Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


There are now four proposed detector designs for the ILC, each of which has an an outline document.

(above based on slide from Hitoshi Yamamoto)

What is the SiD?

  • Silicon Detector (SiD) (American origin)
    • Silicon tracker, 5T field
    • SiW ECAL
    • 4 'coordinators' (2 Americans, 1 Asian, 1 European)

From the SiD homepage, "The Silicon Detector Design Study is being organized to develop the SiD Detector Concept into a detailed, optimized, and fully integrated detector design on a roughly one year time scale. The SiD concept incorporates Si/W calorimetry and Si tracking in a Linear Collider detector design which attempts to optimize physics performance while realistically constraining costs."

SiD Detector Outline Document
SiD Meeting Agendas - with documents

What is the GLD?

GLD Detector Outline Document

GLD Detector Outline Document Kickoff

  • GLD (Asian Large Detector Concept (LDC) (European origin)
    • TPC (+Large Silicon IT), 4T 3T field
    • SiW W/Scintillator ECAL ("mediumlarge" radius)
    • 6 'contact persons': (2 Americans, 2 Asians, 2 Europeans)
    GLD (Asian

What is the LDC?

  • Large Detector Concept (LDC) (European origin)
    • TPC (+Large Silicon IT), 3T 4T field
    • W/Scintillator SiW ECAL ("largemedium" radius)
    • 6 'contact persons': (2 Americans, 2 Asians, 2 Europeans)

LDC Detector Outline Document

What is the fourth concept?

(above based on slide from Hitoshi Yamamoto)

What is the SiD?

From the SiD homepage, "The Silicon Detector Design Study is being organized to develop the SiD Detector Concept into a detailed, optimized, and fully integrated detector design on a roughly one year time scale. The SiD concept incorporates Si/W calorimetry and Si tracking in a Linear Collider detector design which attempts to optimize physics performance while realistically constraining costs."

SiD Detector Outline Document

What is the GLD?

GLD Detector Outline Document

GLD Detector Outline Document Kickoff

What is the LDC?

LDC Detector Outline Document

What is the fourth concept?

Fourth Concept Outline Document


Where can I go for information about ILC detector R&D programs?

ILC Detector R&D - mostly archival materials

What are the main subsytems of an ILC detector?

foward tracking
central tracking
calorimetry (ECAL, HCAL)
muon system
DAQ, electronics, detector integration

(from slide of Ties Behnke)


Fourth Concept Outline Document


Where can I go for information about ILC detector R&D programs?

ILC Detector R&D - mostly archival materials

What are the main subsytems of an ILC detector?

foward tracking
central tracking
calorimetry (ECAL, HCAL)
muon system
DAQ, electronics, detector integration

(from slide of Ties Behnke)


What technologies are being considered for the HCAL?

RPC - Stainless Steel (SS)
scintillator - SS

What technologies are being considered for the ECAL?

Si - W
Si - Pb
scintillator - W, Pb
lead tungstate crystals

What technologies are being considered for the


MUON subsystem or tailcatcher?

RPC - Stainless Steel (SS)
scintillator - SS DREAM



What technologies are being considered for the


Si - W
Si - Pb
scintillator - W, Pb
lead tungstate crystals

What technologies are being considered for the MUON subsystem or tailcatcher?



What technologies are being considered for the tracking system?



You can checkout projects with this command.

No Format

cvs -d co [module]


The following sequence of commands should get you up and running on Linux (using bash shell).

No Format

export CLHEP_BASE_DIR=/your/path/to/clhep
tar -zxvf geant4.x.tar.gz
cd geant4.x
export G4INSTALL=$(pwd)
export G4WORKDIR=$(pwd)
export G4SYSTEM=Linux-g++
cd geant4.x/source
make includes
cd ../physics_lists/hadronic


Next, try to build an example application.

No Format

cd geant4.x/examples/novice/N03
export G4WORKDIR=$(pwd)
make all


After reconfiguring your environment using the G4VIS variables, rebuild the Geant4 visualization as follows.

No Format

cd $G4INSTALL/source/visualization
gmake clean
cd $G4INSTALL/source/interfaces
gmake clean
cd $G4INSTALL/source
gmake libmap


These are located at ...

No Format

To download a Linux release, use these commands.

