Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


  • Generic/Global
    • Remove remaining dependencies on legacy Matlab2012 & "matlab model" code
    • Remove instances of direct use of LabCA - move everything over to using PV class in readiness for implementation of PVA
    • Beam stay clear plot vs Z (beam aperture vs Z, or acceptance vs delta E)
    • Automation/tools to facilitate 7-hole alignment 
    • laser heater GUI
    • MPS interlocking for EOS
    • Klystron jitter report → should get an automated FTP update script process thing
    • laser cathode auto-alignment software → meeting w/ LCLS injector AP to discuss methodology


  • Orbit
    • indicate TRIM operation in progress by disabling UI
    • Orbit fitting tools
    • Allow reference orbits to have names changed in Python Orbit Display Reference Orbit list
  • Feedbacks
    • tie DL10 set point directly to LLRF control (switch off "slow FB" on RF controller when FB on and vice-versa, increase gain)
    • Implement full PID controller coefficients to each feedback, setup and test and include P or PID as option (at least for DL10)
    • Implement use of LI17 fast phase shifters for BC20 feedback through SCP multiknob controls
    • Auto-adjust gains for changes in beam rate
    • Add FFS transverse feedback
  • Wirescans
    • Wire scanner GUI not set wire speed to such a low speed after a scan that the following scan fails if you change planes for IPWS1. 
  • MDL Feedforward
  • S20 Config

Orphaned/Unknown Tasks

These are software tasks that are in an unknown state or not currently being worked



Software Development Workflow

All production software must be under some form of version control. In general: code with a larger audience of users or that is a significant dependency of downstream software should be managed more carefully.

Master repositories can be found here: /afs/slac/g/cd/swe/git/repos/slac/FACET/

"Production" HLAs live in a number of location, mainly $TOOLS/python and $TOOLS/matlabTNG

These instructions are written assuming some preexisting knowledge of version control & some basic git knowledge. If you have questions ask Zack.

How to create a new repo

  1. navigate to the /afs/ prod directory and mkdir <repo_name>.git
  2. run git init --bare to instantiate a new empty repo
  3. (if using GitHub) make a new GitHub repo with the same name
  4. clone the master repo into a work directory (can be anywhere, /afs/-space, DMZ or prod): git clone ssh:///afs/

Software Development Workflow

All production software must be under some form of version control. In general: code with a larger audience of users or that is a significant dependency of downstream software should be managed more carefully.


  1. slac/g/cd/swe/git/repos/slac/FACET/


  1. <repo_name>.git
  2. do work, then git commitgit push
  3. (after implementation/deployment) clone the master repo into a production repository

Once you create a new repo or clone one, there are two workflows: one simple command-line only way to use git, or also using the SLAC GitHub to enable some more formal code review processes.

Repo mirroring with GitHub:

GitHub is hosted on the public internet. In order to store production software there, we need to use a "relay" repo that lives on the DMZ network to facilitate pushing/pulling changes between GitHub and the local repo on the SLAC network. 

  1. ssh to centos7, navigate to /u/gu/zack/github_relay/
  2. run python <prod_repo_name> <github_repo_name> to setup a "relay repository" used to sync /afs/ and GitHub. This script will:
    1. git clone the repo into the github_relay directory
    2. git remote add github<github_repo_name>.git
    3. add <repo_name> to /u/gu/zack/github_relay/tracked_repos.txt

Direct push to master (for minor changes or lower-impact software):

  1. from your work directory: git commit, git push origin master
  2. from the production directory, and git pull origin master

Feature-branches with GitHub (for major changes or high-impact software):

This process will be automated in future, but for now relies manually using the script:

"Production" HLAs live in a number of location, mainly $TOOLS/python and $TOOLS/matlabTNG

These instructions are written assuming some preexisting knowledge of version control & some basic git knowledge. If you have questions ask Zack.

How to create a new repo

  1. navigate to the /afs/ prod directory and mkdir <repo_name>.git
  2. run git init --bare to instantiate a new empty repo
  3. (if using GitHub) make a new GitHub repo with the same name
  4. clone the master repo into a work directory (can be anywhere, /afs/-space, DMZ or prod): git clone ssh:///afs/slac/g/cd/swe/git/repos/slac/FACET/<repo_name>.git
  5. do work, then git commitgit push
  6. (after implementation/deployment) clone the master repo into a production repository

Once you create a new repo or clone one, there are two workflows: one simple command-line only way to use git, or also using the SLAC GitHub to enable some more formal code review processes.

Repo mirroring with GitHub:

GitHub is hosted on the public internet. In order to store production software there, we need to use a "relay" repo that lives on the DMZ network to facilitate pushing/pulling changes between GitHub and the local repo on the SLAC network. 




