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A97 had 1000e tuning from Timon on YARR during last period. Checked with RCE+FEB calibration looking OK

A97ThresholdsNoise map 

  B53 had brief tests by Aleksandra before sent to SLAC


Run 684 beam spot from 3rd MIMOSA planeRun 684 RD53A (A97) hit map 


 tilt photo for run 686,687

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Dec/11 11:54pm. Applies to Run 653-684. Beam L->R.Tilt just before Run 686-688. Beam R->L.

MIMOSA and DUT positions: Caladium was measured in Jan/2016 session as documented in the Jan/2016 commissioning session Twiki which should be still correct for the plane separate of 152mm between the 3 front planes, and between the 3 back planes. However, the DUT gap looks like was increased to 357mm from the original 307mm, probably when we tried to insert the dry ice foam box for irradiated DUTs. We typically measure the DUT gap with tape header clipped to the front face of the 3rd EUDET plane as shown above. In this tape coordinate, the 3rd MIMOSA plane is at z=2.65mm behind the EUDET support metal front face (see EUDET hardware wiki). RD53A DUT (right edge of orange box) looks like to be at z~204mm  which would imply the RD53A plane is at ~201.5mm behind the 3rd EUDET plane. When tilting with remote DUT rotation, the XZ transformation is unfortunate dependent on the mounting of the DUT and the rotation is not centered around DUT device so that it changes the mean z coordinate and also needs a DUT x shift to bring back to the beamline.

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Plots from tilted Run 686:


RunStartEndEventParticle rateTiltComments


0noise pixel masked, stopped because of beam change      

9:03 beam change, so no beam for ESA. Beam is expected to be back after ~15mins

stop at 9:24.



13 Night shift     

Zijun, SD

T578 HGTD period starts today but they are not ready to run until Saturday. Some additional time for ITk at the mean time.


Whole shift of test runs debugging the loss of event ID match between Caladium and RD53A readout. Some runs got good MIMOSA vs RD53A X,Y correlation at start at least and other runs were not aligned. There were some odd extra event looking like real distinctive RD53A beam hit data at DUT readout but never found a matching MIMOSA event data. TLU ch-2 1 RJ45 port is somewhat suspicious and sometimes could not communicate with FEB. Moved FEB link to TLU ch 32. More stable communication to FEB, but the issue of extra event on RD53A side remains.



14 Night shift 

Day shift:  UCSC T788 setup continues during MD. One main issue to resolve is the dead Trg-10 for Caladium. T578 needs both Trg-10 (NIM for Caladium) and Trg-11 (TTL for HGTD). Didn't manage with connect with Doug to debug the dead Trg-10, but he passed on a schematic for the ESTB trigged patch scheme:

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 Counting house patch panel. Note the very taught LEMO cable leading to J10.

Yellow=Trg-10 (NIM); Cyan=Trg-11 (TTL) at Caladium rack. The 8.5us delay between them seems to commensurate with the delay panel settings: (-102010) - (-110488) = 8478

The issue with Trg-10 is not obvious: EVG rear expansion board ch 11 (LVTTL?) is one of the inputs (the other input is EVG Front trigger 2) to the Lecroy level adaptor in compl mode tuning that into a -1a 1.2V and 300ns width NIM. The only part looking suspicious is the LEMO cable taking the NIM output to J10 looks very tight. Replaced that part with a slightly longer cable. This did effectively bring the Trg10 NIM signal back to Caladium rack but signal shape weak. Decided to connect J10 directly to EVG rear 11 to send TTL signal over long path to tunenel and used TTL->NIM at caladium rack for a much more solid NIM signal to TLU. 

Night shift:  ZiJun,SD




Finally, realized that TLU RJ45 ch1 defect is one of the reasons for events synchronization failure between MIMOSA and RD53a. 

1) FEB can not get trig signal from TLU ch1;

2) MIMOSA can receive trigger signal from TLU ch1, but the TLU words from TLU ch1 are wrong. Left plot is the TLU words distribution from ch1, while right plot is the TLU words from ch0.

TLU words from ch1Image AddedTLU words from ch0Image Added

Now, connect TLU ch0 to MIMOSA, and ch2 to FEB. 

Image Added


5:26 am  New version of YARRproducer stabilized the synchronization between MIMOSA and RD53a readout. Previous version used local event counters with no direct check of event ID to confirm synchronisity. It was seen that block of e.g. 1000 events are offset by a few events between MIMOSA and RD53a, and then this offset would slip every ~1000 events so that sometimes by chance the synchronization is achieved by luck and then slips off again after a while. New version defies the RD53a event number using the TLU distributed event number (offset by 1) to automatically achieve synchronization.

5:40  Tried to turned the Synchronous FE but way too noisy.

5:50  Remote rotated DUT (B53 50x50um pixel 150um thichkness) to ~60 deg tilt. Also needed to move +x by 5mm to recenter.

Data with B53:

RunStartEndEventParticle rateTiltComments


0First run with new event counter follow TLU. DUT=B53. 
 7795:405:42~1300  Turned on Synchronous FE briefly
7815:52  5455Event ID offset=1


5455Correlation good again
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Run 781-782 B53 Tilt position from CAM. Beam R->L.Dec/15 6:41am remiss of Run 781-782 config. Beam L->R.
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For Run 781-782 with B53. Beam Up->Down at 87deg.Dec/15 6:45am. A97 mounted, before Run 785.


6:35  Requested access to change DUT to A97 (25x100um pixel). and mounted at 0 degrees. Also checked the Trg-10 NIM signal - now back. Remeasured the B53 tilt position before switching to A97. While the DUT plane angle to beam was fairly precisely measured at 55deg. The Longitudinal position is not easy to determine from photos. A very rough estimate was the DUT center was ~213mm after 3rd EUDET plane. New 0 deg DUT A97 with tape clip z~198.5mm implies ~196mm after 3rd EUDET plane. 

8:10  Lowered particle rate to ~4 clus/mimosa and 0.6/pulse on RD53a 2/3 FE area. Hit spread pretty uniform.

8:16  Started low rate run 789. Beam spot X looks a bit off - centered at 340.  

8:40  Stoped Run 789. Moved RD53a DUT by X+4mm.

8:42  New run 790 after DUT +x move.

9:00  MCC called to take away beam briefly for primary beam energy change. Will still come back to ~12.2 GeV secondary.  

Data with A97

RunStartEndEventParticle rateTiltComments


0First run with DUT=A97 and new event counter follow TLU
7898:168:4072050.650First low rate run for offline
7908:429:0361800.750New run after DUT x+4mm move.