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Comment: Migration of unmigrated content due to installation of a new plugin


No Format
mg5> define uds = u d s u~ d~ s~     # define the multiparticle uds as any one of the u, d and s quarks or their antiparticles
mg5> generate mu+ mu- > Z > uds uds  # calculate the diagrams for the process
                                     # use, eg., `add process mu+ mu- > Z > b b~' to add moreanother processes. 
mg5> output my-mumu-z-uds            # create a folder in the current directory.
mg5> open index.html                 # optional; view the generated diagrams and other information

Important note: If you want to do mu+ mu- > h > x x events to load this interaction vertex, be sure to execute `mg5> import model sm-full' before launching. The mu+ mu- > h vertex is disabled in the default sm model for performance reasons.

Now we can generate events and simulate their hadronization with Pythia.


(...Installation of slicPandora and PandoraSettings...)

Code Block
titlePandoraSettingsDefault.xml excerpt
<\!-\- Standalone photon clustering \-->
  <algorithm type = "PhotonReconstruction">
    <algorithm type = "ConeClustering" description = "PhotonClusterFormation">
    <EnergyBinLowerEdges>0 0.5 1 1.5 2.5 5 10 20 50 </EnergyBinLowerEdges>