  1. git clone the repo into the github_relay directory
  2. git remote add github<github_repo_name>.git
  3. add <repo_name> to /u/gu/zack/github_relay/tracked_repos.txt

  1. Setup relay mirroring to GitHub as described above
  2. from your work directory for the repo in question, make a new branch: git branch <branch_name>
  3. make changes, commit them to <branch_name> and push the branch to /afs/
  4. use to push the branch to GitHub
  5. open a pull request, assign reviewers, review code & merge to master
  6. use to pull the updated master branch from GitHub back to /afs/
  7. deploy to production

To deploy software to production

  1. run git pull origin master in the production repository


  • to sync prod → GitHub: $ python push <repo name> <(optional) branch name>
  • to sync GitHub → prod: $ python pull <repo name> <(optional) branch name>


Legacy Task Tracking

These are the HLA tasks as they existed as of 01/2024. This content is archival.


Orphaned/Unknown Tasks

These are software tasks that are in an unknown state or not currently being worked

TaskLast Person ResponsibleStatus
Implement interface to SCP corr plotsGeorge, Glen10/22/22: Implemented by George, documentation on AIDA-PVA website, needs testing
Feedback HSTA bit control (be able to change Feedback → Compute)George, Glen9/22/22: Implemented and tested ability to write raw HSTA bit values, matlab interface to toggle OFF, Compute, Feedback states written and tested. George to implement cleaner AIDA-level state change interface.
Fix AIDA service crashes on VAX (or be able to detect and self correct)George, Greg9/22/22: Many potential non catching of errors found by George and changes to server-side code made, cannot induce server failures by testing. Need to operationally observe to see if fixes are good.

Direct push to master (for minor changes or lower-impact software):

  1. from your work directory: git commit, git push origin master
  2. from the production directory, and git pull origin master

Feature-branches with GitHub (for major changes or high-impact software):

This process will be automated in future, but for now relies manually using the script: /u/gu/zack/github_relay/

  1. Setup relay mirroring to GitHub as described above
  2. from your work directory for the repo in question, make a new branch: git branch <branch_name>
  3. make changes, commit them to <branch_name> and push the branch to /afs/
  4. use to push the branch to GitHub
  5. open a pull request, assign reviewers, review code & merge to master
  6. use to pull the updated master branch from GitHub back to /afs/
  7. deploy to production

To deploy software to production

  1. run git pull origin master in the production repository


  • to sync prod → GitHub: $ python push <repo name> <(optional) branch name>
  • to sync GitHub → prod: $ python pull <repo name> <(optional) branch name>

Legacy Task Tracking

These are the HLA tasks as they existed as of 01/2024. This content is archival.


Old wishlist stuff


  • wire names don't update in multiwire matching tabs after changing linac selection
  • automatically de-select CQ/SQs from matching options
  • native quad scans


  • ignore CQs/SQs when propagating twins parameters. (BMAG plot)
  • flag "matching quads" and handle separately when "Lem to model"
  • fix BACT=0 causing NaNs in BMAG propagation


  • tie DL10 set point directly to LLRF control (switch off "slow FB" on RF controller when FB on and vice-versa, increase gain)
  • Implement full PID controller coefficients to each feedback, setup and test and include P or PID as option (at least for DL10)

MDL Feedforward

Preferred development workflow with git repository:

  • Create new development branch for work in personal clone of repo
  • Do work and test
  • Merge in any recent changes from main branch
  • Push your branch, email Glen to evaluate & merge into main branch

Generic tasks/ideas

TaskStatusAssigned ByActively Worked on by...
Full lists of PVs used in HLAs accessible from each help menu
Complete documentation for each HLA & generic controls/modeling interface
Remove remaining dependencies on legacy Matlab2012 & "matlab model" code
Remove instances of direct use of LabCA - move everything over to using PV class in readiness for implementation of PVANeeds doing by mid-2023?Glen
Faster list-based caget operations in PV class + improve first-time calls (speed up LiveModel initialization)
Implement asyn operations when move to >Matlab2021
Extend matlab server model to facet-srv01?
Change default range of Schottky Scan GUI
Automation of 10-3/10-4 phase scans (in Schottky GUI or phase scan GUI)To be implemented into new phase scan GUILoneyBuschmann
Add Logbook feature to BSA GUI


