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titlePython, Too

Scripts can also be written in the Python language using the Jython interpretter.

Lists of Project Ideas

Ideas for Specific Projects

  • AIDA (+ Plotting)
    • binary data format in order to store Ntuples
    • 3D plotting
    • support for putting GDML data in multiple input files
    • additional calorimeter readout types to the LCDD package or improve on existing readouts
    • CAD interface
      • use case - LAPP ECAL for SiD

A list of specific issues was compiled at the ALCPG Simulation and Reconstruction Workshop.

Jeremy McCormick maintains a list of project ideas. (Real bugs and feature requests go into the Jira.)

Example Ideas

  • Geometry System in Reconstruction GeomConverter and Compact Detector Description
    • allow geometries to come from multiple input files
    • improve interoperability
      • access Mokka or JUPITER geometry data
      • ID decoding for detectors not run with SLIC
  • Reconstruction Miscellaneous
    • process LCIO files using both org.lcsim and MARLIN
  • Simulation Software
    • support for putting GDML data in multiple input files
    • additional calorimeter readout types to the LCDD package or improve on existing readouts
    • CAD interface
      • use case - LAPP ECAL for SiD
  • Simulation Validation Simulation Projects
    • investigate and characterize effects of range cuts and physics limits on Geant4 simulation
    • comparison of different physics lists (preferarably with real data, too)
      • single particle response of h0, in particular
  • AIDA (+ Plotting)
    • binary data format in order to store Ntuples
    • 3D plotting

A University Program of Accelerator and Detector Research for the International Linear Collider (vol. III)