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Installation on Linux / MacOS — EPICS Documentation documentation (

TODO: patrick try installing it yourself and see if you can move the .so and build with epics

  1. You need /lib, /include, and /bin.
    1. 1) Keep everything in the epics/ folder, but copy the folder over, then update $LD_LIBRARY_PATH(lib), $PATH(bin),  $CPATH(include)?
      1. How build epics: 
        1. git clone --recursive

        2. make
      2. cp -r /mnt/eed/ad-build/registry/epics-base/R7.0.8/epics-base/ /build/
      3. # If this works add to .bashrc because this'll be dev image
        export EPICS_BASE=/build/epics-base export EPICS_HOST_ARCH=$(${EPICS_BASE}/startup/EpicsHostArch) export PATH=${EPICS_BASE}/bin/${EPICS_HOST_ARCH}:${PATH}
      4. Works for binaries, need to try building simple ioc with it.

        Code Block
        mkdir -p /build/testIoc
        cd /build/testIoc -t example testIoc -i -t example testIoc
        cd iocBoot/ioctestIoc
        chmod u+x st.cmd

        Building works, and can run the ioc. 

        Code Block
        [root@ad-build-container-rocky9-544f5787dc-gl4sq ioctestIoc]# pwd
        [root@ad-build-container-rocky9-544f5787dc-gl4sq ioctestIoc]# ls
        Makefile  README  envPaths  st.cmd
        [root@ad-build-container-rocky9-544f5787dc-gl4sq ioctestIoc]# ./st.cmd
        < envPaths
        cd "/build/testIoc"
        ## Register all support components
        dbLoadDatabase "dbd/testIoc.dbd"
        testIoc_registerRecordDeviceDriver pdbbase
        ## Load record instances
        dbLoadTemplate "db/user.substitutions"
        dbLoadRecords "db/testIocVersion.db", "user=root"
        dbLoadRecords "db/dbSubExample.db", "user=root"
        cd "/build/testIoc/iocBoot/ioctestIoc"
        Starting iocInit
        ## EPICS R7.0.8
        ## Rev. R7.0.8
        ## Rev. Date Git: 2023-12-14 16:42:10 -0600
        cas WARNING: Configured TCP port was unavailable.
        cas WARNING: Using dynamically assigned TCP port 37587,
        cas WARNING: but now two or more servers share the same UDP port.
        cas WARNING: Depending on your IP kernel this server may not be
        cas WARNING: reachable with UDP unicast (a host's IP in EPICS_CA_ADDR_LIST)
        iocRun: All initialization complete
        ## Start any sequence programs
        #seq sncExample, "user=root"
        epics> ^C
        [root@ad-build-container-rocky9-544f5787dc-gl4sq ioctestIoc]#
      5. Now need to try asyn as that would need 'include' statements of epics. After this then we can conclude epics can be built/ran in a container, although still unclear if can access s3df pvs?
          1. For registry git clone --depth 1 --branch R4-39
          2. Steps to build asyn - ignore, it should be prebuilt in registry already

            Code Block
            mkdir /build/support/
            cp -r /mnt/eed/ad-build/registry/asyn/R4.39-1.0.1/asyn/ /build/support/
            export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/build/epics-base/lib/linux-x86_64:${LD_LIBRARY_PATH}
            # Update asyn/configure/RELEASE
            # Change EPICS_BASE to point to your epics base =/build/epics-base
            # Change SUPPORT to point to your support folder = /build/support
            # Comment out IPAC and SNCSEQ
            # if get xdr.* missing error, then uncomment TIRPC in configure/CONFIG_SITE
            dnf --enablerepo=crb install -y libtirpc-devel
            # -devel is important, its (developer) and gives header files in /usr/include/rpc
            yum install -y rpcgen
            cd asyn/

        1. Now you have the libraries and binaries needed, in /asyn/lib.
        2. try test-ioc with asyn with your guardian 'example' branch
          1. Steps to build Guardian ioc

            Code Block
            cd /build 
            git clone -b example
            in configure/RELEASE
            Update EPICS_BASE   to point to /build/epics-base
            Update ASYN to point to /build/support/asyn
            cd iocBoot/iocGuardianTest/
            in st.cmd
            Update the shebang to point to #!../../bin/linux-x86_64/Guardian
            chmod +x st.cmd
          2. Optional:

            Code Block
            # Then in the shell you can 'dbl' to get pvs
            # And in another terminal write to 'device' pv.
            $ caput FBCK:FB02:GN01:S2DES_TEST 5
            # Trigger the 'trigger' pv.
            $ caput SIOC:B34:GD_PATRICK:SNAPSHOT_TRG_EN 1
            # The code will then takeSnapshot(). And your output should be 5
          1. Proof it works:

