Versions Compared


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  • Formatting was changed.


RHEL5-32  bldlnx06, bldlnx10, bldlnx11, bldlnx12 (this is the slow one I think)

RHEL5-64 available in buildq

RHEL6-64 currently one build box that we share:  bldlnx04available in buildq

Mac OS Snow Leopard bldmac02 and bldmac01

Mac OS Mountain Lion on PPA-PC90719

See here for Jenkins

To start up the Jenkins Windows Service:
My Computer (right click)->Manage->Services and Applications->Services->Jenkins Slave->Properties->Log On
Here we will also change the glast password, whenever the glast password is updated.

Managing the areas where the builds occur

/nfs/farm/g/glast/u52/ReleaseManagerBuilds - GR

/nfs/farm/g/glast/u35/ReleaseManagerBuilds - ST, TMineRelease

General Build Retention Rules

ScienceTools:  All Releases are retained, HEADs for last 10 releases, the last 20 LATEST builds

Finding Lock Files in CVSROOT


The entire workbook resides in CVS (CVSROOT=/nfs/slac/g/glast/ground/cvs), those interested in making modifications can do so.  When a commit is made a "build" of the workbook occurs via Hudson and is posted to the test site.  Once we are satisifed satisfied and desire to post the updated contents to the production version, we can run the  ~glast/releaseWorkbook script.

Note that the workbook test and prod versions seem to be symlinked at:  /afs/slac/www/exp/glast/wb/, which points to /nfs/farm/g/glast/u09/workbook/

Adding ETags to force pages to reload when changed:

 <meta http-equiv="ETag" content="$Revision: $" />

