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Comment: Migrated to Confluence 4.0

NG: Plans for updating CVS. Would like to start moving contrib code into production area.
Solicit ppl who have reported results to put code into repository. Early to mid-Sept to
have a reconstruction "jamboree" to decide recommended default packages, e.g. digitizing,
clustering, fitting, etc. for both clustering and tracking. Calorimeter clustering and
tracking finding and fitting should be in and defaults should be given.
Nick on track fitting.

NS: Fitting code is ready. Compiles with current CVS head. Using the track cheater from
Mike Ronan for track finding. Moving code into lcsim contrib area. Can use real tracks
once the track finding is ready. Want to introduce detect resolution using smearing code.


NS: Fitter fits track to list of hits that go with the track. Modifies track parameters to
the fitted values. Any object that implements Track interface can be used. Need to use
BaseTrack though for setters.

RC: If produce a track (set of hits), why do parameters need to be modified? Why can't
just write out new list of tracks? Then can implement any way you want and anyone can use

NS: Not in the fitter itself. Provided tracks can be modified or can make new collection
of tracks.

NG: If have a reason to make a different type of track, derive from BaseTrack.


RP: Using helix fitter. For circle part of fit, agrees to ten decimal places, except sign
of DOCA is opposite.

JS: Difference with BaBar is that ours should not have a minus sign (question). One constant is
defined as -1 in BaBar code.


NG: There is corresponding LC Note for the track parameters that is public. L3 note is
technically for internal use only.

RP: Have modified helical track fitter. Not fit some points in RZ plane. Also returning
the separate covariance matrices from circle fit and straight RZ plane – implemented this.
Assume that these are uncorrelated fits. True helix fit, there are correlations, e.g. off
diagonal. Don't see good way of kludging this. Don't want to spend a lot of time fitting,
just want a good fit. For track finding, seems perfectly adequate to treat as separate
fits and not worry about the full 5 parameter fit with correlations. Not the original
author of this code, so not sure.


RP: Need some way of estimating the helix. Not meant as final track fit. Just given space
points, what's helix to swim to another layer. Shouldn't be the final track fit. Need
something that can get track parameters to plug into helix swimmer.


NG: Also a 3 point circle if just want the circle that goes through it. No covariance matrix.

RP: Wanted to use the covariance matrix.


Fred: Since Vancouver, code that does the hit adding has been completed. Now have the
helix fit that uses the track parameters. Committed the code to contrib area.


Fred: Yes. Expect that once Rich Patridge's code is available, should be able to feed
tracks in as stubs (question).

RP: Pulling seeds out of a track?

Fred: List of MCParticles, find which have hits in vertex detector. For each MCParticle,
take list of vertex detector hits and use as input.


Fred: That's great. List of list of hits. As long as there is a way to get a list (one
way or another) is fine.

NG: As soon as Nick releases the hit smearing code, should make use of that.


JS: No tracks implement the L3 convention in a way I can reproduce. Have put together a
package in my contrib.tracking area. Put in tests to make sure consistent with the helix
swimmer. Right now the ReconTrack is not. Found possible bug in helix swimmer. Haven't
propagated back into trunk.


JS: Made these tests. Made new FastMCTrack but didn't want MCParticle to be required. Put
this capability into contrib area code. Parameterization, L3 parameters are all defined
with respect to a reference point. Current FastMCTrack uses the origin as the RP and then
creates a track with particle.getOrigin but doesn't swim to reference point. Have a
particle that's created by lambda then get back nonsensical answer from FastMCTrack.


JS: Now tracks that I made now creates a helix, swims the helix to RP (by default 0,0,0),
and then calculates at that point the track parameters. Current function isRefPointDCA is
nonsense because always true by definition, otherwise parameters don't make sense. Always
calculated at DOCA. If change ref point, need to reswim the track.


JS: Now ReconTrack.getReferencePoint does not return reference point but origin of particle
used to create it. Most of the time it is true but not always e.g. for ones I want to
vertex. Corrected all these in package I made and made consistent with the helix swimmer,
so can make a track, get parameters, make new track with the parameters, and make sure that
the points I used can be retrieved from the 2nd track. Documentation of all of this into
my contrib area. Put posting to forum outlining this package.

JS: Need to have a mechanism to access a derivative matrix. Not going to try and figure
out what everyone is using.


NS: Problem with BaBar definition. If curvature close to 0, change sign of track. Sign of
D0 changes. May be large. Not a smooth function. Not good for fitting.

JS: Everyone needs to use the L3 conventions. Then can use the track interface for

RP: People in MARLIN using the standard convention?


Need parameter a to cancel units. Found 5 different values for unit parameter. LC Note
uses value of 3. Put my derivation of what a should be.


NG: Only one representation for track. Couple of implementations are different. Track
parameters should be the LCIO (L3) parameters. Doesn't matter whether central or forward.

CM: Also reworking the code for the fitting using the second order Taylor where check
distance from point to border and time to arrive and what is smaller.


TN: Not hard part. Hard part is keeping track of 5000 sensor models. Can't just look at
one piece, need to throw all tracks to all pieces.


TN: Yes. Biggest difficulty is doing all the coordinate transforms e.g. if at x,y,z what
piece I'm in. (geometry system) Little things that need to be done right w.r.t. geometry
system. For specific cases, can do something workable but general infrastructure not my

RC: Assume there are parameters that will get. Maybe Tim Nelson is right person to see
which parameters need to be fed in.
