Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
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Comment: Migrated to Confluence 4.0


EngineeringModel v5r070305p2

Short summary:

  • Trigger (TriggerAlg) now uses dead strips in the tracker.
  • Trigger (TriggerAlg) CAL uses calibrated values.
  • ACD tiles now overlap in the correct direction.
  • CalTuple now saves an entry for every event regardless of whether
    there is CAL data or not thus ensuring that it's synchronized with the
    other root files.
  • Added AcdHit and AcdTkrPoca collections to AcdRecon.
  • ACD Veto threshold set to 0.1 MIP to match settings in SVAC muon runs.
  • New base GR release.


xmlGeoDbs v1r28p3

  • Eliminate allTowers volume in cu06 geometry, allowing freer placement of tiles
  • Bring em2 geometry up to date
  • Include outermost id field for oneNoTkr volume
  • Add ACD tiles in cu06; minor reorg. changes to flight
  • Merge new stuff from v1r26 ACD upgrade into latAssembly/latACDDimPrimUnshrunk.xml
  • Add cu06 geometry with proper 4x1 (long in X dimension) grid
  • Make top tiles overlap in the correct direction.
    One row overlaps another. Row 2 is at lowest Z.

ntupleWriterSvc v3r10

  • merge with branch, and change interface ID for previous change
  • add ability to create multiple ROOT output files

merit v6r28p1

  • Use CTB variables in FT1Alg.

flux v8r22p2

  • protect against times beyond pointing history
  • fix warnings due to no virtual destructor
  • Include static start time for sources

f2c v2r2

  • up-to-date version of f2c.h, and cmt folder created
  • initial version
  • place for link stuff and Win32 libraries

commonRootData v2r6

  • Other Unit tests utilities for reconRootData
  • Unit tests utilities for AcdDigi and collections

celestialSources/genericSources v1r5

  • use Spectrum::startTime() offset
  • refactor SpectralTransient to use smaller event cache
  • add FitsTransient, SourcePopulation classes

celestialSources/eblAtten v1r1p3

  • Include new Stecker's model for EBL

celestialSources/GRBobs v2r1p5

  • fix bug in applying launch offset

celestialSources v1r1

  • add FitsTransient, SourcePopulation

calibGenCAL v3r8p5

  • now supports new intNonlin format
  • python: fixed a few dos/unix newline screw ups that were breaking
  • adcsmooth - lengthened lookback for fle2adc extrapolation. this will
    work better w/ new sparser data. avoids 'knee' in output curve

astro v1r12p4

  • Fix computation of longitude from position
  • GPS mods to treat history file consistently
  • unix fixes
  • mods to Healpix to hide healix_base; slight change to interface
  • Fix sign of longitude

Trigger v4r3p3

  • Update unit test JO file to set up CAL services that are now required.
  • Bug fix - setting digi variable too late
  • Update setting of ACD Low bit, to use 0.3 MIP thresh
  • Update veto calculation
  • support new CalTrigTool, drop old/bad cal code entirely. undo impolite
    whitespace changes in TriggerAlg.cxx
  • check for dead strips when checking for a trigger

TkrUtil v3r5p9

  • Fix implementation of numberOfHitsNear(view, layer, ...)
  • Make towerFactor a Property for TkrQueryClustersTool
  • Changes for compatibility with modified IGeometry interface

RootIo v17r9gr1

  • Handle new AcdHit and AcdPoca, and use new RootConvert converter
  • Patch to mcRootReader to count daughters of McParticles just once..not
    twice. Fix AcdRecon MaxActiveDist Id writing

RootAnalysis v8r8o4

  • get rid of unix warnings
  • more warnings

LatIntegration v2r49

  • Added LAT run to system tests.
  • Fixed instrument name for Tower A system test ldf2digi.txt JO
  • Fix to unit test JO.
  • Changed number of events in two tower data system test
    to avoid batch time out.
  • Updated JO to new CAL trigger code.
  • Updated JO to new CalTuple code.

