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Comment: Migrated to Confluence 4.0

Run Checklist

The following info MUST be checked/reported for every shift

for each run enter in the elogbook 

- run number (from RunControl)

- run type (photon data, electrons, positrons, proton and in particular if a test or calibration or pedestal run) 

- scaler counts (S0, HW trigger, S0&C1&C2,NotSh&S2,DAQ TRIG) - from Online monitor or directly from scalers in the top NIM crate

- trigger choice (if external verify its setup in the trigger logic and in the BT configuration, if internal make sure you  select the right BT configuration)

- synchronization with AD ON or OFF; if OFF take a look at AD plots and comment on anomalies

- table position (check it is automatically entered from the pop-up GUI at start of run)

- particle type (e.g. tagged-photons, full-brem, e, pion, proton, positron)

- MNP17 current settings (if applicable) 

- notes (e.g. beam intensity, no-beam time, loss of synchronization, change of configuration such as magnet settings, table position)

for each run monitor in the on-line monitor 

- DAQ synchronization (check the diagnostics panel, in particular the top left plot should have hits only in the band +-50ns)

for each run monitor in the AD on-line monitor 

- for each chamber check the histogram showing the number of hits, if it shows events with more that 128 hits, it means that the pedestal of the Si chambers of the tagger has shifted and must be refreshed. Do the following:

- take a pedestal run in the ancillary

- refresh the pedestal file for the CU online-monitor and for the AD DAQ 

for each shift check the following 

- CU temperature, every 2 hours, either monitoring the housekeeping data from RunControl or the CU data-logger, which you can see by looking at VNC monitor on pcglast22

- Cerenkov pressure, once a shift 

Things to do during a shift

The following is a more detailed list of duties for shifters. 

 This is a list of steps to be followed while on shift. Please note that when we change configurations some of the reference plots may also change

Status from Previous



Read Logbook comments from Runs Database  and the new shift log that allows one to include pictures and paper logbookEvaluate if there are actions pending (e.g

Ask people on shift if tehre is something else to be done and read the shift log

  • any bugs?
  • did all runs go through the pipeline? (expert wil help you to use this link)
  • have reports and data analysis files been produced?
  • do we need to inform experts of something taht may have happened?

Check Summary plots

Tasks Scheduled for this shift

List of Schedulked Tasks

Do you know who to call in case of trouble during your shift?

Locate On-call  call Expert List

Hardware Status

Familiarize yourself with the PS Control Room 

Verify Trigger Hardware Status

  • Internal versus External
  • Scintilattors are part of the trigger?
  • Which combination of triggers is being used? 

Verify Ancillary Detector Hardware Status

Verify DAQ/Online Status

Verify CU Hardware Status

  • Check pressure , temperature and humidity in the CU from PCGlast22** click on button labeled Power Supply on the left of the screen
  • Check 28 Volts in the CU from PCGlast22. Current expected ~ 2.6 A
    • click on tab labeled Agilent on the bottom center of the screen
  • Check Housekeeping in the CU from BTServer Screen 2** click desktop 4 on BTServer screen 1* *

Verify Network Hardware Status


Set Table in the Correct Position using this document. Details about the table can be found here

Tune Beam - ONLY IF REQUIRED BY THE PROGRAM - consult an expert if needed

Start and Stop a Run

Check Beam Status Status 

Start a run

Select a data taking configuration for the CU (see here for details)

End a run

Note: never exceed 100K events in a single run; if you notice problems reduce the number of events/run and increase the number of runs 

Online Monitoring

Check GLAST Online Monitoring Pages

  • ACD Page
  • Ancillary 1  page
  • Ancillary 2  Page
  • Ancillary Detail  Page
  • Statistics Page
  • Check TKR, CAl and Statisctics Pages  for TEM 1, 2, and 3 
  • Check the trigger counting rate

Offline Monitoring


Data Taking Configurations

In the

Predictions from MC Simulations

In the

Tune the Beam - Expert

 Nice During daytime, the 4th shifter must run the Offline monitor to monitor relevant plots and compare with MC data sets