No Format

tar -zxvf slic-1_13_3-Linux-g++-bin.tar.gz


It is useable from anywhere on the host where it was installed.

No Format

/path/to/my/SimDist/scripts/ [options]


Assuming you are within the slic package's top directory you would run it with this command.

No Format

./bin/$G4SYSTEM/slic [options]

The G4SYSTEM variable depends on your platform. For instance, on Linux, it is set to Linux-g++, so the command would be ...

No Format

./bin/Linux-g++/slic [options]


If you installed SLIC in the recommended way, the only runtime dependency would be the Xerces C++ shared library. The Xerces library directory needs to be added to the LD_LIBRARY_PATH (bash), so that the loader can find this library when slic executes.

No Format

export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/path/to/my/xerces/install/lib:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH

If you see this error, it means that the LD_LIBRARY_PATH has not been set correctly.

No Format

./slic/bin/Linux-g++/slic: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory


To see explanations of slic's command-line options, use the "-h" option.

No Format

slic -h

This will print slic usage and exit.


Typing slic -h will print the available command-line options.

No Format

* Command Line Options *

Option  Full Name       Min Args  Max Args  Macro Command           Description
-h      --help          0         0         /slic/usage             Print SLIC usage.
-n      --interactive   0         0         /control/interactive    Start a Geant4 interactive session.
-v      --version       0         0         /slic/version           Print SLIC version.
-m      --macro         1         1         /control/execute        Execute Geant4 commands from a file.
-g      --lcdd-url      1         1         /lcdd/url               Set LCDD geometry file URL.
-i      --event-file    1         1         /generator/filename     Set event input file full path.
-o      --lcio-file     1         1         /lcio/filename          Set name of LCIO output file.
-p      --lcio-path     1         1         /lcio/path              Set directory for LCIO output.
-O      --autoname      0         1         /lcio/autoname          Automatically name the LCIO output file.
-x      --lcio-delete   0         0         /lcio/fileExists delete Delete an existing LCIO file.
-r      --run-events    1         1         /run/beamOn             Run # of events.
-s      --skip-events   1         1         /generator/skipEvents   Set number of events to skip.
-l      --physics-list  1         1         /physics/select         Set Geant4 physics list.
-L      --log-file      0         0         /log/filename           Set logfile name.
-d      --seed          0         1         /random/seed            Set the random seed.  (No argument seeds with time.)


prints the SLIC version, along with a lot of other information (probably too much).

No Format

Simulator for the Linear Collider; SLIC; v1r13p6; Jeremy McCormick and Ron Cassell; SLAC; Tue Apr  4 17:32:07 PDT 2006


SLIC prints a splash screen as it starts up with the version, build date, and other information.

No Format

 App     : Simulator for the Linear Collider (SLIC)
 Version : v1r13p6
 Date    : Tue Apr  4 17:32:07 PDT 2006
 Authors : Jeremy McCormick and Ron Cassell
 Inst    : SLAC
 WWW     :
 Contact :


The Geant4 toolkit prints a splash screen that SLIC displays when it starts up.

No Format

 Geant4 version Name: geant4-08-00-patch-01    (10-February-2006)
                      Copyright : Geant4 Collaboration
                      Reference : NIM A 506 (2003), 250-303
                            WWW :


SLIC commands are added into various directories within the Geant4 UI hierarchy. From interactive mode, use this command to print information on a SLIC or LCDD command.

No Format

help [command]

Those directories containing only SLIC or LCDD commands are marked with SLIC or LCDD.

No Format

/lcio/   LCIO output commands. [SLIC]


You can put Geant4 UI commands into one or more macro files that slic can execute. This is done with the "-m" switch. There can be any number of these switches given to slic at the commandline. For instance, this command will execute the two macros init.mac and run.mac.

No Format

slic -m init.mac -m run.mac


If macros are interspersed throughout the command switches, then SLIC will also execute each command in order.

No Format

slic -m init.mac -x -o output -p myDir -m run.mac


This command will start Geant4 in PreInit mode where the geometry is not loaded.

No Format

slic -n

Other commands may also be executed before the interactive mode starts.

No Format

slic -g myGeom.lcdd -n

The LCDD file will be constructed, so the simulator will start in Idle mode.


