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If you don't have a working LCSim setup, follow the LCSim XML instructions to set one up.

The LCSim job must accomplish three tasks before the events can be read into Pandora, in this order.

  1. Generation of a Tracks collection using an appropriate Seed Tracker Driver.
  2. Adding TrackState collections using the SeedTrackerTrackState Driver.
  3. Writing out the necessary LCIO collections to a data file to be read into Pandora.

To generate the Tracks, a top-level Driver should be run that covers subdetector setup, digitization, and track finding and fitting. This top-level Driver will likely be specific to a certain detector design.

For instance, this simple Driver definition is sufficient to generate tracks in the sidloi3 detector.

No Format

 <driver name="MainTrackingDriver"

Three TrackState collections need to be added to the LCIO output to provide Pandora with track information at the track origins, the ECal, and the end point.

The following Driver in the Seed Tracker package will add these necessary TrackState collections. This Driver also requires that another Driver be run beforehand to cache Calorimeter subdetector data.

No Format

<driver name="CalInfoDriver"   
<driver name="TrackStateDriver"

Finally, an LCIODriver should be added to the end of the event processing to output the appropriate collections.

No Format

<driver name="Writer"
            <writeOnlyCollections>BeamCalHits EcalBarrelHits EcalEndcapHits HcalBarrelHits HcalEndcapHits MuonBarrelHits MuonEndcapHits Tracks StateAtECal StateAtEnd StateAtStart MCParticle MCParticleEndPointEnergy SiVertexBarrelHits SiVertexEndcapHits SiTrackerBarrelHits SiTrackerEndcapHits SiTrackerForwardHits LumiCalHits</writeOnlyCollections>

The OUTPUT_FILE argument needs to be replaced with the actual name of the LCIO output file to be fed to Pandora.

Once these Drivers are defined in the <driver> section of your LCSim XML file, the execution order should look like the following.

No Format

    <driver name="CalInfoDriver"/>
    <driver name="MainTrackingDriver"/>
    <driver name="TrackStateDriver"/>
    <driver name="Writer"/>

Now that tracks and track states have been added to the events, we are ready to use Pandora itself.


The PandoraFrontend binary provides a simple frontend to slicPandora.


No Format
./bin/PandoraFrontend ./examples/sidloi2sidloi3_pandora.xml ./examples/PandoraSettingsNew.xml ./input.slcio ./pandoraRecon.slcio 2
