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/* new schema for component db v1v3*/
// Note - Not all fields are populated depending on the api endpoint
    "id": "",                   // Primary Key of json object
    "name": "",                 // Name of component (corresponds to name of repository)
    "organization": "",         // Name of organization
    "description": "",          // Description of component
    "version": "",              // Version of component schema (NOT the repo version)
    "environment": "",          // Build/Runtime environment - ex: ['rhel7', 'rhel8', 'matlab'] which may or may not contain components
    "url": "",                  // URL/filepath to the component object
    "approvalRule": "",         // Determines what kind of approval was done - ex: ['all', 'none'] determined by approval rule
    "approvalGroup": [          // Names of experts on the component (possibly group names in addition to individuals)
    "testingCriteria": "",      // Determines acceptance criteria for testing - ex: ['all', '90%']     
    "dependsOnComponents": [    // Component dependencies
      {"name": "", "tagname": ""},
      {"name": "", "tagname": ""}
    "buildInstructions": ""     // Determines how to build component - ex: ['make', '']
                                // May be a simple make, or refer to a script within the component repo
// Q: can a component have 2 or more environments (os)?
// note - maybe the environment moves to an additional dependsOnComponents entry - maybe the first entry?
/* Example */
  "id": "663e591ce77eef11eb66a54f",
  "name": "mps_central_node",
  "organization": "slaclab",
  "description": "central node for machine protection system",
  "version": "1",
  "environment": "rhel7.9",
  "url": "s3df/slaclab/mps_central_node",
  "approvalRule": "all",
  "approvalGroup": [       
      "Jerry Katzung",
      "Patrick Nisperos",
   "dependsOnComponents": [
    {"name": "slaclab/epics", "tagname": "epics-72"}, 
    {"name": "slaclab/adcore", "tagname": "adcore-45"}
   "buildInstructions": "make"

// Note - useful when we want to report to developers where certain branches are
// note - expected to be dynamic
    "id": "",                   // id of entry
    "name": "",                 // name of repo
    "organization": "",         // name of organization
    "branchName": "",           // name of branch
	"developmentComplete": bool	// Developer considers development complete
    "approvalStatus": "",       // Status of approval - ex: ['approved', 'rejected', 'in progress']
    "testingStatus": "",        // Status of testing - ex: ['pass', 'fail', 'in progress']
    "overallStatus": ""         // Status at the final state - ex: ['merged', 'rejected', 'deleted']
// Q: does testLocation information get tracked in here?
    "id": "",                   // id of entry
    "name": "",                 // name of repo
    "organization": "",         // name of organization
    "tagName": "",              // name of tag
    "hostId": "",                   // Host hardware id from hardware_host_schema
    "deploymentStatus": ""          // Status at the final state - ex: ['provisional', 'active']
// Q: Do we add host name as well for convenience? Or does the gui we use to view database query for us?
// Q: how do we cleanly revert if multiple components are upgraded (like ioc and epics)?  // Note - when in provisional state, during pamm ansible will look at the name/org/tag to install the packages
// Use case: developer updates the deploymentStatus if deployed app is good, or not good
    // if good: then ansible leaves it alone
    // if bad: then engineer reverts tagname to previous tag and marks active, then ansible reverts to previous tags and installs previous package
    "id": "",                   // id of entry
    "name": "",                 // name of hardware
    "location": "",             // location of hardware
    "owner": "",                // owner or POC
    "status": "",                // Status - ex: ['inactive', 'active']
    "specialHardware": [        // Any special hardware besides host machine - ex: ['camera', 'optical interface', TBD]