The following command illustrates some of the options that could be used in a typical batch run.

No Format

slic -g myGeom.lcdd \              # geometry file
     -i events.stdhep \            # StdHep input file
     -p lcio/ \                    # path for LCIO output file
     -o output.slcio \             # name of LCIO output file
     -x \                          # delete existing LCIO file
     -r 1234 \                     # seed the random engine
     -s 100 \                      # number of events to skip
     -r 1000                       # number of events to run


In bash, direct all output to a file, as follows.

No Format

slic &> job.log &

Now use the tail command to look at the output file as the job progresses.

No Format

tail -f job.log

The BeginEvent and EndEvent markers are the best indicators of the job's progress.


This is an example of submitting a job to run 1000 events through the sid00 detector on the xlong batch queue.

No Format

bsub -q xlong -o `pwd`/job.log -e `pwd`/err.log time slic -g sid00.lcdd -i events.stdhep -o events_sid00 -r 1000

LSF accepts plain bash scripts to start jobs. Mine usually use a few for loops to run combinations of geometries with StdHep files.

No Format

for g in $(ls *.lcdd); do
  for s in $(ls stdhep/*.stdhep); do
    fname=$(basename ${s%.*})_$(basename ${g%.*})
    bsub -o `pwd`/$fname.log -e `pwd`/$fname.err -q xlong time slic -g $g -i $i -o $fname


The following command illustrates the autoname feature.

No Format

/lcio/autoname event application version geometry


Turn on the save feature.

No Format

/random/setSavingFlag true


To save the current event to a unique file, use this command.

No Format


This copies currentEvent.rndm to runXXXevtYYY.rndm.

To do this for every event, put the saveThisEvent command in a macro called rndmSave.mac and run events in this fashion.

No Format

/run/beamOn 1000 rndmSave.mac


To restore the random state, use this Geant4 UI command.

No Format

/random/resetEngineFrom currentEvent.rndm

This can be used to "replay" events of interest. This feature will probably be used with SLIC's skipEvents feature in order to jump to the event first before restoring its random state.

No Format

/random/resetEngineFrom run0event1000.rndm
/generator/skipEvents 1000


The -l option or /physics/select command takes the name of the physics list to use as an argument.

No Format

/physics/select LHEP

This must happen in the PreInit stage. Once the simulator is in Idle state, the physics list is set permanently for that run, and SLIC must be restarted to use a different list.


The command selectStepper sets the integrator, where the argument can be one of the following.

No Format



Execute this command to select GPS as the event source.

No Format

/generator/select gps

Actually, GPS is the default, but this can be used to switch if another generator is being used (e.g. in interactive mode).


Geant4 includes a simple particle gun that can be selected with this command.

No Format

/generator/select gun

However, GPS is the recommended single particle source, and the G4ParticleGun should be considered deprecated, in my opinion.


  • Your name and institutional affiliation
  • Operating system and version
  • Version of gcc compiler

    Code Block
    gcc -v
  • Versions of all SimDist software packages

    Code Block
    cat SimDist/packages/*/VERSION &> myversions.txt
  • If not using SimDist, please provide at least the SLIC and GEANT4 version numbers.
  • Run macro for reproducing the bugged LCIO file
  • Publically accessible location of the StdHep input file (if any)
  • Versions of GeomConverter and org.lcsim that you are using (if applicable)


How do I dump the current Geant4 geometry to GDML using SLIC?

No Format

/lcdd/dumpGDML mygeom.gdml


This is an example of reading a local file from the command line.

No Format

slic -g /path/to/myGeom.lcdd

This command reads the geometry from a URL.

No Format

slic -g


To read in a "plain" GDML file, simply use the "-g" option as you normally would ...

No Format

slic -g myGeom.gdml

The LCDD system will use the GDML schema instead of LCDD and the geometry should be loaded successfully.

How do I check my Geant4 geometry for overlaps?

No Format



The Geant4 OpenGL visualization driver can be used to immediately visualize the detector and events. The following command can be used to visualize the detector geometry plus hits and trajectories from the event.

No Format

/vis/open OGLSX


A command similar to this will write out a HepRep zip file to the current directory.

No Format

/vis/open HepRepXML
/vis/viewer/set/culling global false

How do I use DAWN from within Geant4?

