Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


  • Module::Load
  • HTTP::Daemon
  • XML::SAX
  • Config::General
  • aliased
  • Readonly
  • Term::ReadKey
  • DBI::DBD
  • DBD::mysql
  • DBD::SQLite
  • Class::Accessor
  • Class::Fields
  • Params::Validate
  • Statistics::Descriptive
  • Data::UUID
  • IO::Interface
  • DateTime
  • Error
  • Date::Manip (this may require perl upgrade to 5.10 or above, directions)
  • Log::Dispatch::FileRotate
  • Log::Log4perl

Additionally more components may be required, which may come up when one tries to run the startup script of the service (section "How to run the service"):

  • XML::LibXML
  • Config::General
  • HTTP::Daemon
  • Data::UUID

If the startup script still refuses to run then follow the error messages. They are of the form like below:

Can't locate Data/ in @INC (@INC contains: ...

"cpan" the modules which aren't present e.g. here "cpan Data::UUID".


Theoretically, the service can work with any kind of File Transfer protocol. For test purposes and limiting the large amount of possibilities we use GridFTP as a primary File Transfer Tool.
