Versions Compared


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These instructions will show how to run an lcsim-based user analysis job on the grid using the DIRAC client.

Setup the Grid Session

This setup needs to be performed anytime you want to do any work with DIRAC.

Start by sourcing the setup script for your local copy of DIRAC.

No Format

source /nfs/slac/g/lcd/mc/prj/sw/x86_64/dirac/bashrc


Now obtain a proxy.

No Format


The default user should be ilc_user which should work fine.

Now check that your proxy is valid.

No Format


The output of that command will look something like this:

No Format

[1556 $] dirac-proxy-info
subject      : /DC=org/DC=doegrids/OU=People/CN=Jeremy McCormick 123456/CN=proxy/CN=proxy
issuer       : /DC=org/DC=doegrids/OU=People/CN=Jeremy McCormick 123456/CN=proxy
identity     : /DC=org/DC=doegrids/OU=People/CN=Jeremy McCormick 123456
timeleft     : 21:14:04
DIRAC group  : ilc_prod
path         : /tmp/x509up_u8286
username     : jeremy
properties   : NormalUser, ProductionManagement, CSAdministrator, JobSharing, JobAdministrator
VOMS         : True
VOMS fqan    : ['/ilc/Role=production', '/ilc', '/ilc/sid']

If there is a problem, then you will need to fix it before continuing as DIRAC does not function correctly without a valid proxy.

Configuring the Working Directory

The following setup will need to be done just once.

Create some directory where you will work with user jobs.

No Format

mkdir ~/dirac_jobs
cd ~/dirac_jobs

Scripts from AFS will be used to launch the user jobs. Symlink to these in order to use the master copies.

No Format

ln -s /afs/
ln -s /afs/

Or you may copy them to your local directory.

No Format

cp /afs/ .
cp /afs/ .

These scripts will expect a few directories to exist so create these now.

No Format

mkdir repositoryFiles lcsimSteeringFiles trackingStrategies

You will need a local copy of the tracking strategies that will be used by lcsim. Technically, this may not be used in the job, but the script expects it to exist.

No Format

cvs co lcsim # or use a local up to date copy
cp lcsim/resources/org/lcsim/recon/tracking/seedtracker/strategies/sidloi3_trackingStrategies_default.xml ./trackingStrategies

Finally, you will need an LCSim steering file to specify the drivers used in your user job. This is covered in the next section.

LCSim Steering File

This is best understood by an example.

The following is a very simple test steering file.

No Format

<lcsim xmlns:xs=""
        <driver name="EventMarkerDriver"/>
        <driver name="AidaSaveDriver"/>
        <driver name="SimpleTrackAnalysis" />
        <driver name="EventMarkerDriver" type="org.lcsim.job.EventMarkerDriver">
        <driver name="AidaSaveDriver" type="org.lcsim.job.AidaSaveDriver">
        <driver name="SimpleTrackAnalysis" type="org.lcsim.analysis.SimpleTrackAnalysis" />


The ${outputAidaFile} is a special variable that the job script uses to insert the name of the AIDA output from your analysis. The name is automatically generated from the input files and your job information.

Running the Jobs

titleJava Version

The lcsim package currently depends on Java 1.6 whereas the current release is 1.7 so incompatibilities may occur. These will show up as error messages in your job log like the following.

No Format

2013-04-25 23:56:05 UTC dirac-jobexec/LCSIMAnalysis
ERROR: java version "1.6.0_33"Java(TM)
SE Runtime Environment (build 1.6.0_33-b04)Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM (build 20.8-b03, mixed mode)
Exception in thread "main" java.lang.UnsupportedClassVersionError: org/lcsim/analysis/SimpleTrackAnalysis :
Unsupported major.minor version 51.0

This means that the jar with the external classes, in this case lcsim-analysis, was compiled with Java 1.7 but the JVM on the grid node is 1.6. This problem can be solved by using a 1.6 compiler locally or specifying 1.6 as the target in the Maven POM file.

titleBanning Sites

There is a default list of sites NOT to use for the jobs in the script. The default set is perhaps not restrictive enough. This is the contents of mine.

No Format

bannedSites = [

These are banned for being unreliable or from not being able to install necessary software, etc.


Here is a sample command to submit a user job:

No Format

python --prodid=1946 --merge=10 --maxfiles=100 --slic="" --marlin="" --pandora="" \
--lcsim="2.8-SNAPSHOT" --lcsimxml=template.lcsim --postlcsimxml="" \
--title="JM_test_analysis_prodID_1946" --detector="sidloi3"


After this command is executed, something like the following should show in the terminal window:

No Format

 SiD job submission to DIRAC

Using production ID to define LFN list:
  Found production ID 1946. Associated meta data:
    EvtType: evW_eeZ_vvZ_semileptonic
    NumberOfEvents: 400
    Polarisation: m80p20
    Datatype: DST
    Energy: 1000
    MachineParams: B1b_ws
    DetectorType: sid
    Machine: ilc
    DetectorModel: sidloi3
  Found 33398 files associated with meta data

