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Here are some example code snippets showing how to combine drivers to produce a PFA. These are written to be read by people rather than compilers, so they may need extra tweaks to run in practice. If you know of other patterns, or if you see that these examples have become out of date, please update them.


See in CVS for a worked implementation. TrivialPFA can be accessed from the examples page within JAS, though you will have to compile and load it manually. Here is an even simpler piece of code:

No Format
import org.lcsim.util.hitmap.*;
import org.lcsim.event.*;
import org.lcsim.event.util.*;
import org.lcsim.recon.cluster.cheat.PerfectClusterer;

public class TrivialPFASimplePFA extends Driver
  public TrivialPFASimplePFA()
    // Set up a hitmap to hold the raw calorimeter hits in the event
    // This driver reads in a bunch of List<CalorimeterHit> and writes
    // out a HitMap to the event.
    HitListToHitMapDriver rawHitMap = new HitListToHitMapDriver();
    rawHitMap.setOutput("raw hitmap");

    // Set up a list of final-state Monte Carlo particles
    // This driver will write out a List<MCParticle> to the event.
    CreateFinalStateMCParticleList mcListMaker = new CreateFinalStateMCParticleList("Gen");

    // Cluster the hits (perfect pattern recognition)
    // This driver will reads in the hitmap and the list of MCParticles.
    // It writes out a modified hitmap and a List<Cluster>.
    PerfectClusterer clusterer = new PerfectClusterer();
    clusterer.setInputHitMap("raw hitmap");
    clusterer.setOutputHitMap("leftover hits");
    clusterer.setOutputClusterList("perfect clusters");

    // [The rest of the PFA would go here]


Thanks to Guilherme, we have a digitisation simulation package called DigiSim which is available under org.lcsim.digisim. There is an example driver at org.lcsim.plugin.web.examples.DigiSimExample. Borrowing heavily from that, here is an example snippet showing how to use the output from DigiSim:

No Format
public class TrivialPFASimplePFA extends Driver
  public TrivialPFASimplePFA()
    // CalHitMapDriver is a driver that produces hitmaps in the format
    // needed by DigiSim:
    add(new org.lcsim.recon.cluster.util.CalHitMapDriver());
    // Run DigiSim, producing raw hit collections:
    org.lcsim.digisim.DigiSimDriver digi = new org.lcsim.digisim.DigiSimDriver();
    // Convert the output to SimCalorimeterHit format for use in analysis:
    add( new org.lcsim.digisim.SimCalorimeterHitsDriver() );

    // Now we can add some more drivers to analyze the output. For example:

    // Set up a hitmap for the digisim output hits
    HitListToHitMapDriver digiHitMap = new HitListToHitMapDriver();
    digiHitMap.setOutput("digi hitmap");

    // Set up the MC list
    CreateFinalStateMCParticleList mcListMaker = new CreateFinalStateMCParticleList("Gen");

    // Cluster the hits (perfect pattern recognition)
    PerfectClusterer clusterer = new PerfectClusterer();
    clusterer.setInputHitMap("digi hitmap");
    clusterer.setOutputHitMap("leftover hits");
    clusterer.setOutputClusterList("perfect clusters");


No Format
import org.lcsim.util.hitmap.HitMapToHitListDriver;

// Here is the PFA class:
public class TrivialPFASimplePFA extends Driver
  public TrivialPFASimplePFA()
    // [drivers go here, producing a HitMap called "digi hitmap"]

    // Here's the driver to convert the hitmap into a List<CalorimeterHit> to display:
    HitMapToHitListDriver digiConverterDriver = new HitMapToHitListDriver();
    digiConverterDriver.setInputHitMap("digi hitmap");
    digiConverterDriver.setOutputList("digi hits (displayable)");

    // [rest of the code goes here]