TaskStatusAssigned byActively Worked on by...
Larger # buffered BPM data acquisitions (up to 1000 @ 10Hz?)11/7/22: Tested, deployed in Wirescan app- appears to be working well.GlenCOMPLETE
Asynchronous calls (especially for bufferedacq) from Matlab11/4/22: Tested, declared working.GlenCOMPLETE
Implement interface to SCP corr plots10/22/22: Implemented by George, documentation on AIDA-PVA website, needs testingGlenGeorge, Glen
Multi-device set (and asynchronous status return) on PMDL (and others...?)11/7/22: Tested, working well in MDLFF app for multi-set of PMDL values.GlenCOMPLETE
Feedback HSTA bit control (be able to change Feedback → Compute)9/22/22: Implemented and tested ability to write raw HSTA bit values, matlab interface to toggle OFF, Compute, Feedback states written and tested. George to implement cleaner AIDA-level state change interface.GlenGeorge, Glen
Fix AIDA service crashes on VAX (or be able to detect and self correct)9/22/22: Many potential non catching of errors found by George and changes to server-side code made, cannot induce server failures by testing. Need to operationally observe to see if fixes are good.GlenGeorge & Greg


TaskStatusAssigned ByActively Worked on by...
Plotted orbit doesn't respect pre-selected BPM list when loading a Config with pre-measured BPM data
Indicate TRIM operation in progress by grey-out of "Do correction" button or similar
Make MIA tab functionality work
"Plot all" option doesn't work correctly when displaying corrected orbit after performing orbit correction calc
Re-instate some auto dispersion correct functionality (e.g. DL10 correction with Q10731)
Add kick and dispersion source fit functionality to orbit and dispersion tabs
Changing fit location should update plot and fit data- currently doesn't work
Link reference orbit saved to Python bpm orbit tool reference saves
Implement TMIT cuts for BPM orbit
Implement measured Rmat (as opposed to model Rmat) interface (including measurement tools?)


TaskStatusAssigned ByActively Worked on by...
Store design L1,L2,L3 operating phases in EPICS PVs
Watcher version of LEM: info on when LEM needed etc + interface with CUD
Ignore CQ's & SQ's for purposes of Twiss parameter propagation (BMAG plot)
Make a way to flag "Matching Quads" and deal with them differently when "LEM to model"?
Fix BACT=0 causing "NaN"'s in BMAG propogation
Convert to server + watcher architecture


TaskStatusAssigned ByActively Worked on by...
On Multi-Wire matching tabs, wire names don't change when reading in data from different Linac section
Keep last vals in MW tab when switch back from other tab
Auto de-select CQ & SQ magnets from matching options
Add native quad scan functionality
Allow Undo button to retain old values after calculating new match


TaskStatusAssigned ByActively Worked on by...
Jitter button ON/OFF status not working properly
DL10 controller name "IN10"→"LI10" on GUI
Settings GUI plot to include line showing feedback desired offset value
Fix freezing of GUI when closing settings panels
Tie DL10 feedback stpoint directly to LLRF control → switch off "slow fb" on RF controller when feedback on and vice-versa, increase feedback gain
Implement full PID controller coefficients to each feedback, setup and test and include P or PID as option (at least for DL10)
Implement use of LI17 fast phase shifters for BC20 feedback through SCP multiknob controls
Auto-adjust gains for changes in beam rate
Add FFS transverse feedback


TaskStatusAssigned byActively Worked on by...
Data collection: have watcher record each GOLD entry and associated data and save to disk
Make user-facing configuration GUI to examine training data & evaluate performance & tune NN or linear models or manually tweak
Implement multi-device write commands in AIDA for PMDL data

10/7/22: AIDA software written to allow this
11/7/22: Implemented in MDLFF app and tested.



TaskStatusAssigned byActively Worked on by...
User access to PMT timing & gate widths
When selecting motor position units option- propagate changes to plot to see centroid of scan in motor units
Jitter correction for Linac wirescanners in L2 and L3

9/19/22: Initial tests show buffered bpm acq with ~200 pulses works, initial code implemented, needs testing with beam
10/7/22: AIDA now supports up to 1800 buffered data points
11/7/22: Debugged jitter correction code with AIDA BPM in app, test worked well- all beam size measurements in L2 & L3 reduce when jitter correction selected.


S20 Configurator

TaskStatusAssigned byActively Worked on by...
Write current IP waist position to a dedicated PV instead of sharing with desired waist position 

S20 IP Waist from BPM Jitter

TaskStatusAssigned byActively Worked on by...
Create11/6/22: Tested, working. Results are unstable, assuming this is due to dispersion leakage and large energy jitter. Next job is to implement SVD algorithm to simultaneously fit dispersion functions and remove energy jitter component.GlenGlen

SLC Control System Notes

Ken Brobeck's How to restart some VMS processes guide.
