Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


Additionally more components may be required, which may come up when one tries to run the startup script of the service (section "How to run the service"):

  • XML::LibXML
  • Config::General
  • HTTP::Daemon
  • Data::UUID

If the startup script still refuses to run then follow the error messages. They are of the form like below:

Code Block

Can't locate Data/ in @INC (@INC contains: ...

"cpan" the modules which aren't present e.g. here "cpan Data::UUID".


Theoretically, the service can work with any kind of File Transfer protocol. For test purposes and limiting the large amount of possibilities we use GridFTP as a primary File Transfer Tool.


  • Create the log Directory
    Code Block
     mkdir /var/log/perfsonar (Create the log directory as is shown by daemon_logger.conf)
  • Create a mysql database for FTMA service to interact with:
    Code Block
    mysql -u $USER -p $PASS -e "create database ft_ma"
  • Run the SQL Procedure(mysql) on the netlogger database to produce a secondary database.


Code Block
max_worker_lifetime      360
max_worker_processes     30
disable_echo     0
ls_registration_interval     60
<port 9000>
	<endpoint /perfSONAR_PS/services/FT/MA>
		service_type     MA
		module    perfSONAR_PS::Services::MA::FT
			service_description    FT MA
			service_accesspoint     http://localhost:9000/perfSONAR_PS/services/FT/MA
			enable_registration     0
			service_name    perfSONAR_PS FT MA
			ls_registration_interval     60
			service_timeout     360
			query_size_limit     100
                        db_host     localhost
                        db_username     root
                        db_name     ft_ma
                        db_password   ****
			db_type     mysql