No Format

/vis/open DAWNFILE

How can I make cuts using DAWN?


LCIO comes with the dumpevent tool that dumps an LCIO file's contents from the command-line. Typically, this would be used with a pager.

No Format

$LCIO/bin/dumpevent outfile.slcio 0 1 | less


Compact detectors are kept at this base url in zip files named with the detector tag.

No Format

For instance, this is the location of the sid00 detector's resource file.

No Format


A list of available compact detectors is kept at this URL.

No Format 


Add an alias to ~/.lcsim/ which points to your detector's resources.

A zip file.

No Format

mydet: file:///path/to/

Or the directory.

No Format

mydet: file:///path/to/mydet/


How do I convert compact detectors into LCDD using GeomConverter?

No Format

GeomConverter/bin/GeomConverter -o lcdd compact.xml mydet.lcdd


All attribute values are evaluated by the JDOM expression factory.

No Format

<constant name="myval" value="2.0 * cm"/>    


What "magic" constants are expected by the compact reader?

No Format


  <!-- centimeters -->
  <constant name="cm" value="10"/>

  <!-- world -->
  <constant name="world_side" value="30000" />
  <constant name="world_x" value="world_side" />
  <constant name="world_y" value="world_side" />
  <constant name="world_z" value="world_side" />

  <!-- tracking region -->
  <constant name="tracking_region_radius" value="175.*cm"/>
  <constant name="tracking_region_zmax" value="282.*cm"/>



Cylindrical calorimeter barrel.

No Format

<detector id="1" name="EMBarrel" type="CylindricalBarrelCalorimeter" readout="EcalBarrHits">
  <dimensions inner_r = "ecal_barrel_inner_r" outer_z = "ecal_barrel_outer_z" />
  <layer repeat="30">
    <slice material = "Tungsten" thickness = "ecal_absorber_thickness" />
    <slice material = "Silicon" thickness = "ecal_sensor_thickness" />

Cylindrical endcap calorimeter.

No Format

<detector id="2" name="EMEndcap" reflect="true" type="CylindricalEndcapCalorimeter" readout="EcalEndcapHits">
  <dimensions inner_r = "ecal_endcap_inner_r" inner_z = "ecal_endcap_inner_z" outer_r = "ecal_endcap_outer_r" />
  <layer repeat="30">
    <slice material = "Tungsten" thickness = "ecal_absorber_thickness" />
    <slice material = "Silicon" thickness = "ecal_sensor_thickness" />


Polyhedra calorimeter barrel.

No Format

<detector id="3" name="EMBarrel" type="PolyhedraBarrelCalorimeter" readout="EcalBarrHits">
  <dimensions z="ecal_barrel_full_z" numsides="8" rmin="ecal_barrel_rmin"/>
    <layer repeat="30">
      <slice material="Tungsten" thickness="ecal_absorber_thickness"/>
      <slice material="Silicon" thickness="ecal_sensor_thickness" sensitive="yes"/>

Polyhedra endcap calorimeter.

No Format

<detector id="4" name="EMEndcap" reflect="true" type="PolyhedraEndcapCalorimeter" readout="EcalEndcapHits">
  <dimensions numsides="8" rmin="ecal_endcap_rmin" rmax="ecal_endcap_rmax" zmin="ecal_endcap_zmin"/>
  <layer repeat="30">
    <slice material="Tungsten" thickness="ecal_absorber_thickness"/>
    <slice material="Silicon" thickness="ecal_sensor_thickness" sensitive="yes"/>


GridXYZ segmentation.

No Format

<readout name="HcalBarrHits">
  <segmentation type="GridXYZ" gridSizeX="10.0" gridSizeY="10.0"/>

Nonprojective cylinder.

No Format

<readout name="EcalBarrHits">
  <segmentation type="NonprojectiveCylinder" gridSizePhi="0.35*cm" gridSizeZ="0.35*cm" />

Projective Z plane (projective endcap).

No Format

<readout name="HcalEndcapHits">
  <segmentation type="ProjectiveZPlane" thetaBins="600" phiBins="1200"/>

Projective cylinder.

No Format

<readout name="HcalBarrHits">
  <segmentation type="ProjectiveCylinder" thetaBins="600" phiBins="1200"/>

How do I define a silicon tracker?

