Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


  • Module::Load
  • HTTP::Daemon
  • XML::SAX
  • Config::General
  • aliased
  • Readonly
  • Term::ReadKey
  • DBI::DBD
  • DBD::mysql
  • DBD::SQLite
  • Class::Accessor
  • Class::Fields
  • Params::Validate
  • Statistics::Descriptive
  • Data::UUID
  • IO::Interface
  • DateTime
  • Error
  • Log::Dispatch::FileRotate
  • Log::Log4perl


max_worker_lifetime     60
max_worker_processes     30
disable_echo     0
ls_registration_interval     60
ls_instance Added
root_hints_url Added
<port 9000>
        <endpoint /perfSONAR_PS/services/FT/MA>
                service_type     MA
                module    perfSONAR_PS::Services::MA::FT
                        service_description    FT MA
                        service_accesspoint     http://localhost:9000/perfSONAR_PS/services/FT/MAImage Added
                        enable_registration     0
                        service_name    perfSONAR_PS FT MA
                        ls_registration_interval     60
                        service_timeout     60
                        query_size_limit     100000
                        db_host     <database host>
                        db_username     <database user>
                        db_name     <database name>
                        db_password   <database password>
                        db_type     <database type>


  • tar -xvf FileTransfer_MA.1b.tar
  • mkdir /var/log/perfsonar
  • Run the SQL Procedure(mysql) on the netlogger database to produce a secondary database. This secondary database is the one, the FTMA service will be interacting with.


    • Attempts to install the missing, perl modules.
    • Stops any previous running instance of the service.
    • Creates a backup of any existing log file.
    • Everytime the script executes, it copies the log file from the main log directory to an hourly
      folder in the same directory. The folder is named as: Ftp_MM-DD-YY:HH
    • Starts a new Instance of the service by running

Client Application:

The service includes a client tool to do some preliminary testing. This tool is present inside the bin dir as well.