Jobs to submit:
  Number of input files: 33398
  Maximum input files to use: 101
  Merged input files per job: 10
  Events per job: all
  Total number of jobs: 10
  Maximum CPU time per job: 100000 sec

General parameters:
  Detector model: sidloi3
  Process name: evW_eeZ_vvZ_semileptonic
  Job title: JM_test_analysis_prodID_1946
  Banned sites: ['', '', '', '']
  Repository file: repositoryFiles/sidloi3.JM_test_analysis_prodID_1946.prod1946.cfg

  Input sand box: ['LFN:/ilc/prod/software/lcsim/lib.tar.gz']
  Output sand box: ['*.log', '*.xml', '*.lcsim']
  Output data: ['JM_test_analysis_prodID_1946_evW_eeZ_vvZ_semileptonic_m80p20_rec_1946_16000.aida']
  Output storage path: sidloi3/evW_eeZ_vvZ_semileptonic/JM_test_analysis_prodID_1946
  Output storage element: CERN-SRM

Steps executed:
  1) LCSim step:
    LCSim version: 2.8-SNAPSHOT
    LCSim file: lcsimSteeringFiles/JM_test_analysis_prodID_1946_evW_eeZ_vvZ_semileptonic_m80p20_rec_1946_16000.xml
    Tracking strategies: trackingStrategies/sidloi3_trackingStrategies_default.xml
    Detector alias file:

Proceed and submit job(s)? (Y/N):


Then you'll get more output and another prompt:

No Format

Replica Lookup Time: 1.42 seconds
All LFN files have replicas available
lcsim 2.8-SNAPSHOT
Attribute list :
   outputSE : Not defined
   energy : 1000.0
   extraParams : Not defined
   outputRecFile : Not defined
   outputDstPath : Not defined
   trackingstrategy : trackingStrategies/sidloi3_trackingStrategies_default.xml
   outputPath : Not defined
   forget_about_Input : Not defined
   outputDstFile : Not defined
   aliasProperties :
   accountInProduction : True
   appname : lcsim
   detectortype : SID
   inputSB : ['lcsimSteeringFiles/JM_test_analysis_prodID_1946_evW_eeZ_vvZ_semileptonic_m80p20_rec_1946_16000.xml', 'trackingStrategies/sidloi3_trackingStrategies_default.xml']
   version : 2.8-SNAPSHOT
   outputFile : JM_test_analysis_prodID_1946_evW_eeZ_vvZ_semileptonic_m80p20_rec_1946_16000.slcio
   willBeCut : Not defined
   outputRecPath : Not defined
   logfile : lcsim_2.8-SNAPSHOT_Step_1.log
   detectorModel :
   addedtojob : True
   datatype : REC
   nbevts : -1
   prodparameters : {'JM_test_analysis_prodID_1946_evW_eeZ_vvZ_semileptonic_m80p20_rec_1946_16000.slcio': {'datatype': 'REC', 'detectortype': 'SID'}}
   steeringfile : lcsimSteeringFiles/JM_test_analysis_prodID_1946_evW_eeZ_vvZ_semileptonic_m80p20_rec_1946_16000.xml
   debug : Not defined
   inputfile : Not defined

Proceed and submit job(s)? y/[n] :


The script will print messages like the following as it finds your files.

No Format

Replica Lookup Time: 1.28 seconds
All LFN files have replicas available

Now you are finished with submission.

Monitoring the Jobs

The ILCDIRAC web interface can be used to monitor the jobs.


The jobs will show on the right from where they can be monitored, killed, etc.

Getting the Job Output

The output, which in our example is one AIDA file per job, can be retrieved using DIRAC commands.

Create a directory where the job output will be stored.

No Format

mkdir output
cd output

Now you can use the local job repository that was automatically created by DIRAC when the jobs were submitted to retrieve the output in batch.

Below is an example command to retrieve the output data for a sample set of jobs:

No Format

dirac-repo-retrieve-jobs-output-data -r ../repositoryFiles/sidloi3.JM_test_analysis_prodID_1946.prod1946.cfg


For instance, the sample job that I ran put all the output files here:

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Other output from the job is also available, including log files. These files can be obtained using this command:

No Format

dirac-repo-retrieve-jobs-output -r ../repositoryFiles/sidloi3.JM_test_analysis_prodID_1946.prod1946.cfg

Here is an example set of files from one job, not including the analysis output:

No Format



These files can be useful when debugging any problems that may occur with the job execution.

Combining Output Files

Finally, you will need to combine the job output into a final analysis. This could be specific to your particular analysis. I will provide an example that combines the histograms from multiple AIDA files into one output file. These procedures may change in the future, and this is just an example.

Download a jar file from that contains a utility for merging AIDA files.

No Format

cd ~/work

Move all your output AIDA files to a single directory.

No Format

cd ~/work/output
mkdir scratch
cp */*.aida scratch

Finally, execute the utility to combine the AIDA files into a single output file:

No Format

cd ~/work
java -cp ./hps-java-1.6-bin.jar org.lcsim.hps.users.phansson.mergeSimpleAIDA -d ./output/scratch/ -r ".*.aida" -o myanalysis.aida
