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This effects also deteriorates the transverse shape of the energy deposited in teh the calorimeter. The distribution of CalTransRms for events with 1 track and 2 tracks are shown in figures MuonPisaCalTransRms.gif, and MuonPisaCalTransRms.root  (gif, ps and root files).  Note that the Transverse RMS is substantially smaller than the width of a CsI crystal (26.7mm), as expected.about 3 "crystal widths"; which is definitely not what we should have.


In the case of electron events, there is not a single particle crossing the calorimeter but a bunch (shower) of them distributed over a given region (at least two crystals wide) in the calorimeter. Therefore the impact of this effect on the reconstruction of CalZDir will would be somewhat lower. Yet it will probably be one of the reasons for the broad distributions of CalZDir found for run 700000811 that were shown by Philippe in the past VRVS beam test meeting (2006/08/01).


Additional muon runs 

From the list of muon runs in the Beam test data base, only 2 runs are shown as Vertical Muon Runs. I took run number 700000322, which has 10^5 events (5962 seconds of data, taken on 2006/07/15). Before inspecting the data with FRED i applied the same selection criteria used above (vertical events within 5 deg which deposit some energy in teh cal) and  ONLY 2 events survived.  Later on i noticed that indeed, most events are empty (CalEnergyRaw < 10 MeV). Does anybody know why ?

Anyway, the FRED display for the two events  which survived can be found at Evt0 and Evt1. Note that the behaviour is similar to the one described above.



Electrons events @ 5 GeV


from test beam

Data run used: 700000811

The events discussed below (both distributions and FRED images) were selected with the following criteria:

TCut cut = "TMath::Abs((acos(Tkr1ZDir)*(180./3.14159))-180.) < 5 && CalEnergyRaw>10";


The images ElectronWithCU_1 and ElectronWithCU_2 show the distribution of energy deposited in the calorimeter when a electron goes through it. This is a NOT a typical image in run 811. Typically this run shows many events with more than one charge particle in the Calibration Unit. Therefore, these images with only one clean track have been carefully selected. The goal here is not to show a typical image, but to check whether the effect described previously occurred in run 811; and for that one needs events with only 1 electron traversing the calorimeter.

Note that the track of the electron in the calorimeter does not have the "holes" showed for the muon events from runs 460 and 322. Images ElectronWithCU_2_ZX ElectronWithCU_2_ZY show the second electron event from the ZX and ZY perspective. The track is well defined in both planes. 

The distributions of the variables Trk1ZDir and CalZDir are shown in Electron811Reconstruction.gif, and Electron811Reconstruction.root (gif, ps and root files). And the distribution of the variable CalTransRms is shown in Electron811CalTransRms.gif, and ElectronCalTransRms.root. Note that the reconstruction fo these variables is not as "incorrect" as in the case muons events from runs 460.

Therefore, it seems that run 811 is NOT suffering from the calibration problem described before.

The differences in CalZDir and, specially CalTransRms observed in run 811 seem to have their origin in the presence of other charge particles (in addition to the 5 GeV electron) in the Calibration Unit. Scanning events from this run with FRED, one finds many events with  more than 1 clear charge particle entering in the tracker of the Calibration Unit.

Typical images from run 700000811 with more than one incoming charge particle can be found HERE.

David please include run numbers

ONGOING ...  I 'll do it tomorrow...