Versions Compared


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Note a conflicting procedure / documentation in the procedures folder: 9.8.3 Pumping/Venting Procedure . These are being reconciled.

Readiness checklist

  •  All chamber doors must be closed
  •  All chamber flanges must be in place (no obvious opening)
  •  TC1:VGC:11, TC1:VGC:12, TC1-VGC-01, TC1-VGC-02, TC1-VGC-03, TC1-VGC-04 must be closed
  •  MEZ-PMF-01 EBARA A70, MEZ-PMF-02 EBARA A70 must be off (if faulted, press RESET)
  •  TC1-VGC-04, MEZ:VGC:17, MEZ:VGC:18, MEZ-VIC-19 must be closed
  •  MEZ-GPI-02 must display ~ 6.5e+02 torr (if lower, open MEZ:VGC:18 until restored, then close)
  •  TC1-VGC-04, MEZ:VGC:17, MEZ:VGC:18, MEZ-VIC-19 must be closed and allowed to open
  •  The gas ballast control knob of the scroll pump should be set to level 0
  •  Turbo pump should be at "Full Speed" (if not follow Turbo pump startup procedurebelow)

Pumpdown procedure

  •  Press OPN on TC1-VGC-04
  •  Press RUN on MEZ-PMF-01 EBARA A70
  •  Press OPN on MEZ:VGC:17 (wait a few seconds if MEZ:VGC:17 cannot open)
  •  Press RUN on MEZ-PMF-02 EBARA A70
  •  Press OPN on MEZ-VIC-19 (wait a few seconds if MEZ-VIC-19 cannot open)
  •  Wait until MEC:TC1:GPI:01 drops below 5.0e-02 torr
  •  Press OPN on TC1-VGC-02
  •  Press CLS on MEZ:VGC:17
  •  Press STP on MEZ-PMF-01 EBARA A70
  •  Press CLS on MEZ-VIC-19
  •  Press STP on MEZ-PMF-02 EBARA A70
  •  Press OPN on MEZ:VGC:18
  •  Wait until MEZ-GPI-02 passes above ~ 6.5e+02 torr
  •  Press CLS on MEZ:VGC:18

If something goes off track during this procedure, initiate the venting procedure and check for leaks (flanges, virtual leaks, waterlines, etc).

Turbo pump startup

  •  Open mechome, go to the tab "User Devices", open the panel "User Sentry PDU"
  •  Turn On "Roughing pump PTM 02 (turbo 2)"
  •  Wait until SEW:GPI:04 drops below 1.0e-02 torr
  •  Press OPN on SEW-VGC-15
  •  Press RUN next to the turbo pump logo
  •  Wait until turbo pump displays "Full Speed"

Version tracking

VersionRelease dateDescription


Demonstration version


Simplification of the procedure using only checklists