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Compare with fixed cone for energy and # of hits. (purity and efficiency)

SM: Can help decide which clusterers to use for which applications.

RC: Efficiency and purtiy -> it is always a tradeoff.

NG: Update from MC?

MC: Porting pflow code from hep.lcd. Now have most of it ported. Keeping in the contrib area, because it is not yet complete/finalized.

Added some "quick and dirty" code to get some of the geometrical information.

NG: What geo information is needed?

MC: What geometric element is a SpacePoint inside?

Solveable if subdetectors are cylindrical.

Haven't been able how to get a specific cell.

Discussing with Niels about missing features. EM not treated properly. How to combine EM and HAD code from myself and Niels.

RC: Niels stuff is not in?

MC: MST and MIP finder are more-or-less stable but not in main repository, yet.

RC: Could use MST from contrib area for benchmarking?

MC: Yes.

NG: AFA photons, might want to look at NN and fixed cone?

Probably going to be the optimal photon finder.

MC: Would like to be able to swap in one algorithm or another.

NG: Updates from NS?

NS: Working on fitter. Construction of the error matrix for the track, every point on the track f/ multiple scattering. Reading in thicknesses and radiation lengths to construct error matrix for the entire track -> weight matrix.

In the process, found a few problems with the helical swimmer, which should be resolved by TJ and JS.

JS did not count on negative radius for the helix. Bug with negative tan(lambda).

Helix for negative tracks?

Convention for negative tracks, omega = negative. Set the track for a helical swimmer from the track parameters. Pass the radius to the helix. In the helix constructor, there is no omega, just radius. But need to keep this information.

Trying to derive track parameters from any point on the track. In the swimmer, track doesn't have to be on POCA. From any point, momentum and point coordinates -> helix. Track parameters are POCA to reference point or (0,0,0). I was using MCParticles which don't necessarily originate close to IP. Putting MCParticle in helix swimmer -> swim back to original point.

Need a few more functions from swimmer.

Obtain a trajectory from the swimmer. Access the trajectory functions. Helix and Line are public interfaces or should allow people to use them.

TJ: Helix says signed radius of curvature.

NS: Think I solved these problems. Didn't put in the CVS.