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The Eclipse CDT (C/C++ Development Tool) is well suited to IOC development, and easily customized for editing .db/.template/.substitutions files. Even if you never touch the C code, you can do most of your IOC development with this tool. It includes more generally useful features like search and replace in a directory tree for file names or contents (Ctrl-H), regex search/replace, CVS access, make, gdb with local and remote targets, and launching external tools like edm and vdct. Feel free to try the installation at /afs/slac/u/re/gwbrown/afsbin/eclipse/eclipse. This is not maintained as a site installation. It's easy to download and install your own configuration, where you can try out plugins etc. and untar a clean uninstall if it causes problems. Make sure you've requested a big afs quota.

Table of Contents

Download and Install Eclipse CDT
Download and Install Eclipse CDT

Download and Install Eclipse CDT

Download CDT from (one of many flavors of eclipse from
Unzip/ tar -xvf filename
run ./eclipse in the directory created by unzippingin the directory you want to run it from, e.g. ~/bin/
"cd eclipse" (to get to the newly created installation) and run "./eclipse".

EPICS friendly C/C++


build settings

If you're mostly using this workspace for EPICS work, you can change global default settings by going to Window -> Preferences -> C/C++ -> New C/C++ Project Wizard -> Makefile Project. On the Behaviour tab, delete "all" after "Build (Incremental build)", and change "clean" to "distclean".


Eclipse has lots of project wizards and other ways of creating a new project. Here are the ones that are most often useful in IOC development:

Use a directory created outside Eclipse (e.g. with eco or git):

A directory where you can run "make" can be brought into Eclipse as a project. You can create a subdirectory of the workspace directory, and run there, use eco, use something you already have outside the workspace directory, copy or check out a directory... The important thing is the you start with a directory where you can run "make" (e.g. top of IOC or module).


Click the project name, right click -> Clean Project to run "make distclean"
Check the console tab for errors. The "Problems" tab isn't very reliable.

Debugging the IOC
Debugging the IOC

Debugging the IOC:

General documentation is at and

For RTEMS specific steps, see this subpage.

A similar page for remote debugging LinuxRT targets is in the works. Some key points:

Where your app is started on the target, command line or startup script, start it with gdbserver. For example, the script could contain the line "/usr/bin/gdbserver :10000 ./bin/evrLab iocStartup.cmd".

When setting up the debug configuration in Eclipse, use the gdb corresponding to the compiler. For example, if your LinuxRT app gets compiled with


then you want to select for your gdb



Other Installations at SLAC
Other Installations at SLAC
