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SVT EPICS Instructions

SVT DAQ channel map

Link to excel file.

EPICS MPOD Driver Installation

These notes are from an installation by Pelle and Hovanes on hpstracker machine in group C at SLAC.

The installation is to run the hvCaenApp. There are many dependencies since it contains support to control different types of hardware. 

Started on hpstracker with this

$ rpm -qa



  • Alarm handler
    • Add two hybrid temperature and the front end board temperature to alarm handler. 
  • Front End power supply GUI:
    • Can we add a button at the top that turns ALL ON/OFF?
    • Also we might want to make a GUI that has only monitoring and ON/OFF and small expert GUI’s for each FE board where we can set voltages? Similar to for the hybrid.
    • Can we link the ALL ON/OFF so that ANAN and ANAP is turned on at the same time followed by DIG  (not exact delay is not critical). 
    • The individual “LV ON/OFF” shouldn’t be linked together.
  • Main Status GUI:
    • During stable running I think it make sense that a shifter has this as a kind of main as it is the most directly linked with the modules. 
    • If we want it to control the full system (i.e. the capability to power the whole SVT from scratch) we should probably add (from the top going down if possible on the GUI)
      • Flange board power button
      • Front End board Power button
    • I don’t know if need to control everything from this GUI, in my instructions I ask people to find the individual GUI’s and power from there but I thought I’d bring it up for feedback. The links to the individual GUIs might be ok if you ask me. 
    • There is a “SVT ALL ON/OFF” at the top. What is that doing? I think it would turn on all the “Front End” since they are powered directly from MPODs? Anyway I would remove it as powering the FE and Flange is equally important and actually the FEB will not respond without Flange power. 
    • I think we don’t need the set point for bias on this GUI since we are, at the moment, not expecting to turn it on/off from here?


Install needed net-snmp devel libraries. 

Copy epics layer snmp-nscl-1.0.RC6.tgz from jlab machine to /u1/packages 

Install net-snmp SNMP layer manually, not found by yum, in /u1/packages/net-snmp

Problem building /u1/packages/support/snmp-nscl-1.0.RC6.

Had to manually include the net-snmp files in snmpApp/src/Makefile by changing
USR_CFLAGS += `net-snmp-config --cflags`
USR_INCLUDES += -I/usr/local/include -D_LARGEFILE_SOURCE -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64 -I/usr/include/gdbm -I/usr/lib64/perl5/5.8.8/x86_64-linux-thread-multi/CORE -I. -I/u1/packages/net-snmp/builds/net-snmp-

Note that this means that the other cflags are are not given to the compiler but it seems to work. Not clear why this workaround was needed.

In order to compile the needed libraries we needed to add re2c. Get it from the epel repo rpm copied from Hovanes:

sudo rpm -ivh epel-release-5-4.noarch.rpm 
sudo yum install re2c

Now install the support libraries in /u1/packages/support/. 

Install these in order, updating the configure/RELEASE information to my installation for each one:

drwxrwxr-x 10 tracker      55    4096 Aug 13 07:42 ipac-2.11/

drwxr-xr-x 12 tracker root       4096 Aug 13 07:50 seq-2.1.12/

drwxrwsr-x 24 tracker     204    4096 Aug 13 07:55 asyn4-21/

drwxrwxr-x  8 tracker     104    4096 Aug 13 07:58 busy-1-6/

drwxrwxr-x  8 tracker     104    4096 Aug 13 08:00 sscan-2-9/

drwxrwxr-x 10 tracker     104    4096 Aug 13 08:03 std-3-2/

drwxrwxr-x 10 tracker     104    4096 Aug 13 08:04 autosave-5-1/

drwxrwxr-x  9 tracker     104    4096 Aug 13 08:06 calc-3-2/


There are two device drivers that needs to be installed. Copy this two App drivers from jlab.

Install these in: /home/tracker/pelle/epics/drivers

Add to drivers/configure/RELEASE

Untar and compile LVMPODApp.tgz

Untar HVCAENx527App.tgz 

To install HVCAENx527App.tgz we need to add support for caen. Copy binaries caen.tgz from Hovanes to /u1/packages/caen.

Go into the drivers/HVCAENx527App/src/ and update Makefile with:
hscaenet_DIR      += /u1/packages/caen/sy1527/lib/linux-x86_64
caenhvwrapper_DIR += /u1/packages/caen/sy1527/lib/linux-x86_64 

Compile HVCAENx527App


Now copy the hvCaenApp to did in parallel to my App: /home/tracker/pelle/epics/example/hvCaenApp

Update the pelle/epics/example/configure/RELEASE file in my example by adding:


do make clean; make in pelle/epics/example

Then go into hvCaenApp/src/Makefile and change:
#USR_INCLUDES += -I/apps/Trolltech/Qt/include/                                                                                                                                
USR_INCLUDES += -I$(QTDIR)/include
#hscaenet_DIR      += $(CLAS)/clon/src/caen/CAENHVControlSoftware-1.1.2/lib                                                                                                   
#caenhvwrapper_DIR += $(CLAS)/clon/src/caen/CAENHVControlSoftware-1.1.2/lib                                                                                                   
#QtSql_DIR += /apps/Trolltech/Qt/lib/                                                                                                                                         
hscaenet_DIR      += /u1/packages/caen/sy1527/lib/linux-x86_64
caenhvwrapper_DIR += /u1/packages/caen/sy1527/lib/linux-x86_64
QtSql_DIR += $(QTDIR)/lib

Note, need QT 4.7, failed on QtSql for default QT-3.3

Need to set new env variable to compile:

setenv EPICSB_DRIVERS /home/tracker/pelle/epics/drivers

Compile hvCaenApp

Got compiler error and had to change casting issue on this compiler in src/ 

That fixed it. 

Create the configure file using a dummy example (there is a way to do this without creating a complete example but this works): -b $EPICS_BASE -t example 

Edit configure/RELEASE by adding:



Then compile: make clean; make

Make a new IOC directory for the hvCaen App from /home/tracker/pelle/epics/example/ -b $EPICS_BASE -t ioc -i (name: iochvCaen)

cd iocBoot/iochvCaen/

copy svt-voltage.cmd there and run it. 

For now it fails because MPOD defined in the sqlite db file is not connected.




After a successful installation we should have:

After loading svt-voltage.cmf should have MPOD variables:


Label explanation:

B1-1-TOP:912 -> slot 9 channel 12 in MPOD

B1-1-TOP is the label for the crate.

There is also channels labeled according to hps for FEB and HV power which is what is used for control in GUIs and what not.