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Comment: Migration of unmigrated content due to installation of a new plugin


Standalone Windows Distribution

If you do not want to build SLIC yourself, there is a Windows executable available for download.

The current version is available as a ZIP file containing a static binary and the required DLLs.

Download the ZIP file using your browser and unzip the contents to C:. You should see the directory C:\slic_win32.

Test out the binary by running it in a console window.

  1. Start -> Run -> cmd.
  2. Press ENTER.
  3. Go to the SLIC directory.
    No Format
    cd slic_win32
  4. Execute SLIC from the command line.
    No Format

Close all Cygwin windows before running SLIC, or the packaged Cygwin DLL will not load properly.


Cygwin needs to be installed to run SLIC.

Download the SLIC Windows binary from this location.

Open a Cygwin window and go to the directory where you saved the tarball.

Untar the file after it is saved to your computer.

No Format

tar -zxvf slic-current-WIN32-g++-bin.tar.gz

Now test the binary.

No Format

cd SimDist

The slic usage screen should showThe Xerces and Cygwin DLLs are also included so that the package is standalone.

Preliminary Setup for Installation


Package Installations


CLHEP has installation instructions (\+\+/clhep/INSTALLATION/newCLHEP-install.html) for version 1.9 and up. But you should not need them to setup the package.


  1. Return to the work dir, create a Geant4 subdir and go into it.
    No Format
    cd $sim_work
    mkdir geant4
    cd geant4
  2. Download the Geant4 tarball.
    No Format
  3. Unzip it.
    No Format
    tar -zxvf geant4.7.1.tar.gz
    Unzip it.
  4. Set the following variables in (You should not need to run Geant4's Configure script.)
    No Format
    tar -zxvf export G4INSTALL=${sim_work}/geant4/geant4.7.1.tar.gz
    Set the following variables in (You should not need to run Geant4's Configure script.)
    export G4SYSTEM=WIN32-g++
    If you would like to enable OpenGL visualization, add the following variable definitions.
    This assumes you installed the X11 libraries when you set up cygwin.
    No Format
    export G4INSTALL=${sim_work}/geant4/geant4.7.OGLHOME=/usr/X11R6
    export G4SYSTEM=WIN32-g++G4VIS_USE_OPENGLX=1
  5. Go into the Geant4 base dir.
    No Format
    cd geant4.7.1
  6. LCPhys requires that a special flag is set in order to use the latest Kaon model. At the end of config/architecture.gmk, insert the following line exactly as it appears below:
    No Format
    Hopefully, this hack will be remedied soon!
  7. Now for another lovely Geant4 hack. In order to successfully compile the HepRep driver, the following line in the file config/sys/WIN32-g++.gmk
    No Format
    CXXFLAGS  := -Wall -ansi -pedantic -pipe
    should be replaced with
    No Format
    CXXFLAGS  := -W -Wall -ansi -pedantic -Wno-non-virtual-dtor -Wno-long-long
    CXXFLAGS  += -Wwrite-strings -Wpointer-arith -Woverloaded-virtual -pipe 
  8. Build the libraries, which will be placed at $G4INSTALL/lib/WIN32-g++. (This could take up to a few hours depending on your machine.)
    No Format
    cd source
  9. Install the headers into $G4INSTALL/include.
    No Format
    make includes
  10. Build the physics list libraries. These will go into $G4INSTALL/lib/plists/WIN32-g++.
    No Format
    cd ../physics_lists/hadronic


If you receive an error message about a missing DLL cygxerces-c26.dll, then make sure that the PATH is setup correctly and Xerces-C++ was properly installed.was properly installed.


If you encounter difficulties running macros, it may be due to the different DOS and Unix end-of-line definitions. You can convert files using:

No Format

dos2unix mymacro.mac

In order to To run with OpenGL visualization, an X-server needs to be running on your machine.

This command will start the Cygwin X-server.

No Format

Then you need to run SLIC from the xterm that pops-up. At least on my setup, it does not work to run the binary from the plain Cygwin window.

Final Setup Script

The final version of (without OpenGL visualization) should be similar to this.


If you think this guide could be improved in any way, then please contact the author
