got approved to make contact with the Champasak University. He expects to set up the MA in the next 4-5 months (say towards end 2018). It also depends on the partner university, and there may be a lot of paperwork. 4/9/2019 Charnsak said we need to drop this.
Need to add Umar Kalim to http://pinger.unimas.my/pinger/contact.php. From the 7/5/2018 meeting: Johari can't ssh into the server so he will go to it on Monday. He will also upload the new UNIMAS PingER website next week.
Email from Johari 4/21/2019: I am still very much interested in the project but I have to manage my time better. Will try to join the next meeting and probably get someone from my side to monitor the equipment and make use of the data collected
SLAC (Updated 4/25/2019)
Umar fixed up the PingER deployment map at http://wanmon.slac.stanford.edu/wan-mon/viper/pinger-coverage-gmap.html by updating the Google map key.
State of MAs.
- outreach-initiatives/google-org/ai-impact-challenge-grantees/?fbclid=IwAR0_APkJ6UTLUFGOVMxRW5qU_u1QYRKZXYS1jf6wyHJ-y9RLcz0VcEuy4zk. This will further limit the time Topher can devote the Amity PingER/Android project. Bebo put it well: "We think that PingER software on the Android operating system (and Android devices) can play a valuable role in the collection of PingER data and open up new possibilities for the analysis of that data. However, given the level of expertise and status of support at SLAC and other PingER collaborators now and in the future, it will be necessary for Amity to fully take the lead on this research, development/testing, and support."
- Access to the Measurement Agent (MA) pingeramity.in appears to be very unstable. Les noticed this by looking at https://www-iepm.slac.stanford.edu/monitoring/checkdata/Apr.html and seeing how often we were unable to gather any data.
For more detail, Les looked at the data for pinging pingeramity.in from SLAC from March 19 2019 to May 3, 2019 using http://www-wanmon.slac.stanford.edu/cgi-wrap/ping_data_plot.pl?monitor=pinger.slac.stanford.edu&sites=pingeramity.in&begin_day=5&begin_month=3&begin_year=2019&end_day=4&end_month=5&end_year=2019&data. See the attached spreadsheet, in particular, the %loss. The %loss shows multiple periods where the loss is 100%. See yellow lines below for loss (100% means unreachable).Just to check Les looked at http://www-wanmon.slac.stanford.edu/cgi-wrap/ping_data_plot.pl?monitor=pinger.slac.stanford.edu&sites=www.mitpune.com&begin_day=5&begin_month=3&begin_year=2019&end_day=4&end_month=5&end_year=2019&data where there are no losses. Email sent to Amity folks.
Adib (Updated 3/3/2019)
- Adib is wondering about
- Journal of Computer Information Systemshttps://www.tandfonline.com/action/journalInformation?show=aimsScope&journalCode=ucis20
- The Information Societyhttps://www.tandfonline.com/action/journalInformation?show=aimsScope&journalCode=utis20
Bebo reviewed and responded to Adib suggesting the second one is a better choice. Adib submitted it to the 2nd journal. He sent email 4/20/2019: "we received an unfavorable response from the information society. So sad that this paper does not get enough attention from journal editors. But I will keep trying, let's pray for the best."
NUST (Updated 4/25/2019)
Wajahat suggested a letter to the higher-ups at NUST about PingER would assist. Les worked with Wajahat to craft such a letter. It was sent to Wajahat by email 4/3/2019. It was sent by paper mail 4/4/2019 to Principal SEECS.
- Wajahat said the letter has been received and a written response is being drafted.
- They (NUST) would also be interested in other collaborations with SLAC
- Since Les is no longer an employee of SLAC but rather an emeritus this may complicate things.
- A possibility might be in high-speed data transfer. It would need a champion from NUST, and a plan and funding to provide access to 100Gbps
IPv6 host at NUST:
Wajahat has requested Hasan to install PingER on an IPv6 host at NUST, Saqib has contacted Hasan to tell him where to find and upload the code. There is not a host name for the MA yet. Hopefully, this will be available by next month's meeting.