            Code Block
            [root@ad-build-container-rocky9-544f5787dc-gl4sq iocBoot]# cd iocGuardianTest/
            [root@ad-build-container-rocky9-544f5787dc-gl4sq iocGuardianTest]# ls
            Makefile  envPaths  st.cmd
            [root@ad-build-container-rocky9-544f5787dc-gl4sq iocGuardianTest]# vim st.cmd
            [root@ad-build-container-rocky9-544f5787dc-gl4sq iocGuardianTest]# vim st.cmd
            [root@ad-build-container-rocky9-544f5787dc-gl4sq iocGuardianTest]# ls
            Makefile  envPaths  st.cmd
            [root@ad-build-container-rocky9-544f5787dc-gl4sq iocGuardianTest]# vim st.cmd
            [root@ad-build-container-rocky9-544f5787dc-gl4sq iocGuardianTest]# chmod +x st.cmd
            [root@ad-build-container-rocky9-544f5787dc-gl4sq iocGuardianTest]# ./st.cmd
            < envPaths
            cd "/build/Guardian"
            ## Register all support components
            dbLoadDatabase "dbd/Guardian.dbd"
            Guardian_registerRecordDeviceDriver pdbbase
            ## Load record instances
            dbLoadRecords("db/test.db") # PATRICK TODO: Temp here for testing
            dbLoadRecords("db/guardian_snapshot.db", "BASE=SIOC:B34:GD_PATRICK") # PATRICK TODO: Temp add patrick so its unique
            dbLoadRecords("db/guardian_device_data.db", "BASE=SIOC:B34:GD_PATRICK") # PATRICK TODO: Temp add patrick so its unique
            ## Configure Guardian driver
            # GuardianDriverConfigure(
            #    Port Name,                 # Name given to this port driver
            cd "/build/Guardian/iocBoot/iocGuardianTest"
            Starting iocInit
            ## EPICS R7.0.8
            ## Rev. R7.0.8
            ## Rev. Date Git: 2023-12-14 16:42:10 -0600
            iocRun: All initialization complete
            ## Start any sequence programs
            #seq sncxxx,"user=GUARDIAN"
            epics> status: 0
            curVal after get : 1
            status: 0
            curVal after get : 1
            status: 0
            curVal after set : 1
            status: 0
            curVal after get : 1
            epics> dbl
            epics> sstriggerval: 0
            sstriggerval: 0
            sstriggerval: 0
            sstriggerval: 1
            1: 0
            curVal after get : 5
            2: 0
            Successfully triggered and resetted
        1. Patrick left off here, now see if we can make our config.yaml (of the steps above) for epics/asyn on the registry, so we can get to build ioc automatically.This way we can show this to ernest and see if we can get everything including epics in a container.
          1. Get the prebuilt one from afs, and upload to ad-build-test github, and download in registry and use that
          2. Get test-ioc to have the basic ioc in there.
          3. Try to see if we can keep epics the same as much as we can, maybe just change env variables to point to epics on /build or the std directory. like the $EPICS
          4. steps to get a test-ioc with modules going:
          5. TODO: Convert the steps below to a config.yaml for test-ioc, then see if we can get it to build with

            Code Block
            cp -r /mnt/eed/ad-build/registry/epics-base/R7.0.8/epics-base/ /build/
            # If this works add to .bashrc because this'll be dev image
            # These exports are only needed if you want to run any epics commands like 'caget'
            export EPICS_BASE=/build/epics-base
            export EPICS_HOST_ARCH=$(${EPICS_BASE}/startup/EpicsHostArch)
            export PATH=${EPICS_BASE}/bin/${EPICS_HOST_ARCH}:${PATH}
            mkdir /build/support/
            cp -r /mnt/eed/ad-build/registry/asyn/R4.39-1.0.1/asyn/ /build/support/
            # Testing ioc
            cd /build 
            git clone -b exampledev-patrick
            cd Guardian/
            # in configure/RELEASE
            # Update EPICS_BASE to point to /build/epics-base
            # Update ASYN to point to /build/support/asyn
            # Update configure/CONFIG_SITE CHECK_RELEASE to WARN (temporary fix - since asyn on registry points to epics on registry)
            cd iocBoot/iocGuardianTest/
            # in st.cmd
            # Update the shebang to point to #!../../bin/linux-x86_64/Guardian
            chmod +x st.cmd
          6. caveat - for now we are copying entire component dependencies, which is fine and that allows for minimal changes to existing ioc build structure. But this can be a problem if each component has various environments built (this takes up space in the container /build dir), (may want to separate them into their own folder?
          7. One problem, how will the iocs in the container be accessed by any other server outside?
            1. Because on lcls-dev3 or prod, the every ioc's host is the server itself. While a container's host is the container itself, not the server the container is running on.
            2. Image Added
            3. Image Added
            4. Image Added
            5. Potential solution - TODO: May not be a problem since we are not deploying on kubernetes clusters, we deploy with the image with all the dependencies yes, but it will still be deployed on a production server. We could just use docker on prod (may want to test running epics using just docker, to see if it takes the host of the server machine, or the container still)
        2. TODO: work on artifact storage, and testing phase (unit tests), and onboard page. blocked on discussing about deployment side with Claudio/Jerry. But once we get artifact storage going, then we can start prototyping the deployment
          1. Then you can start deployment of build system and deployment of apps themselves
      1. How would channel access work if epics is in container? Can it be accessed from main server?
    1. 2) Or try moving everything (/include (.h), /lib (.so/.a), and /bin (binaries)) to according directories (This will save more space)

Test-IOC workflow

See - CLI Tool - LCLSControls - SLAC Confluence ( 

How I viewed database

  1. log into accel-webapp-dev since core build system is hosted there for now
  2. pnispero@PC100942:~/BuildSystem/other$ kubectl port-forward --namespace=core-build-system cbs-cluster-rs0-0 28015:27017
    Forwarding from -> 27017
    Forwarding from [::1]:28015 -> 27017
  3. Open seperate terminal
  4. mongosh --port 28015
    1. if this doesnt work, then install follow this link Install mongosh - MongoDB Shell
  5. then enter this to see if works: 
    db.runCommand( { ping: 1 } )