HepRepSvc v0r16p1

  • Bullet-proof TrackFiller for bad TkrId's
  • Corrected a very bad bug in rotations of volumes in the
    geometry filler
  • Update to ACD representation, using new colors depending on
    discriminator settings. Also update McPosHit to include volId and global
    entry position.
  • Fixed decoding of tower in TrackFiller

Gleam v6r8p1

  • Needed to make FT1Alg follow GlastClassify.
  • Implement Atwood trees (only) in GlastClassify

GlastClassify v3r0

  • convert to Atwood trees only
  • New trees, special AtwoodLikeTrees class for non-atwood trees

FluxSvc v6r31

  • Add pointing info entry for lat_geo.
  • Remove obsolute entry to set pointing history file
  • Allow partial suppression of ExposureAlg tick message
  • fix bug in setting up history file; set startdate for sources

CalXtalResponse v0r9p1

  • small edits to remove warnings on linux compile
  • New CalTupleAlg is separated out from CalXtalRecAlg, only way to ensure
    that CalTuple code is called on every event.
  • CalTuple now saves an entry for every event regardless of whether there
    is cal data or not. This is basically a merge from v0r7p7 branch update.
  • CalXtalRecAlg.tupleFilename jobOption allows CalTuple to be created in
    separate file from other tuples.
  • new CalTrigTool can be called either by caldigi or by triggeralg.
    new unit_test. caltuple is now same format as other tuples, easier to merge.

CalUtil v2r2p1

  • few tweaks after building & testing on linux
  • new system test. new CalArray.h. broke CalVec.h off of CalDefs.h
  • getCol() & getRow() added to TwrNum class

CalDigi v2r3p5

  • fixed dummy bug in previous tag.
  • Minor change to return codes, shouldn't change any behavior.
  • Update to new CalTrigTool separate from XtalDigiTool

AnalysisNtuple v2r9p3gr4

  • Add type info to the variable documentation
  • Fix the documentation: _intro_XXX.h, 2nd Try
  • Fix the documentation: _intro_XXX.h
  • Add new var: CalEdgeEnergy ("ACD for the CAL"!)
  • Fix up calculation of Tkr1SSDVeto to match main branch
  • Only doc: add bit definitions, TkrSurplusHitRatio defn (warning)
  • Fix negative values of Tkr1CoreHC, and some cleanup

AcdUtil v0r2p3

  • Patch ribbon handling in getVals
  • Update warnings to include volids
  • Update req file to create two shared libraries
    One Gaudi component library and one non-component library
  • Add AcdTileDim and AcdRibbonDim

AcdRecon v2r0p4

  • Patch ribbon orientation change
  • Protect against NA channels in AcdRecon
  • Get AcdReconAlg and AcdPocaTool to include AcdTileDim and AcdRibbonDim from AcdUtil
  • Remove AcdTileDim and AcdRibbonDim, which are now in AcdUtil.
  • Cleanup a few loose ends on previous commit.
  • Re-structure AcdRecon to use AcdPocaTool for calculations. This is a pretty major re-write.
  • Added (empty) AcdHit and AcdTkrPoca collection to AcdRecon. This is to
    test the data structures without actually adding in all the new code.

AcdDigi v1r14p2em2

  • Set veto threshold to 0.1 MIP temporarily for I&T


Additional packages:

svac/TestReport v3r4p9

  • Added Logz option, used in AcdPha v. tileId plots.
  • fixed axis labels in acd plots
  • added cut at 500ms in timeInterval plot (some evts had interval > 1s)

svac/EngineeringModelRoot v1r8p9

  • Added AcdTkrPoca variables
  • TkrCalib updates

svac/svacPipeline v3r4p5

  • Add explicit maxTreeSize to account for merged CalTuple > 2 GB.
    This is necessary to process the recent LAT B13 (non-zero suppressed)

Code Versions

Engineering Model (sim/recon):



System Tests for this version


eLog: v2r2p8 (Moved code to AFS)
ConfigTables: v3r2p0 (Added ACD information)
TestReport: v3r4p9 (digi & recon reports) **changed**
EngineeringModelRoot: v1r8p9 (SVAC tuple) **changed**

Approved: unanimous Jan 22, 2006