Wajahat has 2 students, he will propose some PingER related projects to them.
Wajahat said that contacts at some sites are not very interested in PingER and wonder why there are so many pings. Thus he believes we need new sites representing the regions of Pakistan that have willing collaborators. Thus we should give up on sites such as CAE and ISRA that have not had any data to gather for a year or so. Les has since disabled these sites.
UAF (University of Agriculture, Faisalabad)/GHZU (Updated 3/3/2019)
Saqib joined the University of Agriculture in Faisalabad. He plans to pursue the blockchain paper.
Thailand, Charnsak
Charnsak is looking at a host in Champasak University, Chan Parsa province in Laos as a potential site for a PingER MA. Charnsak just got approved to make contact with the Champasak University. He expects to set up the MA in the next 4-5 months (say towards end 2018). It also depends on the partner university, and there may be a lot of paperwork. 4/9/2019 Charnsak said we need to drop this.
Need to add Umar Kalim to http://pinger.unimas.my/pinger/contact.php. From the 7/5/2018 meeting: Johari can't ssh into the server so he will go to it on Monday. He will also upload the new UNIMAS PingER website next week.
Email from Johari 4/21/2019: I am still very much interested in the project but I have to manage my time better. Will try to join the next meeting and probably get someone from my side to monitor the equipment and make use of the data collected
SLAC (Updated 4/25/2019)
Umar fixed up the PingER deployment map at http://wanmon.slac.stanford.edu/wan-mon/viper/pinger-coverage-gmap.html by updating the Google map key.
State of MAs.
Host | State | last seen | Status | ||||
Host | State | last seen | Status | ||||
pinger-host.fnal.gov | Being moved to a new VM, meanwhile pinger-host.fnal.gov is working fine. There will be a cutover when the new host is ready. | Still working | |||||
pingeramity.in | Is very unstable with days-long periods where it is not pingable and data is not gatherable. Email sent 5/4/2019. | 4/30/2019 | |||||
pinger.uum.edu.my | Unable to gather data or ping MA from SLAC, there may not be a contact now Adib moved to Turkey. Sent email to Adib 5/4/2019. Adib will talk to Prof Suhaidi. | 5/1/2019 | |||||
telephoenic.com.jo | Unable to gather data or ping MA from SLAC, sent email 5/4/2019. Baraa Muslmani responded 5/4/2019 that he will look at it. They blocked pings which caused gathering to fail. Added a special case for this MA to go ahead with gather even if host not pingable by name or address. | 4/27/2019 | Fixed 5/5/2019 | ||||
pinger.nchc.org.tw | Unable to gather data or ping MA from SLAC, sent email 5/4/2019 | 4/30/2019 | Fixed 5/5/2019/ | ||||
rainbow.inp.nsk.su | Unable to gather data starting 4/19/2019, also cannot | ping the host. Sent email 4/25/2019.ping the host. Sent email 4/25/2019. Contact (Sergey Belov) has moved on to another job, hardware is old, needs replacing and a new contact. It goes back to December 2000 when it had a 128Kbps link via KEK to the rest of the world. | April 17, 2019 | Disabled 5/8/20129. | |||
brunsvigia.tenet.ac.za | It was successfully moved to a VM, with same name. | April 17, 2019 | Successfully moved to a VM 5/3/2019 | ||||
netmon.physics.carleton.ca | Unable to gather data, host is pingable and http://netmon.physics.carleton.ca/cgi-bin/ping_data.pl? responds. It appears the pinger.xml file is corrupted. Email sent 4/28/2019 | April 23, 2019 | Fixed | pingeramity.in | Unable to gather data since March 29, 2019, unable to ping it, sent email 4/3/2019, got response (4/3/2019) they will look into it. | March 29, 2019 | Fixed 4/5/April 29, 2019 |
maggie1.seecs.edu.pk | Unable to gather data since March 26, 2019 | March 26, 2019 |