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Table of Contents


The SLIC simulation package produces simulated physics events in the LCIO data format. This tutorial shows will show you how to read these events into process SLIC output files with the Pandora PFA New project to create output package, currently the best performing PFA algorithm, in order to produce Particle Flow Objects (PFOs) (also called ReconstructedParticles) for analysis. It covers building and installing a slic-specific frontend called slicPandora and all its dependencies. Then it will go through the steps for processing slic output using LCSim in order to prepare it for Pandora. Finally, it shows how to run slicPandora using these events. There is also a note on how to generate Pandora detector XML files from compact descriptions.



A Linux or Unix platform is assumed and the bash shell is used for all command-line instructions. The actual setup procedures have been tested on Redhat Enterprise Linux 5.5 (Tikanga).

The cmake tool must be installed for building several of the packages.

You will need the standard GNU tools installed, e.g. Make, gcc/g++, etc.


The slicPandora package currently has the following dependencies.


The cvs head or last release tag should both work.

Set the LCIO environment variable.

No Format

export LCIO=`pwd`

This variable will be used by subsequent packages to locate LCIO and make a setup script.


Checkout the head of CMakeModules, required by PandoraPFANew.


Make an environment variable that will be referenced by PandoraPFANew buildlater.

No Format
cd CMakeModules
export CMAKE_MODULE_PATH=`pwd`

This package does not need to be compiled. It just provides some CMake macros.

Pandora PFA New Installation


No Format
svn co PandoraPFANew

Save it to your local computer, in this case to a pandora subdirectory within the work area. A subdirectory for pandora is created in case different PandoraPFANew versions will eventually be used.

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cd PandoraPFANew

If the release compiles successfully, you're now ready to setup the project that interfaces SLIC to Pandora.

Set the environment variable for PandoraPFANew.

No Format

cd PandoraPFANew
export PandoraPFANew_HOME=`pwd`
titlePandora Version

Old versions of PandoraPFANew will not work, due to changes and additions to its API. It is recommended to use the last tagged version or the CVS head.

Now we need to build another package before configuring PandoraThis will be referenced in the build of the next package.

PandoraMonitoring Installation


No Format
svn co PandoraMonitoring

Build with Now configure the build using cmake.

No Format
/path/to/pandora .

Set the environment variable.

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Technically, the monitoring package is optional, though it is quite useful for event and detector visualization.

Pandora PFA New Installation

Since Pandora has minimal external dependencies, it is straightforward to build. Only the CMakeModules must be located for the build and PandoraMonitoring, and the latter is optional.

No Format

cd PandoraPFANew
cmake -DCMAKE_MODULE_PATH=$CMAKE_MODULE_PATH -DPandoraMonitoring_Home=/path/to/PandoraMonitoring .

Set the environment variable.

No Format

cd PandoraPFANew
export PANDORAPFA=`pwd`

This will be referenced in the build of the next package.

If the release compiles successfully, you're now ready to setup the project that interfaces SLIC to Pandora.

slicPandora Installation

Checkout the slicPandora project from cvs.

No Format
cd /workdir
cvs -d co slicPandora
cd slicPandora

As long as the above variables for LCIO and PandoraPFANew have been left in the environment, the The following should generate a setup script called for setting up your runtime and compilation environment later.

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This setup script looks for the following environment variables to determine your Pandora setup.
















If ROOTSYS and PANDORAMONITORING are not defined in the environment, then visualization will be disabled.

Source the new setup script that was generated.

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Build Now build the slicPandora project.

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The slicPandora project should now be built successfully, if its dependencies are present and setup correctly. If compilation or linking errors occur, then check that LCIO and Pandora were both installed successfully and that the setup script is pointing to the correct locations of these packages. If monitoring has been enabled, check that ROOT and PandoraMonitoring are configured and built successfully and that their environment variables are set.

Running Events


The essential steps to generating slicPandora events are as follows.