Tracker barrel.

No Format

<detector id="1" name="TrackerBarrel" type="MultiLayerTracker" readout="TkrBarrHits">
  <layer id="1" inner_r = "20.000*cm" outer_z = "26.7*cm">
  <slice material = "Silicon" thickness = "0.00048*cm" />
  <!-- N layers can go here -->

Tracker endcap.

No Format

<detector id="14" name="TrackerEndcap" type="DiskTracker" reflect="true" readout="TkrEndcapHits">
  <layer id="1" inner_r = "4.0*cm" inner_z = "30.0*cm" outer_r = "25.000*cm">
    <slice material = "Silicon" thickness = "0.03*cm" sensitive = "yes" />
  <!-- N layers can go here -->

How do I define a TPC?

No Format

<detector id="2" name="TPC" type="TPC" readout="TPCHits">
  <dimensions inner_r = "36.2*cm" outer_z = "250.0*cm" />
  <layer repeat="200">
    <slice material="P10" thickness="tpc_gas_thickness" sensitive="yes" />


Unlike calorimeters, tracker hits are written out "in the raw" without any digitization (or binning), so no segmentation is used at the simulation level.

No Format

<readout name="TkrBarrHits">

How do I define a simple magnetic field?

No Format

  <field type="Solenoid" name="GlobalSolenoid"


The org.lcsim package can parse a field map with a line-oriented format. This gives the magnetic field strength at a given radius (r) and z.

No Format

r z Br Bz

Reference a field map from the compact description.

No Format

  <field type="RZFieldMap" name="RZFieldMapTest"

How do I define a new material?

No Format

<material name="ArgonGas">
  <D type="density" value="0.00178" unit="g/cm3"/>
  <composite n="1"  ref="Ar" />

<material name="MethaneGas">
  <D type="density" value="0.000717" unit="g/cm3"/>
  <composite n="1"  ref="C" />
  <composite n="4" ref="H" />

<material name="P10">
  <D type="density" value="0.00178" unit="g/cm3"/>
  <fraction n=".9"  ref="ArgonGas" />
  <fraction n=".1"  ref="MethaneGas" />

How do I set physics limits?

No Format

  <limitset name="MyLimits">
    <limit name="step_length_max" particles="*" value="1.0" unit="mm" />

Reference from a slice element within layer.

No Format

<slice limits="MyLimits" ... />

How do I set the range cut?

No Format

  <region name="MyRegion" store_secondaries="true" cut="0.1" lunit="mm" threshold="0.001" eunit="GeV" />

Reference from a slice element within layer.

No Format

<slice limits="MyRegion" ... />


What tools do I need to use org.lcsim?

No Format

Java     1.5
Maven    1.0
JAS3     0.8.3 (optional)
Netbeans 5.0 (optional)


Use the lcg-cp command.

No Format

lcg-cp --vo ilc lfn:{LFNfromDB} file:{absolute path}



What is Mokka?

How do I download and install Mokka?

How do I run Mokka?

How do I get Mokka-generated LCIO files from the Grid?

How do I execute Mokka on the Grid?

How do I create my own SQL database for Mokka?

What is CGA?

How do I define my own Mokka detector or subdetector?


What is Marlin?

What is MarlinReco

How do I download and install Marlin and MarlinReco?

Where do I go for more information about Marlin?

CALICE Testbeam Software

What software tools are used by the CALICE collaboration?

How do I install the CALICE tools?

Where can I go for more information about CALICE software?


What about Python?

LCIO has a Python binding.

What about ROOT?

Marlin uses AIDA -> RAIDA -> Root (But there already exists RAIDA, which is "remote AIDA", so we appear to be running out of acronyms.)

What about FLUKA?

FLUKA is not open source, and it is not easy to interface to Geant4. The AliRoot framework has access to FLUKA.

What about Geant3?

Used by BRAHMS.

What about AliRoot?

4th concept is using it.

What about Gismo, LCDRoot, LCDG4, LCS?

These are all deprecated simulation packages. Parts of the last two were used in SLIC.

What about EGCS and GHEISHA?

These FORTRAN packages formed the basis for some Geant4 code, so they live on in spirit. EGCS is still quite useful, as it is still considered by many to be the most accurate EM physics package.