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Time & date 

Wednesday April 6  9:00pm Pacific Standard Time, Thursday Apr 7, 2016  9:00am Pakistan time, Thursday April 7 2016 12:00 noon Malaysian time, Thursday  Apr 7 2016 02:00am Rio Standard Time.  



Hassaan Khaliq  (SEECS)?; Saqib+, Aqsa (UAF); Johari-, Adnan Khan (UNIMAS);  Badrul,   Ridzuan Ridzuan, Ibrahim (UM); ??????(UTM); Adib-, Fatima (UUM); Fizi Jalil (MYREN);   Les+, Bebo+ (SLAC).

+ Confirmed attendance


? Individual emails sent

Actual attendees:

Saqib, JohariAqsa, Les Bebo

Aqsa was unable to connect due to network connections


  • Membership of pinger-my in

  • NETAPPS2015 1-3 December 2015 was very successful, five papers were presented in the PingER session 
    • Saqib is continues working on the Malaysian case study and will submit
    • Les mentioned that Adib is looking at a Case study of ASEAN countries (see below)
  • 9 students from Amity University near New Delhi in India interested in coming to SLAC.

    • They have gone through the installation instructions for, and   Problem that their web  server appears to be local, see Setting up PingER servers at Amity. No progress 3/9/2016

  • Joao Brazillian student: All is set for  mid May thru end Aug 2016


  • slac-pinger/pinger created by topherwhite.  PingER project
  • Now we have it we can share with Amity to check it works.
    • Bebo reports that someone from Amity requested to be a member of the Android group.



From Adib:

  • "Since we're still waiting on an account, at SLAC, I asked the student to explore another idea (which is quite relevant) proposed by Prof. Bebo “Creative visualization of PingER data, including rich interaction;”. He has already started looking at the possible attractive/interactive design, at the same time he is working to improve his programming skills."

  • "On the other hand, I am in the final stage of writing a case study on the Internet performance in ASEAN countries and its implication on the Socio-Economic Indexes. Will try to share with Dr.Les and Prof. Bebo soon to comment and get your advice on the publication possibility of the paper."


Student started last month on the ISO. does not ping. Reported to Joharo.
Adnan has not been assigned any tasks. He is interested in writing papers and will be discussing with Johari on the way forward.
Will revisit traceroute server. No progress 3/12/2016
Update PingER Malaysia site, hope to start in April.
Get back to RPi2 at Datacenter no progress 3/12/216

UAF (Saqib)

Name: Aqsa Hameed

Title: visualization of PingER historical data using warehouse

Status: Our idea is to develop a warehouse in our university and make it publicly available.

One way of drilling down is via a map of all sites. Faisal Zahid put something together a couple of years ago. It is at It uses Google maps, allows pan and zoom, plus selection of type (measurement agent, beacon, target) of host to display. It also allows one to select a host (Search location),  mouse click on the balloon to find out more about the host, from there click on the sites web site, click on the country or region to get the relevant information. The Visualize allows one to choose a measurement agent and a country and it draws coloured lines between the sites  to represent the metric choose.

This was very useful but parts of it are broken.  It would be great to fix or replace. It has some documentation.

For plotting time series, Grafana looks very promising

Updating the motion charts, adding newer data etc. would be most useful.  See and

Enhance the selection Metrics, Ticks (see  to allow multiple metrics (min, avg, max RTT, loss, thrpughput, , MOS ..) to be plotted as a time series. 

Enhanced selection remote hosts for selected tick, selected metric selected mutiple targets ( currently only allows one target), e.g.

Image Added

Once you have plot enable fitting the data to timelines (linear, exponential, power series)

Map pf countries the world colored by metric allow selection of metric and for a particular year. with chosen MA, e.g.



Student started last month on the ISO.
Adnan has not been assigned any tasks. He is interested in writing papers and will be discussing with Johari on the way forward.
Will revisit traceroute server. No progress 3/12/2016
Update PingER Malaysia site, hope to start in April.
Get back to RPi2 at Datacenter no progress 3/12/216

UAF (Saqib)

Name: Aqsa Hameed

Title: visualization of PingER historical data using warehouse

Status: Our idea is to develop a warehouse in our university and make it publicly available.Image AddedImage Added


Name: Sara Masood

Title: PingER Internet Performance Monitoring Agent On Android Device

Status: There has been a discussion to pin down more closely what is needed, i.e. a PingER Measurement Agent running on an Android making measuremenst measurements to the Beacons, and the ability to upload the data nightly. We will set up held a skype  skype group meeting with Topher, Sara, Saqib, Bebo and Les to move forward. See See 20160331 Meeting on PingER/Android, also see Discussion on porting PingER to Android. She has what she needs for now.


Name: Saba Muzamil

Title: She is interested to work on Environment that supports the execution of analytical distributed queries in Hadoop Cluster.


Saqib's old supervisor  agreed to appoint a master student to take of PingER in UTM. Saqib has emailed  3/9/2016, any progress 4/6/2016?




Adib talked to Fitzi: Basically, all PingER myren monitoring nodes are working properly according to Fizi. nothing much to be done from his side at the moment. Currently, he is fully occupied with some running projects that takes most of his time. But, he is ready to help, in case we need his support.


no progress 4/6/2016.



MYREN is working again. 

However and were not responding to pings. Emali sent to Fitzi 4/5/2016. is now working again. is still not. Tomorrow Fitzi will try abd to contact person at USM tomorrow because he noticed that on the MYREN switch to the server the connection port is down.


Hassaan's student (Mian Anas Abrar <>) reports: "Sir haven't disabled any of them which i told earlier and actually can't even get back to them because of their wrong contact numbers or their numbers not responding since then. I have tried contacting Dr.Les earlier  few time as per your instructions but don't know why i wasn't able to email him. rest the status is actually same nodes being down". We believe we have solved the mail problem.

No responses for over 30 days from


Preparing a presentation for an NREN conference (BDREN) in Dhaka Bangladesh. Will present by video.The 2016  annual report on network monitoring is ready, it includes a large section on PingER. It is available at: Bangladesh on 18 April. Will present by video.

 Working on the following hosts to be able to gather data

HostStatelast seenStatus
web.hepgrid.uerj.eduemails 5/1/2016, still no response 1/30/2016, email 1/30/2016, 2/23/2016: They decided to move server to a new network. 

They will start to move PingER installation to a new machine and let us know when it's done.. The IP address of this new server will change. No longer use IP

No progress 4/6/2016

Dec, 2014does not ping electrical problems
pinger.arn.dzemail 1/30/2016, 2/22/2016Nov 2015Does not ping
Pinger.stanford.eduemail 1/6/2016, email 3/1/2016.May 2015does not ping


Are there any of these that are likely to return to service?

Next Meeting

Next meeting:  Wednesday Apr 7th May 4th 9:00pm Pacific Standard Time, Thursday Apr 8thMay 5th, 2016  9:00am Pakistan time, Thursday Apr 8th May 5th  2016 12:00noon Malaysian time, Thursday Mar 10th may 5th 2016 02:00am Rio Standard Time.  


Potential projects

See list of Projects





