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Pandora SVN



ilcutil SVN


v01-51 60

SLAC cvs



SLAC cvs


The following commands should then be executed in order from this working directory to make the slicPandora binary. You should execute each new package build from your working dir.


No Format
svn co ilcutil
cd ilcutil
mkdir build
cd build
cmake ..
make install
cd ..
export ILCUTIL_DIR=`pwd`


No Format
svn co PandoraPFANew
cd PandoraPFANew
mkdir build
cd build
make install
cd ..
export PandoraPFANew_DIR=`pwd`


No Format
cvssvn -dco :pserver:anonymous@cvssvn:// co -r v01-51tags/v02-01-01 lcio
cd lcio
mkdir build
cd build
make install
cd ..
export LCIO_DIR=`pwd`


No Format
cvs -d co slicPandora
cd slicPandora
export SLICPANDORA_DIR=`pwd`
mkdir build
cd build
make install

If this step completes successfully without compilation or link errors, you should see a binary at slicPandora/bin/PandoraFrontend. You are basically done building slicPandora.


For example, see LCDetectors/detectors/sidloi3/sidloi3_pandora.xml and its compact detector description.


The PandoraFrontend binary provides a simple frontend to slicPandora.


The shared library locations need to be specified in the LD_LIBRARY_PATH for slicPandora to run. The variable needs to be defined as follows, based on environment settings from the build.

No Format


If these variables are not set in the environment, then using the full, explicit path to the library directories will work fine.

Checking the Build

Now you should be able to run this command to load slicPandoraThe syntax of this command is the following.

No Format
./slicPandora/bin/PandoraFrontend geometry.xml pandoraSettings.xml inputEvents.slcio reconOutput.slcio [nevents] [nskip]

The help message should show for slicPandora. If there are errors about missing libraries, set the LD_LIBRARY_PATH variable accordingly.


The PandoraFrontend binary provides a simple frontend to slicPandora. It uses GNU style command line switches for user input.

The following This table explains the function of each of these argumentsswitches.




Geometry XML file


Pandora settings XML file


LCIO input events


Custom LCIO input collections XML file (optional)


LCIO output file with PFOs appended


number of events to run (optional)


number of events to skip (optional)


force existing collections to be overwritten (optional)

The geometry file is in an XML format. It can be created from a compact detector description using GeomConverter with the option "-o pandora". You are required to provide some additional parameters related to sampling fractions (see LCDetectors/detectors/sidloi3 for example).


The LCIO output file will contain the contents of the input file plus the PFO collections created by Pandora, as well as some intermediate collections of hit objects. This file is generated by slicPandora.

The number of events to run should be a positive integer. If slicPandora runs out of events, it will print and warning but should not crash.

The number of events to skip should be a positive integer. These events are read in and discarded before event processing begins.

Here is a contrived example using all input parameters.

No Format
./bin/PandoraFrontend -g myGeometry.xml -c PandoraSettings.xml -i inputEvents.slcio -l myCollections.xml -o myOutput.slcio -r 1000 -s 10

These are example arguments only. Actual usage will require files in the correct input data formats, namely the geometry XML, the Pandora settings file, and the XML specifying which LCIO input collections to use, if different from the defaults.

Using GeomConverter to Output the Pandora Geometry Format


Now that tracks and track states have been added to the events, we are ready to use Pandora itself.