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Peak finders typically find photon positions by computing a "center of gravity" of several pixels. This position can be biased. Since the distance of any peak's "center of gravity", or centroid, from the center of a pixel is typically a uniform distribution, the true positions of photons can be better estimated by smoothing out the observed distribution of this distance so it becomes a uniform distribution.

Centroid correction can be done to smooth the centroid position of single photon peaks. In the following example code, the V1 peak finder which can be found here is used to obtain a large number of peaks. The row and column centroids for each peak are saved in the array centroids. The object, CentroidSmootherCalib, saves the data needed to smooth the centroids. Then the object, CentroidSmoother, will obtain this data and by passing getSmoothedCentroids the array of the row and column of centroids, an array of the row and column of the smoothed centroids is returned. 

Code Block
from ImgAlgos.PyAlgos import PyAlgos
from psana import *

ds = DataSource('exp=xcs06016:run=37:smd')
det = Detector('epix_2')
alg = PyAlgos()
alg.set_peak_selection_pars(npix_min=1, npix_max=9, amax_thr=0, atot_thr=35, son_min=0)

centroids = []
for nevent, evt in enumerate(
    if nevent == 25: break

    nda = det.calib(evt)
    peaks = alg.peak_finder_v1(nda, thr_low=10, thr_high=30, radius=1, dr=0)
    for p in peaks:
        centroids.append([p[6], p[7]])
centroids = np.array(centroids)

# This should only be run once to save run-dependent calibration constants
calib = CentroidSmootherCalib()
rNumBeginrunNumBegin = 0 # There is also an optional runNumEnd parameter, det, rNumBegin) # There is also an optional rNumEndrunNumBegin)
# This loads the run-dependent calibration constants for run number
cs = CentroidSmoother(ds, det,
smoothCents = cs.getSmoothedCentroids(centroids)