Building External Libraries
A page with links with instructions for building the externals .
Windows builds occur on: glast09, glast10, glast11, and glast-win03, as the "glast" user, where builds and externals reside on the V: drive
Note that the LSF password on windows must match the "glast" password. This is set via a command windows, using the lspasswd command.
RHEL4 builds occur on glastlnx14
Core Meeting Minutes
All of the core meeting minutes are located here: /afs/slac/www/exp/glast/ground/software/minutes and can be updated by those interested in doing so.
SCons RM
Windows builds occur on glast-win04, as the "glast" user" where all data resides on the D: drive
Note that the LSF password on windows must match the "glast" password. This is set via a command windows, using the lspasswd command.
RHEL4 builds occur on glastlnx14
RHEL5-32 bldlnx06, bldlnx10, bldlnx11, bldlnx12 (this is the slow one I think)
RHEL5-64 available in buildq
RHEL6-64 available in buildq
Mac OS Snow Leopard bldmac02 and bldmac01
Mac OS Mountain Lion on PPA-PC90719
To start up the Jenkins Windows Service:
My Computer (right click)->Manage->Services and Applications->Services->Jenkins Slave->Properties->Log On
Here we will also change the glast password, whenever the glast password is updated.
Managing the areas where the builds occur
/nfs/farm/g/glast/u52/ReleaseManagerBuilds - GR
/nfs/farm/g/glast/u35/ReleaseManagerBuilds - ST, TMineRelease
General Build Retention Rules
ScienceTools: All Releases are retained, HEADs for last 10 releases, the last 20 LATEST builds
Finding Lock Files in CVSROOT
python /u/gl/jchiang/bin/
Running RM steps by hand
The key bit of information you need is the build ID of the build you want to work with. This is just the number at the end of the URL in the RMII webpages. i.e. in this URL:
the build ID is 20296.
Once you have this all you need to do is the following:
1) Log on to glast-win04
2) Open a command prompt
3) The command to run the RMII programs is
D:\ReleaseManager\tools\grits-cpp\bin\<program> --buildId <NNNNN>
where <program> is testBuild.exe or createReleaseBuild.exe (or any of the other ones) and <NNNNN> is the build ID number of the one you want to run.
That's it. It will start off the appropriate process. You just have to let it run and not kill your command prompt window until it finishes (and probably deal with any popup dialogs that appear :( ).
The one thing you should do, however, is actually create the LATCalibRoot environment variable for the glast account so that it is set properly before you run the testBuild.exe program. Right not it is getting passed in via LFS so as far as I know it isn't set up for interactive logins.
System Tests
The entire workbook resides in CVS (CVSROOT=/nfs/slac/g/glast/ground/cvs), those interested in making modifications can do so. When a commit is made a "build" of the workbook occurs via Hudson and is posted to the test site. Once we are satisfied and desire to post the updated contents to the production version, we can run the ~glast/releaseWorkbook script.
Note that the workbook test and prod versions seem to be symlinked at: /afs/slac/www/exp/glast/wb/, which points to /nfs/farm/g/glast/u09/workbook/
Adding ETags to force pages to reload when changed:
<meta http-equiv="ETag" content="$Revision: $" />